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Asian Nose Job 3

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Yes it does. It will look unnatural especially at 2 weeks, wait till 4-5 months. Mine has completely gone down and the shape has changed. At two weeks I had an upturned shape, now it's straight down and the swelling around the implant went down as well.

Near the top between your eyebrows it must still be puffy and swollen, that all will go down. I'm over 5 months post op and the nose tip is still deswelling. I dont think I will see the final results till 8-12 months.

Don't worry too much!

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I got it done at tham my Viet My but I did visit the tham my Han Quoc clinic. They are suppose to specialize in korean style nose job. I used a silicone but you can use cartilage from your ear .
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Hi Shuditoo,

I'm planning to go around Mar-May 2014. I haven't decide yet as there is still some time. I'm thinking maybe May because it seems that the clinics are less busy at that time. It's interesting that you've brought that up because it was a topic that I shared with one of my close friends (who doesn't think I need PS). She said I may get more and more PS once I start. However, I do not want to completely change myself. I'm just looking to improve in some areas and like you, open to the doctor's rec as long as it is not too extreme. Facial contouring looks great in some b/a pix that I've seen but I'm not sure about the long term effect that it may have. Sure, it looks great short term if everything goes well but it is a fairly new trend in PS that doesn't have a lot of research yet. Hopefully, you and your sister can go around May too! :smile:
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Has anyone ever had your silicone implant removed? What happened to the ear cartilage in your tip since I don't think it's possible to remove it rite? Does your nose ever come back to how it used to be after removal? I really want to know what consequences I will face if I happen not to like my nose job.

For people who have it done already, may I know how your life changes after it? Are you able to play around with your kids comfortably? My cousin's friend got her nose job for quite a while. But on one fine day, her kid just accidentally push on her nose or sth and the implant got pushed out. It's quite a horror story for me.

Your insights are much appreciated!!! :smile:
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Hi everyone, I am in Seoul and I just got my nose done. However, there is a lot of dried blood in my nose and all over the stitches. Does anyone know if there are any hospitals / pharmacies open in Seoul on a Sunday where I can buy sterile cotton and saline solution from? All the pharmacies around my area are closed. :sad:
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I had my silicone implant AND my ear cartilage removed at one month postop. Actually I think removing only silicone implant is fine because some forumers told me that they kept their ear cartilage on and it looks fine/normal. As I was only at 1month postop, the ear cartilage wasn't really integrated into the surrounding tissue so my doc had no problem removing it, however I've read on realself that if you leave the cartilage on longer, it will be very difficult for the doctor to remove it, so it's better to leave it in.
Now I'm 1 month after removal and everything looks almost back to before, except that my tip is a little bit higher and it still feels weird and numb.
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What is the best implant for rhinoplasty aside from rib cartilage? After wanting to do rib cartilage, I don't think I can wait for the recovery time for the rib to heal. In terms of the lowest rate of body rejections, is silicone and Gore-Tex safe? I often hear celebrities removing their silicone implants after bursting. Not sure if that happens to the silicone in the nose as well.
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I agree! I did my eye surgery with Dr Kwon at Teuim. Then 1 month later my eyes are almost looking natural already, I did my rhinoplasty! I just did it yesterday! No bruises at all! Just a slight swollen all over my face! I wouldn't like to do both at same time, plus I don't think there are great doctors who are expert at both in 1 clinic!
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I heard the same thing, most people that went to Waffles Wu were disappointed and had to get revisions. Go to Korea or Thailand instead :yes:

I'll probably come to this thread a lot :biggrin: I still have no idea who I want to do my nose...
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Are people still going to dr "Jung" on the 6th floor (Shimmian)? I thought everyone knew only botched nosejobs come from Shimmian both in Seoul and Manila :nogood:

Hey, I was trying to look for the address for Wang Ting's clinic but I only found his baidu... "rhinoplasty and amateur radio" :roflmfao: Can someone please help me out? I would like to have his email and the address for his clinic. If I don't have to go to Korea for a nosejob but can get it in China even better so I'm very interested in doctors that do rhino in China :amuse:
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Thanks so much!!!! May I know which clinic you went to for your nose job? Seems like they didnt do a good job :sad:
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i used rib cartilage for mine nose feel free to ask me questions if u feel like it :smile:
And yes rib cartilage is hard :x and the area by which rib was harvested hurts intially.
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Has anyone heard of using fat graft for rhinoplasty?
My friend rang April 31 to ask about a rib graft and they told her this is the newest and now very popular technique in Korea? Also, they said rib absorption can be uncertain so it is not actually that great ?
I was so sure of rib graft, now i am confused! Any help is appreciated!

Also i am interested in going the end of this month so if anybody else is going during that period, please email me :smile:
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