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Asian Nose Job 3

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thats cool tht he speaks good english and has a nice aesthetic. ill be sure to check out his site. it would be nice to consult at least two doctors in that area before making a choice. im guessing u spoke to him in english then? who does the live chat thing work?
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if u do visit him i would love to hear about ure consultation with him!! please keep me updated if u have time :smile:
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hey which pictures would u like?? are u talking about the review and before and after pictures of a dr. wang patient tht i sent to ppl on the forum???
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I'm now in Seoul post-op day 1 for septoplasty and rhinoplasty at VIP with Dr. Lee. I only got one other consultation at Regen across the street. Let me just say that the people there are super nice and I think really take care of you! Chloe and Dr. Lee explained everything in detail and nothing was pushed that didn't need to be done (I didn't even need an implant). I just had a right ear cartilage graft. Stayed the night at the clinic and then went back to my hotel in Yeoksam. My nose is huge and stuffed up, my ear aches, but I have an automatic pain pump attached to my IV for the next few days. Don't feel like going anywhere, but tomorrow I'll be going back for another dressing change and hair wash :smile:

Anyway I'm glad I chose VIP so far, as they give you really good personalized service unlike the huge clinics which might be harder. Chloe and Sarah speak great English also, Dr. Lee is board certified in the USA.

BTW cost was USD$5000 + cost of medicine, which I think is reasonable considering it was rhinoplasty plus septoplasty. And, where is everybody? I want to go out!
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i think staying for 10 or 11 days would be good, just for safety precautions.
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hmm if ure worried about his english i suggest u bring a translator just to be sure u guys dont get lost in communication. good luck :smile: rlly excited for u.

ill pray that everything goes well for u and everyone else undergoing surgery here on this forum lol
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I am very torned of whether I should get my revision done in CHina or KOrea. My relative in china managed to fine me an expert in china using their connections. I am quite sure that I will be well treated by this team of experts. However rib cartilage is no big deal. It is very largely dependent on doctor s skills. I am not very convinced if the doctors there are equipped with that kinda expertise. I tried to google on the surgeon my relative has helped to get for me. He got the stunning education background and holding a lot of big tiltes. However no patients review at all. If I go Korea, I am not sure if I can be well treated. There were rumors that they changed doctors during ur operation. They will get their assistance or students to operate on u. Ummmm. Wat shall I do
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talking about columella scar. I dont know whether it really varies from individuals to individuals or it depends on doctor's skill.
So far I know alll Dr Jung's patients columella scar become almost invisible around 10 days op. That includes myself.
However my friend who did her surgery with Dr Want Ting took quite sometime for the scar on columella to fade away.
How about VIP?
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You mean, no small deal? :P

My mom has girlfriends who are married to plastic surgeons and they still go in for multiple revisions, even though you know they are operated on with the best of care and love. Best to find the most qualified doctor.
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I think this depends on each person and how they heal. Some VIP patients still have a reddish mark or visible scar on the columella, and some (like me) don't have anything at all even at one week post op. My rib scar is another story.
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I mean no small deal. Hahahah. I ve seen a warped rib bridge today. :sad: it is really quite obvious when rib starts to warp:sad:
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