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Asian Nose Job 3

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Oh I'm so excited for you I've really been wanting to go to Dr. Wang for awhile now. Definitely come back and update how your consult with him goes. Good luck :smile:
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Hmm I went to VIP looking to reduce my bulbous nose as well. I had super thick skin but a pretty high bridge initially. When I first went I didn't know exactly what I wanted, all I knew was that I wanted to make my nose slimmer and just like smaller so perhaps it was my fault I didn't communicate to Dr. Lee properly. I wanted a feminine nose and didnt attract attention, what I got was very...pronounced and out there. Anyways, I had ear+septal cartilage put into my tip and Dr.Lee raised it quite a bit as well. But all in all I was really disappointed as I expected my nose/tip to be smaller.. ><

The tip of my nose was raised significantly, which in relation to my flat forehead look really weird. Also I didnt have a curved bridge instead the bottom half is more like a small hump :\ And although my tip is more defined, it is definitely not smaller or less bulbous than before. I also had my alars reduced, which I think is the only thing I was satisfied with.

The good thing though is that VIP really do have exceptional service, my experience with them was super pleasant. I remember I lost my tiffany necklace when I put it in the locker before I went into surgery, and forgot it there when I left but it wasnt there the day after :sad: Joanne felt so bad and offered to buy me a new one haha. Also afterwards when I expressed my dissatisfaction Joanne told me to wait until a year, afterwards she arranged for my revision right away :smile: Although it's been almost 3 years since I didn't have time until now. But anyways, I don't think Dr.Lee did a bad job per se, I really don't know if this is just the type of nose Dr. Lee prefers, since I kinda just told him to make my nose more defined and trusted him the first time.. but it's just too big in relation to my face :sad: This time I will make sure to make it clear to him what I want. I'm also having forehead fat grafting done and eyes with Dr.Song at VIP so I'll let you know how it goes :biggrin: hopefully my nose will be smaller this time around lol.
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I was~ It really helped to lived in VIP's officetel with another girl from Canada. She had eyes+forehead grafting done i think and it was really nice to have someone to talk to and go out with. Also they have a lot of other patients in other rooms and I made friends with some of them as well =P
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Also if anyone know anything about Dr.Song from VIP's eye surgery skills let me know, cause I never heard anyone talk about their experience with him before =O Also I want to do something to my chin, I didn't think anything of my chin but apparently Joanne said it was really "weak" as time so I am quite concerned now :sweatdrop: I was initially thinking of getting fat graft along with my forehead but none of the reviews of chin fat graft I looked at so far made much of a difference in the long run -.- so I was thinking of genioplasty but that sht looks scary as hell lol, plus it seems too big of a risk as I really don't think my chin is that bad >>. and foreign implants are not an option so idk what to do. XD
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Thanks for sharing your experiences, VIPpatient! So you mainly attribute the sources of dissatisfaction mainly with not bring clear/specific enough with Dr. Lee with what you wanted, rather than the surgeon himself? If you recall the other patients you saw when you were there, was there evidence that this type of nose was his 'style'? I ask because from the reviews I've read, a common theme among people that were not as happy with their noses was that it turns out a bit larger than desired. Also, when you say your nose was 'pronounced and out there', are you referring to the side profile, tip, bridge, etc?

For anyone who has had an I-shape implant, is it possible for it to extrude? I looked at some rare but alarming complications of silicone: collapse, contraction, depression of the nose.... I really hope that these are mainly associated with the old L-shape implants, but I would really like to know!!
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Hi espresso, unfortunately what vippatient describes tends to be rather common amongst users of the cartilage grafts who want noticable change in elevation and augmentation. I know exactly what she means with the hump she experienced because i have it too. This is why i have been urging patients to avoid using the cartilage graft unless they absolutely have to.

People get sold on the notion that because it is your own cartilage you do not get infections and won't need a revision in a few years time. Before we jump to this conclusion we need to know the facts. True, infections are less likely with cartilage, but the need for revisions is not necessarily lower. Cartilage has a higher chance at aesthetic dissatisfaction.

Infections with the I shape implant is not as common as you may think. It also varies according to what type of I shape implant is used. It is common with the L shaped implant because the colummella area is far more sensitive than the bridge area. A side effect of the I shape implant is deviation. What happens in such a case is that the body knows that there is a foreign object inside and it then creates as surgeons describe it, a leathery pocket around the implant. Sometimes the pocket will push the nose to one side or the other, most likely towards the area of incision. So for example, if the implant was placed from the right nostril through closed rhino, then should there be deviation it will most likely move towards the right side. Note that this form of deviation does not happen all the time, but there is a chance of that happening. How often it happens now that i do not know.

Currently there is a new method which i will be using for my 2nd revision. It involves using an ultra soft silicone, which is soft as a sponge. Ive actually held the material in my hand and did a squeeze test. The implant will be placed it UNDER the muscle above the bone. The muscle acts as a seal to securely hold the implant in place to prevent movement. It also protects your soft tissue and skin. Finally, there also won't be a leathery pocket created around the implant if it is placed in such a location. Why? Because there is no soft tissue in the area above the bone and under muscle for the leathery pocket to form!

Hope that helps guys.
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VipPatient, my advise would be to go to another surgeon to fix your nose. The thing you have to understand is that with regards to Dr Lee giving you the kind of nose as you have described.....its not your fault for not being clear or specific. That's the kind of nose people go to CORRECT so by no means should you have ended up with it at all. I would personally never allow a surgeon who performs that kind of work on me to operate again. Because chances are the results will be dissatisfactory again and it will make the next revision MUCH MORE DIFFICULT. If possible, you should also not use the cartilage method.

The kind of nose you ended up with, as you described is never a nose that is aesthetically what any patient wants or what surgeons aim to do. There are 2 universal standards of what a beautiful nose is in terms of tip work.

a) either straight and elevated


b) slightly curved upwards

Most male patients prefer option a) while most female patients prefer option b). The hump you have described is surgery gone wrong so do not blame yourself, but the skill of your surgeon.
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That's nice of them to offer revision for you after 3 years. Those girls at the front desk are the best. I'd be interested to hear about Dr. Song as well. I've met him twice; nice but quiet guy. He doesn't say much; maybe English limitation. Good luck your second time around!
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In regards to material? One being soft silicon and ear cartilage, the other rib cartilage. Will the use of material change the end results? Meaning does one produce a more subtle or / drastic result than the other? Or is it pure technique?
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To add on...
My doctor said I should avoid silicone for bridge and ear cartilage cause it wouldn't make such a drastic change since my bulbous nose has thick skin. I don't know if he's talking me into rib cartilage since that's what he's known for and because its costs a whole lot more money. But then I thought what difference rib would do. I thought it was just material use, not material use altering the way my results would look ; which I thought was pure technique.
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Surgeons who specialize in one method will most likely attempt to convince you of its superiority. You are right in your concerns in that its more about the technique and not the material that makes the difference.

If one has a bulbous nose, simply shoving in a rib graft won't make a difference. Bulbous nose for asians typically involves excising of soft tissue. You can't excise too much tho because you wouldn't want the skin to be too weak.

I have yet to see someone with results from cartilage that can match the results from an artificial implant. And as someone who has used both silicone and cartilage, i feel that aesthetically silicone is superior. People assume that cartilage won't bear the risk of protrusion but that's absolutely wrong. I have protrusion from cartilage.

How drastic your change can be depends on what method your surgeon proposes to correct your bulbous tip and how much elevation he gives your bridge. This will depend on the size of the implant. You can get the similar augmentations using cartilage or silicone in terms of height. But its very difficult to get a dead straight and perfect shape with cartilage.

I had a caucasian surgeon from vancouver actually try to talk me out of getting cartilage before my revision rhino. But by that point I had been so sold on cartilage thinking it was the be all end all and a new and improved technique when compared to silicone that i didn't take his advice. It is easy to get hyped up in the notion of "its from my own body so it must be better" I greatly regret it now.
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Thank you k couture.
I think I should switch doctor I was so sold on him after seeing his results ( rib cartilage ), but now I feel like if I go for the silicone option from him he'll jack me up; for future revision money.
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