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Asian Nose Job 3

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Went with donor rib for several reasons: I play competitive tennis 2x/week and did not want to risk adversely affecting my game, I'm hugely against pain especially elective and a nervous wreck, I am in my higher 40's and so bones are less calcified (not sure if that's the correct term, but weaker), and I'm 5'2" 100 lbs so I felt I don't have much rib to spare, haha. Dr. Wang also recommended donor rib as the best option.

Same possibility of warping for donor or autologous rib, and both pose the slightest risk of infection (however, Dr. Wang administers in the week after a large amount of antibiotics to avoid). Major difference is recovery; I was walking around on day 2 with minimal bruising and no pain, also I don't have a thin scar on my chest.

Considering my circumstance, donor rib was well worth paying extra.
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Can I ask those who've done nose job: At which day post op would they remove the tape/bandage from your nose? How many days do you have to keep that bandage up on your face?

Also, how long would the breathing problem from nose job usually persists i.e. running nose?
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The last time I had it was like just a week. The recent time was around 10 days.

For both the times, I was more having stuffed nose than running nose. Basically just blocked.

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I know Taiwan is becoming popular for Asia people to have their surgery there. One of my friend did her breast augmentation there and the result is pretty good, but personally I like Korea more.
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4-5 days for cast removal. runny and/or blocked nose should subside by day 3. You should have packing anyway for at least 2 days
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hey k! thanks for the advice. I've noticed my left nostril has a small bump on the bottom inner side...I think that's what is causing my nostrils to look uneven. Is it anything to worry about? Or is it pretty standard with recovering? I'll post a picture tmr. The swelling has gone down a lot and my nose is looking quite nice though it still seems to get really stuffy/ really runny.

EDIT: nvm I just googled it and it says its a small inflammation in reaction to the sutures. I still have to find a clinic at home to help me remove my inner stitches >_<
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I already booked the clinic for consultation next monday but they quote much more expensive then u pay...I will have to go n see other clinic as well
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i just had my rhino done at dream. I was actually chatting to the surgeon while he was doing it. As i predicted, my skin is very very thin and my periosteum is damaged and the ****ing goretex stuck to the scar tissue so he had to excise that to get it out and we couldn't use the scar tissue to protect the skin from the silicone. And the auto dermis was too fit for my nose structure. So plan B failed miserably. He tried the 4.5mm silicone too big for my previously damaged thin skin from the last rhino. So he ended up using 3.5mm with a layer of donor scalp tissue. My case is very complicated so i commend him for doing his best. At the moment I am feeling a tightness along the area where i had skin damage from the previous surgery, a sensation which i had never felt before during my previous 2 rhinos so i am concerned. I do hope this is an effect due to the anesthesia wearing off.........ill update you guys tomorrow morning. I requested Dr Park to see me in the morning to remove the cast to check to make sure there is no risk of extrusion. Fingers crossed....At this point only thing i can tell is that his tipplasty done through closed rhino was spot on and very accurate and symmetrical.
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Update 1 min later! I was going through one of my panick modes and contacted the staff who contacted Daphne (bless her big heart. She is the in house translator for the international marketing team) who immediatedly bugged Dr Park who had just finished his last surgery for the day who came into my room right away with 4 nurses. Anyways point is he removed my cast with foreceps to check to see if there was any risk of extrusion. I saw the damaged skin area which was red and bruised so i started to panick. Then i noticed a smile on his face and he said the skin has circulaton so it is healing well. The reason for the sensation is because that area was damaged so badly by the cartilage from my previous surgery. Now the most important thing is circulation to make sure the fascia fuses with the skin to protect it.
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OMG, just from reading your post, I'm panic as well. Glad that it turned out ok. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!! ^_^
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Good luck - hope u have a speedy recovery
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well its not 100% ok yet. Dr Park will come back in the morning to check up on me then 4 days later i will remove the cast and should know when it is healing well. At this point tho i cannot fault his skill at all. When he removed that cast to check for etrusion it was dead straight and perfect. Should it extrude and fingers crossed hope to god it does not.......i can't really blame him for it since he took the most empirical measures by testing implants and protecting my skin according to my instructions seeing as i was awake lol. Also was kinda surreal having funny conversations with him while he operated on me. I did not think i would be totally awake like that during surgery. Guess my body reacted differently to the sedation? Lol
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