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Asian Nose Job 3

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Saluted! :sunnies... My god, I didn't know surgery can be done in a conversational way...maybe only in Korea.

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i was aware u could be totally awake for single site lipo but never nose jobs haha. It was literally like...."oh look bright lights....oh look its Dr Park....lets chit chat while u cut me open lol" I think it may be only for closed rhinos tho. Every surgeon has always told me that open rhino requires you to be completely knocked out.
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OMG K! I can imagine the panicking mode you went through! I'm glad it turns out well and that your skin at least reacts normally to it... You're so brave, I couldnt imagine myself going thro so many revisions and trauma. Wait, he speaks to you during operation? Is it in good English?
Please keep us posted on Dr Park as I am interested in him too! Did he do your tiplasty using closed method? That's amazing, I havent heard of many who could do that.
From other clients you see around the clinic, would you say their style is more to natural nose or dramatic nose, or a mix of both?
Thank you K, hope you have a speedy recovery!
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ehhh im still up at 11.18 pm cos my nose is blocked. :S sorry if this thread is turning into my diary lol i just need to rant on sometimes

Dr Park speaks fluent English. He may speak a bit slow at times because obviously English is not his first language but i could understand him perfectly even on a medical level. That is, he could converse using medical terms so that's beyond basic english skills.

tipplasty done via the closed method. He actually used donor cartilage for my collumela and donor dermis.for my tip. He told me this when he was performing the tipplasty and i even cracked a joke about having so many dead ppl in me.....a little morbid i know lol. Anyway we intially agreed upon using the cartilage already in my nose but when he showed it to me it was clear that it was not suitable.cos Charles Lee made a mess of it. So he stuck to my request of not harvesting anything from me but rather using donor material that is more structured. Which reminds me....i need to ask him tomorrow about the absorption rate of donor grafts...sorry my mind is like being a bit OCD atm bcos of the pain meds lol
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K!!! congrats on your surgery! oh man I want Dr. Park to do my nose too, and now i'm even more determined I really gotta save up for my PS trip next year. I wish you well on your recovery! I'm happy for you!
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K Couture! We are all happy to hear that you are doing well after your surgery. It's been a while since I checked out this forum and now I just got back and trying to catch up. I've been planning on going to Korea for quite a while now, but I still didn't go. Probably because it can be quite hard choosing the right clinic and the right doctor. Considering the fact that I need a revision for my nose which makes it even harder. May I ask you, what exactly made you choose that particular clinic and that particular surgeon? Cause I bet it was not easy choice since you were also trying to find a better option for your revision.
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Congrats K, you've got it done and over with! How I wish I could be in your situation.
Glad to hear that your nose looks straight and symmetrical. Dr. Park sounds very skillful being able to do all that closed, and the best part, he really cared to listen to what you want. Pray for you for things to continue going great and you end up with wonderful result - you really deserve it after all the work and research you put into and sharing your knowledge with everyone.

A couple of quick questions before I run, is Dream terribly busy right now? I remember seeing one of your earlier posts about having a panic attack.. Was there anything Dream did this time about the panic attack for you so you could stay conscious the whole time without being freaked out? One of my main concerns is my panic/anxiety attack that worries me if I do my eyes and have to be woken up in the middle.. I am afraid I'll go berserk..
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its so so. When i arrived this morning at 10am there was 2 men and 5 women in the waiting room. The last time i was in Seoul it was about 7-8 people too in the wait room. I'm not sure how busy you would consider that? They do have like 6 surgeons i think
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Thanks K. I guess it isn't that bad.. but again its 10 am, crowd may not have gathered..
Sorry that I edited my last post on you.. Added one question:

I remember seeing one of your earlier posts about having a panic attack.. Was there anything Dream did this time about the panic attack for you so you could stay conscious the whole time without being freaked out? One of my main concerns is my panic/anxiety attack that worries me if I do my eyes and have to be woken up in the middle.. I am afraid I may go berserk..
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Oh my, you were awake? Erm, could you feel anything? Did it hurt?
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well i was semi conscious for the acculift, i don't remember anything for the fat graft to the forehead so clearly i was knocked out and i was totally conscious for the rhino revison. I could not feel a thing.It wasn't freaky at all.like what i thought.it would be to be fully awake during surgery. It wasn't even part of the plan as different ppl react to sedation differently

Mrs King the panic attack i had during a previous double eyelid + epicantho was because they woke me up half way through and i was very disorientated and could feel some pain. That procedure was done with Charles Lee. I can't say exactly how much pain i was in because honestly i could not remember a thing. I was rather, told by Charles Lee and the nurse that i was having a panic attack and i apparently mentioned i was in pain so they quickly knocked me out again. I have heard tho of this as a common experience for many patients. I've read quite a few reviews on ratemd of different ppl being woken up during double eyelid surgery for the surgeon to check for symmetry and going into panic mode. Its understandable that might happen since that area has alot of nerves....or it could be that not enough local anesthesia is administered. If you plan to get your eyes done that is a possibility you need to discuss with the surgeon to see if there is an alternative for you
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K, omg you did it. Wishing you healing well...and get good result. We all support you on this journey. As for myself, I need to wait for a year so I can do revision to lengthen my nose.
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K, Thanks and I am planning to discuss that with my surgeon to see if it's possible to not wake me up in the middle, but do it in the very end. We'll see.

That's right you also had Acculift and forehaed FG - I remember you talking about it earlier. Did Dr. Park do all 3 procedures for you? How do you like these 2 procedures so far? I understand it will take a while to see the final result.
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