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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi smeshno,
I'm from New Zealand. I plan to go on September too but haven't decide the date yet. You travel alone?
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Hi Dreamii,

Sorry to interrupt. L shape implant is a very old method already, nowadays doctors use I shape and yes, ultra soft one.

I just had the ultra soft silicone implant and the touch to my nose feels very natural. :smile:

Just use a thicker/higher implant to get your preferred height.
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Hi thoebee,
Oh I see. :smile: thank for telling me.
How long you have it done already?
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thoebee is right. L shape implant is very rarely used because it is the reason behind the high rate of infections, extrusions and other complications when it comes to silicone implants. ultra soft and I shape is fine (as long as its not hard silicone). never put anything hard and/or artificial for your tip or collumela cos that area is very prone to extrusion
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Do you get to choose the implant during consultation?

I didn't know we can choose thicker/higher implant? Though it was decided by the doctor themselves.

The sound of ultra soft silicone is sooo tempting.... I can't wait... :doggie::doggie::doggie::doggie:

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Hi guys,

So I consulted Real and Dream today. I'm suppose to go to banobagi tomorrow but i've set on dream and i'm scheduled for surgery this Friday.

Consultation at Real: I was actually referred to by a friend who has done rhinoplasty there. She had good results from the head doc, Dr Kim. In fact, he was also recommended by a local celeb aesthetics doctor in Singapore. The English speaking nurse, amy, is very fluent in English and is cheerful, friendly and helpful. During my consultation with her, I was recommended a closed rhinoplasty. I thought I would need an alarplasty but it turns out I don't need to at all. My primary concern is the tip as it is very rounded. For my bridge however, they only used hard silicone and goretex. Apparently dr kim recommends goretex as it gives the most natural look which I agree. However, i've read that goretex can give rise to many complications in the future. That was my first worry. She also recommended using my septal cartilage for my columella and ear for my tip. It is impt to note that my friend who had rhinoplasty only had tiplasty done as she had a strong bridge to start with.

tip plasty + bridge augmentation + harvesting cartilage + meds + sedation / local anaesthesia

However, when i consulted dr kim himself, he encouraged to do an open rhinoplasty due to the structure for my nose. The procedures are exactly the same except that it was open. The price increased quite a lot. He says I would achieve better results if I were to go for open rhinoplasty. Overall, I felt very comfortable and confident with the doctor and his expertise. However, I did not like the idea of goretex at all. not one bit. that was a major turning point for me.

Dream consultation : Compared to real, dream was way bigger and more professional looking. I was referred to a friendly consultant, miss lee. Her english was not was as fluent as amy's, but she got the main points across. She recommended the same procedures except that the material they use for the bridge is ultra soft silicone. Later on when i visited Dr Park Yang Soo, he still recommended close rhinoplasty. I asked if open was necessary for my case and he said no. A closed rhinoplasty would be good. He was also very patient and kind throughout the consultation. So at the end of the day, I chose dream because I was not only confident of Dr Park's skills, I like that he recommended a close rhinoplasty and he will be using ultra soft silicone which is much safer in the long term in my opinion. Dr Park, however, didnt touch my nose whatsoever. Dr Kim did and thus, recommended an open rhinoplasty. That's why i'm worried.

Would an open rhinoplasty be better for me? Would it give me better results? But I still do not like the idea of using goretex for my bridge. Thus, I chose Dr Park from Dream. In any case, i'm already scheduled to have surgery this Friday. Hope all goes well.
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Hi K,
I will note it down :smile: thank a lot
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Why don't you check out JW or Bonabagi..?i heard they are good as well....anyway all the best...
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Before and after picture Rhinoplasty revision @ dream.

Before Rhinoplasty revision

After Rhinoplasty (13 days)

There's some improvement and i hope its going to look better as times goes by.
I have a thick skin so it will take a while to see the real results.
But my after side profile my nose look weird.. :nogood:
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I asked specifically for ultra soft silicone having read a lot from K Couture's posts, she has been very informative and I've learnt quite a bit from her! ;)

I know that you can let the doc know how high you would want the bridge to be, so far from what I read and learnt, ranges from 2mm -5mm, but check with the doc whether the preferred height suits your overall facial features. If it's too high, it will look too fake or it may stretch your skin too much and results in protrusion. If it's too low, well, it looks as if you haven't done anything to your nose..

Bring pics of noses you like and seek advice from the doctor.

Be detailed in what you are looking for in a nose job so that you won't have to go through a revision in future.

That's what I learnt from my PS journey. :smile:
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Hi Dreamii,

Please PM me if you are keen to know. I do not wish to publicize a clinic and the prices they quote me. :smile:
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Mrslucky, I hope your tip got smaller. It still looks big, but I think it is swelling. I heard swelling is worst for patient with thick and oil skin
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I hope so too, its even bigger the day my cast was removed..
I will update again in 6 months time.
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