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Asian Nose Job 3

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I asked for a slightly upturned nose. My nose is still in a cast so it's hard to tell if surgery was successful. Before surgery though, I had a chance to consult with dr. lee again just to make sure that we're on the same page. I think he understood what I wanted. I have to say he was really very patient with me since I had a lot of questions during the consultation/s and I didn't feel rushed.
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We have a similar story. I've also had a few rhinoplasties and am left with a bigger, wider nose than before. For my first rhinoplasty, the surgeon stuck a I shaped silicone implant in my nose that was crooked and put ear cartilage to my tip. The implant was too big and made me look like a bird. I took it out and replaced it with a different implant. The second implant was also too big and wide for my face, so I removed that too. It's been 2-3 years since I removed the implant. My bridge is wider and more undefined than before due to the scar tissue. I also still have that ear cartilage graft on my tip that makes my tip look big and gives me a hanging columella.

I think a 1.5 years after surgery, what you have is the final result. I, too, want a pretty, feminine nose. It doesn't have to be high and sexy like Angelababys. Just delicate and defined. I've seen Asian women with natural noses like that.

I'm planning to go to Korea to have a revision. Hopefully they can give me a better nose. I'm still trying to pick the right surgeon.
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Hey thanks!! So are you doing your surgeries in the US now??
Also, What is the radix?
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Well, I think dr Wang started to operate on rib cartilage since 2007. I came across another surgeon in Korea who is good at rib nose whose name never been mentioned. But I ve not seen a real life example yet. And my friend in Korea asked me not to reveal. He said if too many foreigners rushed there, then doctor will high up the price.
I ve a wild thinking. For those in Singapore, do u think we can engage some Korean translator or someone who is good at Korean to do some research for us. We can meet up like every weekly to discuss about the nose job thing. Is this thinking too wild?
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Hi ger,

I think ur nose radix/bridge height is just nice. I don't think you need to use rib in this case. I think removal some fats plus ear/septal cartilage to make nose tip a bit more defined will be nice. And yes, I think premaxillary implant will help to make lip shape nicer.:smile:

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To me, your bridge is high enough. If you shave the bridge to become slimmer and get tip work, it will give your nose a nice look. If most doctors (in Korea) suggest that you don't need an implant, it's probably for good reason.

The problem with lip fillers is that it's very expensive, doesn't last long and you might have varying results everytime you do it (3-4 months) so I can see why reducing your lower lip to be more proportionate may be a better idea in the long run.

and why Botox?
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Not wild, if you share the info with the rest of us :graucho:
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well, i am not trying to speak for Dr Wang. But I just want to share some of my knowledge here. The top plastic surgeons are not necessarily from the top two universities in China.Indeed I nv knew that top 2 universities produced good plastic surgeons. Becuz these 2 universities do not specialize in this area.

And thanks to the advanced technology, we have something called plane and train. PPL in china do travel across the countries to get their face done. Dr Wang recieves visitors from everywhere.

If talking about rib cartilage nose, I think Dr Wang might do the most of cases in China.
But then as I shared in my earlier posts, you must make sure Dr Wang is on the same page as you if you decide on to do with him. He tends to do very tall bridge and it might not suitable for everybody.

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*Sighs* Have you ever heard of kenalog steroid injections to get rid of some residual swelling/scar tissue? I am debating whether to do that or not because some people said that it can cause problems if not done skillfully or if too much is put into the nose at a time. But when it does work, it works very very well. I'll just have to get this from another surgeon because I no longer live near my original surgeon that did my nose.

When I squeeze my nose now, the tip feels so spongy. It's like there is a layer of fat or fluid or something underneath the skin, covering up the tip graft. I think I look the worst when I wake up..still. I think it is chronic swelling. My tip is so so undefined. There is like a round, blunt, droopy ball there.

The ear cartilage on my bridge is also shifted/misplaced towards the right, like the silicone as well. I don't know why my surgeon was so careless not to make sure that problem was corrected and doesn't happen again. I asked him many times to make sure of this. I think he positioned it incorrectly. But he just told me that maybe my nasal bones were uneven in the first place. WELL I never noticed that they were that uneven before my surgeries (but I was born with a tiny bump on the left side of my bridge that my surgeon ignored; this may have contributed)..but even at that, he should have suggested the bone to be shaved (evened out) in case that is what he discovers is the case during the surgery. After surgery, he just kept telling me to try to push the cartilage towards the middle. This obviously did not work, but made my nose more swollen from the great pressure of the pushing.

And about the swelling, he told me to gently squeeze my nose and massage it. This did not work either!

My revision surgery lasted only 1 1/2 hours. Weird huh? And when I was still on the operating table, all groggy, he told me that I'd have a beautiful nose (the one we discussed at consultation) and everything went really well. But when I followed up on my nose, he told me that "you know sometimes the nose just heals differently than you want it to"...I kind of understand that but UHHHHH why me?!?!

Does ANYONE have a good result from narrowing a wide nose? Has anyone tried steroid injections? Anyone know a good surgeon in the Las Vegas area? They are so hard to find here!

It really sucks living with this nose!
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You have an underbite. I would get a rhinoplasty and genioplasty to move your lower jaw back a little. In addition, lower lip reduction. I agreed with premaxillary implants as your cheek area seem pretty flat.

I wouldn't do lip fillers as you'll get those lumps/bumps as you age. Not sure, what I heard. Botox don't last forever, I wouldn't get it. Your eyelids/eyes look fine. You don't need chin implant as your face is long already and your lower jaw is protruding; that will worsen it.

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HOLY WHAAAAAT!!! I totally DID NOT REALIZE how big those pictures were gonna be and the fact they were sideways >____< did it from my phone haha so MY BAD!

But to those who replied, THANKS!!! this has helped ^__^

Hi! Thanks for the comments :smile: I am really unsure about premaxillary as tbh I am still not quite sure what it is ~ i thought it made the top base under the nose more full btu some people say it gives you a chipmunk appeal? like that Jaqueline Koh girl?? I mean I dont mind it as i think its cute when the teeth show a bit, but like... is that what it does?!?!

Botox was for between my eyes ~ I dont know if you can notice from my pictures but I have this weird protrusion that a few doctos have noticed and thought it was an implant... i thought botox could make that smaller/? thats also one reason why I wanted implant is to make it less noticeable as I dont know, i find it a bit weird....!!!

Hi thanks for your comment! I have braces at the moment which is helping my underbite! I have invisaligns and its slowly pushing my underbite backwards!
Is there a surgery that can make the jaw not so long though? I am still not 100% as I dont know what I will look like after my braces, but I do hate how long my jaw is ... i was thinking of getting my jaw shaved at the sides and also zygoma too...
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Invisaligns will help but it wouldn't be able to bring it back much unless you push your teeth in to the point where it's not functional. Genioplasty is where they make a complete cut on each side of your jaw, take out a segment then reattach. Also, if you stop wearing your invisalign, your teeth may return to it's original shape/position. I wouldn't shave your jaw as you have a pretty narrow lower face already. It will make you look like a weird doll or V-line gone drastic. :lol: Taking a closer look at the pics (Creepy?), zygoma would do wonder on you.
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This is true. You have to wear the Invisalign retainer for the rest of your life to maintain your teeth. I wasted $2500 on it. I'm just going to get veneers for the two teeth that are slightly crooked.
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