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Asian Nose Job 3

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i prefer using the ultra soft or soft silicone I shaped. autologous grafts like rib and ear, while having low infection rates have common aesthetic side effects when used for the BRIDGE. Asymmetry, warping, bumps, unevenness, humped look are all the common side effects. Revisions for cartilage are mostly for aesthetic reasons. Its the reason why i had to get a revision, along with cartilage extruding from the top part of my bridge. Comparatively ive always had amazing aesthetic results with silicone. Contrary to popular belief, when the right type of silicone is used infection rate is relatively low. Infection rates are higher for silicone because statistically they do not differentiate hard silicone and the L shaped silicone from the category, which are most often the causes for infection.
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LIKE!! :smile:

K, every time I read your posts. I felt your English is so bombastic! I don't think I can express what I want to write eloquently like you did.

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I agree with you absolutely about the four 'types'. I lost patience when people just want to ask for short cut to the 'ps destination' whereas they dont know there is no such thing as a 'golden destination' because the destination will keep on changing as we research and understand it more. People, this is your face, not a commodity, that's why what matter on this forum is the journey of how you learn to get to your own destination not taking someone else destination as your own.

I used to be very active but now I post less frequent and only reply sometimes to those I feel has given enough thoughts into it, although I do follows most threads on here daily. Many people including myself we have gone behind the scene now and only talk and share info with each other on Kakao groups. I am even more amazed how such an executive like you K, has the patience to deal with these people... I absolutely salute that amount of patience and altruism. Think about it again I think, probably that's why you're an executive Im not xD
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Hi guys, here is an update. It may be a lil lengthy for some.

It has been 6 days since I removed and to be honest, my nose isnt exactly up to my expectations. I do know that it takes up to 3 weeks for most of the swelling to go down and 6 months to a year for your nose to settle and take shape. But i have seen amazing results of some just a week after their cast has been removed. However, i'm being patient and giving it time. Don't get me wrong, i'm glad how it has turned out to be thus far. There were no complications whatsoever. The current nose is an improvement of my previous nose too. But well, it looks like my old nose with a slight enhancement.

When I was in my cast, I had a slightly piggy nose but i actually quite liked it! I could see definition and for some strange reason, it also looked smaller. lol.

Currently, i can see slightly more projection from the bottom up angle and it does look better from the side view. But it is roundedly projected, if you know what I mean. From a dead straight frontal view, it looks the same. The thing is, I specially said during my consultation that how my nose looks from the front is very important. I also showed pictures of noses that were similar to mine in terms of shape and condition which had excellent results.

Dr Park is a great doctor. He is capable of giving change and many are very happy with their results with him. He does err onto the conservative side but he is an excellent doc. But it does boil down to your expectations and perception. Not forgetting the type of procedures you choose too.

To be honest, I would have chosen Real clinic if not for the material they use which i'm not comfortable with- goretex. Both consultations said my nose was in excellent condition and had good structure to make change- that is, it is possible to excise more tissue than most patients. At Real, I was initially recommended a closed rhinoplasty. However upon closer examination from the doc, he said open would be better for me as it would produce better results, especially since i'm mainly getting tip work done. He said he could a closed but an open would be better. But I chose Dream because, firstly, I prefer ultra soft silicone and secondly, since it is my primary, I thought a closed would be a safer option.

There are many factors which can influence the outcome of your surgery. The surgeon, the structure and condition of your nose, the procedures done, whether it was an open or closed rhinoplasty. But the bottom line is, you have to manage your expectations too.

Here's my two cents worth, If your nose is in good condition, and you are mainly looking to get your tip more defined, an open may be a better choice. Although I had a round nose tip, both consultations affirmed me that a lot more tissue could be excised. So yes, it really depends on the condition of your nose. I have seen many who have done open rhinoplasty and tip work done with excellent results.

I may head back to korea if my nose remains more or less the same after a year.

Ultimately, do you homework people!
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I hope you do end up liking your results! And i do agree with you, doctor park is a conservative surgeon who gives the natural look. Its a very common assessment amongst his patients. I recall the first patient of his who showed me her nose i remembered thinking how natural it looked. And the funny thing is for me, i tend to enjoy a dramatic change lol. What i ended with from Dr Park tho was a very natural and defined nose with a ski slope. My ideal was actually a dead straight one as i feel it looks more high fashion while the ski slope looks more feminine and adorable. Ive always been one to prefer looking fierce so.......haha. Either way i would classify mine as a natural looking nose with a significant change, which i am perfectly happy with given how awful my Charles Lee nose was before. Id take a defined ski slope over an uneven extruding hump nose any day.

Anyway, your nose will definitely take shape in the coming weeks. When you excise fatty tissue it actually swells for longer. But i have to say tho, while im not sure what your original nose looks like, but if u have a naturally rounded nose you will never get significant definition from the frontal view. Not unless you excise fatty tissue to the point where the implant can put pressure against the skin, which is something you want to avoid. The side and 45 degree angle will look great because of the outward projection you have gotten but yeah unfortunately the rounded look will always remain. The only safe way to IMPROVE it i can think of would be a lengthening technique. This is assuming that your collumela is typical to that of asians, where it is shorter and more or less in line with your notrils. Individuals who have a rounded tip but with a lower collumela are better able to get a more frontal improvement than those with a shorter collumela, In part because of the dimension such a structure creates (longer tip to collumela length with nostrils sitting just above the bottom most point of the collumela). Oh and a really good way to figure out exactly how close to the maximum tip projection you have gotten is to do the satay stick thing. For me when i did it i could no longer project any further than what it was, hence i have the maximum my elasticity will allow.
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Huh... I was going to consult dream to see if they could do a closed tiplasty revision, but you're giving me second thoughts. I already had tiplasty once and I'm not satisfied with the results (I've decided i want a more defined tip vs. natural)...

Oh well, I already have an scar from last time so i'm sure it's no problem cutting the same area, right?

Also, lemon... Shouldn't you have less residual swelling since your rhino was closed? I read that closed rhino is much less traumatic than open, but who knows what's true. Anyhow, I'm glad that you're recovering well :smile: Thanks for the update!
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Hahaha I was so worried too! I actually still have a picture of myself with the upturned nose. It looks like I have my head tilted back because you can see so deep into my nostrils, but I'm actually looking at the camera head on. It's kinda hilarious to reminisce over. anyway, please keep us all updated with your results!
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What is this "executive" thing you speak of?
I do appreciate K's posts. Since she's undergone so many rhinos I'm sure it's really helpful to many of the forumers.

But I guess y'all must find me annoying since I drop in and ask a bunch of questions hahaha. The first time I did surgery, I was super involved on purseforum, but now there are so many mixed reviews I can't keep up D:

Sorry guys and thanks for sharing your experience with us all :P
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hrmm i was advised against open rhino for mine cos i had it once before. This is because the collumela loses some length and elasticity from open rhino so closed would not run the risk of further damage. Funny thing is if i hadn't had open rhino previously i could have even more projection from this current surgery
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Oh man. I was hoping it would be fine to go in there a second time... I'll have to do some consultations before going to Korea. I was planning on doing in person consultations only since the online ones seem like a total waste of time. You never know for certain if you're getting a doctor's recommendation or some random consultant's...

Didn't you get a total of four rhinoplasties? I think I remember you saying you had multiple revisions... I'm guessing most of the times you had closed rhino?

Sorry. There are so many ppl on the forums, it's hard to keep up.. O.O
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my first rhino was closed. Great aesthetic results but i had too much discomfort cos the thai surgeon at Yanhee used a dodgey jagged implant cut from a block of raw silicone

my 2nd was diced cartilage open rhino with charles lee of beverly hills. atrociously done and damaged my skin.

my 3rd was closed rhino ultra soft silicone and donor fascia for bridge. Dermis and donor ear cartilage for tip with park yang soo at dream. extremely well done.

Its actually fine going in a 2nd time via open rhino if you still have good elasticity and have a longer collumela. Although there is no point in doing so if closed can yield the same results. But that all depends on your individual case and u will only know after a surgeon who specializes in the closed method examines you. For example, if you read a very recent posting on this thread, a forum member got recommended the open method by dr park because he said her structure will not yield that good results with the closed method. So yeah it all depends on your original nose really. In my case i could get similar results through the closed method and avoid any further risk of internal scarring and damage to my nose via open rhino. Because as it is, my collumela was now shorter from the open rhino and its positioning is also in line with my nostrils, rather than lower down in comparison to my nostrils. An open would risk further shortening so it wasn't a good option.

I think you don't need to worry for now tho just go consult different surgeons and you will be able to make a sound decision. :smile:

Also you mentioned you had tipplasty before and want a more defined tip. Umm i would be very precise with the surgeon when asking realistically how much definition you are able to get. Too often asians go in expecting to get a very defined tip not realizing their expectations are not realistic because if your original nose is bulbous or even somewhat bulbous, despite excising fatty tissue, it will still be a mild improvement. Just not possible to get the definition to your tip that caucasians or asians with naturally thinner skin unless you excise enough tissue to the point where the implant can place pressure on the skin. That is something no good surgeon would risk. I'll give you a good example of how fragile our tip area is. When Dr Park did my tipplasty, he used a piece of donor dermis to further protect my tip from the ultra soft silicone. Now the extrusion and damage to my nose from Charles Lee was at the top of my bridge not the tip. The skin around my tip was perfectly healthy. Yet , as an extra precaution the auto dermis was used as a barrier to protect the skin from any pressure because that area is more fragile. My skin type is thick btw, but my tip is not bulbous.
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