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Asian Nose Job 3

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Yeah... I try a few time to breath by my mouth but it really uncomfortable... Well. Will see when time comes lol. Beauty vs. Suffering
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Hi guys! Just wondering do u know good surgeons in korea that's do awesome facelift? It's for my mum. There are tons of info for eyes, nose and v-lines but its kinda hard to find info on facelift. I myself are planning to have a nose and eye revision in korea. So far i have Jw, Girin, Dream, TLPS and The View on my list. I have consulted with VIP clinic when they visited Indonesia last week but goshhh the price is just ridiculous! They quoted me 13k for a nose revision!! Even tho its with rib cartilage... still!! 13k?! O_O
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Those who had surgery. What was required before hand? Blood test, X-ray? Why would they want my blood anyways, what exactly are they looking for?
As if Im not scared and nervous already, I'm afraid of needles lol
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I had my blood test but not xray for my first NJ. They need ur blood to check if u are fit enuf for the operation (low/high blood pressure, glucose level etc). Pretty much they want to avoid possible complications later on during the surgery.
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x-ray is usually for bone work only. blood test is standard tho. They check for health related problems including HIV. Here's what i do before they jab me because im iffy with needles too. I tell them to use the vein either on the finger or on the top part of your wrist. It really helps for me as the feeling of a needle in my arm where the joint is feels so gross. Like everytime i try to bend my arm im reminded something was in there.
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I've decided that I would like a slight bridge increase, tip height/refinement (more defined nostril creases), alar base reduction and I want my alar crease reshaped (not sure if this is possible). Hopefully I get all of that for under 6 mil.
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Thank you for the responses.

K Couture this questions for you and others, but it seems not many stick around after procedure :sad: Also K Couture, if you could compare your current nose to anyone which nose do you have?

When it comes to the desired nose, is it best to go along with doctors suggestions? " yes, I trust you. Do what you think is best for my facial structure"... Or really point out what you want done?

At the moment I'm sold on the "V shape nose ", but what if it doesn't suit my face. I'm the one to blame and would have to go in for multiple operations to redo it.

Anyone go in to redo their nose because you were unhappy with the final results? And took a surgeons suggestions from then on?
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easily under 6 million for a primary rhino, provided your case isn't complicated
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well as long as your nose is a visible improvement from what it was before, then there will not be a situation where the end result does not suit your face. A few simple reasons for this.

a)most of us here are of asian background, which means we come from the land of no bridge and flat tips. A symmetrical augmentation with improved tip projection, regardless whether its a straight V shape nose or one with a slight curved will always be an improvement. Both nose types will suit the individual

b)one's nose can only be improved upon according to its pre exisiting structure. So again, there's no such thing as a nose job that yields a "type" of nose which doesn't suit the individual.

The only time when results do not suit someone's face is when the surgeon has botched you. That can be due to asymmetrical placement, a deviated implant, a warped implant and more commonly (and i've seen this before several times), an oversized implant. Most often when its an oversized implant used, its autologous cartilage. Extremely rare to have an oversized artificial implant used as they are pre shaped and only come in certain sizes which do not exceed a certain ratio. So this could only occur with an artificial implant should your surgeon choose to botch you on purpose which is highly unlikely.

You can leave it up to the surgeon. There's really no right or wrong approach when it comes to that. Its just a matter of trusting your surgeon to know your desired aesthetic. But in doing so you are also assuming that another individual clearly understands your subjective idea of beauty. That's a risk in itself. For me personally im someone who will always choose my own aesthetic. And it works out in my favour because I'm not a fan of the korean bubble faces which lack definition. Rather, I find a defined face with sharp features more appealing and high fashion. I find the best way to objectively explain to the surgeon your personal preference (and remember its not universal its just your own aesthetic ideals), is to photoshop the feature you would like to alter. I don't ever bother showing the surgeon a pic of someone else's nose because its not realistic. I cannot achieve what belongs to another individual but rather I can only improve upon what i have. That is what surgery is all about, realistic improvements.
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Photoshop isn't working in my flavor.haha I have a bulbous nose tip, and photoshopping nostrils is a nightmare.

I was meaning to ask you in your own thread to dream. Can you post their website? Not sure if im on the right site,I keep emailing them with no answer.
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Do they do the blood test immediately before they put you under? Or after?
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i don't actually know sorry. I never post on clinic websites. I don't even do e-mail consults because its kinda pointless. I always call and e-mail them directly to book my face to face consultation with the request of a specific surgeon with the right specialization for my procedures
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wah I find your english damn good leh. Everything you say always about logic and common sense. Funny right so many people really never think with common sense sometimes even myself also. We only need to think with common sense and then we have the answer we looking for. I also want to ask got anything to do to prevent those things you say? Warping, eviated implant and also the not symmetry? I want my second time to be last time. First time got problem so I take out rib and i remember when recover was not easy.
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Moody, from my personal experience, I'd wish I had insisted on what I had in mind rather than turning my decision fully to the surgeon. Keep in mind, I am not generalizing about what every patient should do, only drawing conclusions from my experience. I went with what my doc recommended. Now I am very disappointed with my results, which I feel were way too conservative: bridge height is way lower than I wanted, tip still bulbous and disproportionate because I listened to my doctor's advice that an alarplasty was unnecessary, etc. My shot at my primary (and what I hoped to be my only) rhino is now wasted, and I am going for a revision in the future. Not botched, mind you, just very disappointing. I feel that Korean surgeons tend to be more conservative, not great if your ideal nose is far from your current.

Mind you, do listen to your surgeon's perspective, especially about balancing safety and feasibility versus your expectations. Look over the B&A photos to see if your surgeon has a particular 'style', but also keeping in mind the angles, lighting, and the patient's starting features (this is VERY important in my opinion). If the general feeling you get after these steps plus the actual consultation is that his work probably does not match your ideals, look elsewhere.

Good luck!
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