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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi guys and girls. Ive been reading the forum about NJ's and I have a few questions about it? Maybe someone can help?

Ive heard of nose wrapping in both cases of silicone implant and rib. I mean. What is that? Does anyone have pictures?

Also about nose protrusion. I know that with thr L shaped, it may protrude. But what if im using the I implant and ear cartilage tip, like, will it somehow protrude too?

Im going for a NJ soon, 2 months, and I want to be well informed of things that may or may not go wrong after NJ.

than you again. ❤️
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Hello, everyone,

This forum is amazing!! I should've known this one earlier.. :sad:

I'm planning to go to Korea next month to have the 2nd nose surgery, but... I'm so nervous and concerned cause my first one was failed.. So, I really need you guys' help here... :sad:

I did my 1st rhinoplasty in 2010 at LA. I used silicone to augment my dorsum and ear cartilage at the tip. My nose became too high and too straight, like that of males... I dont think the shape matches with Asian, too. I'm Chinese, an undergraduate studing at Vancouver. Also, ear cartilage was used at the tip and I feel like the tip has been sagging down and getting blunt... Hate my nose so badly...

I think it's better to have the 2nd nose surgery in Asian country and I heard that Korea is very popular for ps. I really want to have successful revision surgery. I'm thinking to drop by Korea before or while I visit home next month.

Can you guys pls share your valuable information for me?? Which ps hospital and which doctor would you recommend?
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I don't think many people will probably post the clinic or dare to recommend you to clinics because it suppose to be your own choices. South Korea has hundred clinics and I know it's hard to start pick few to go consult with, but for your best start now, you should start reading from our old posts because it is what I do for these few months.
After that you'll start to notice which clinic to avoid and which one to go.
Please don't share your information or believe to anyone who just pop up and tell you to go to this clinic or that clinics because they are probably the promoters.
I'm sorry that this reply is not helpful but just want new members to be careful

Good luck :smile:
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as far as I am aware, silicone does not warp. But warping is indeed an issue for cartilage grafts. Extrusion can occur in any implant, including your own harvested cartilage. The rate of this occuring differs according to implant type. Note that even with artificial implants like silicone, there's different kinds of silicone. From Hard, to soft to ultra soft, to different heights and widths and densities. Each yielding different results. You best have a specific consultation with multiple surgeons to get make the best empirical decision.
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So everybody says it's common to see people walking around with bandages in Gangnam. I didn't see lots of people with bandages, but I also think people are polite enough not to stare. It's very much how comfortable you are wearing bandages in public (me, I'm a wuss!)
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I had mine 2 weeks before the surgery. Had the blood test done in a hospital and result then sent to my NJ doctor.

Does anyone know where the silicone is placed inside the nose? My previous doctor told me that he placed the silicone not under the skin but under the tissue? (so.. skin-tissue-silicone, i had a L-shaped soft silicone implant btw) so that when i hit the light my nose wont become transparent/shiny? I wonder if korean doctors do the same.. Hmmmm...

And do u guys hv info which doctor/clinic that uses soft/super soft silicone for their implant? Im thinking of using an I-shaped + cartilage this time!
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Hey, Dreamii, thank you so much for your caring reply! As you advised, I will start to read from the beginning and sort out some :biggrin:
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Jasmine, hihi! I think I received a message from you, but I have no idea how to reply back to you. I got the first surgery at the beverly hills... The surgeon has less experience on Asians, I guess... I'm thinking to go to korea on the 3rd or 4th week! I guess we can meet and hang around together :loveeyes: I didn't make a specific plan yet, cause it's right next to my home country, but let's keep in touch and meet up in Korea~~:woohoo:
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Dear forumers, how soon after the rhinoplasty u think I can confidently attending a big function? Let say I will recover with an average rate. Do u think 10days after the surgery is good enough for the swells or any bruise to go away? I am planning to use ultra soft silicon, hopefully a close rhino.
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it depends Yishu. Usually people kakao me right after their surgery because they are first timers and don't know what to expect so they enter into panic mode, asking me if what they experiencing is normal. And i have found that for those who have thicker skin and more tissue along the tip, experience swelling for a longer duration. Id say visually speaking from seeing their noses go through the recovery process an additional 2-3 weeks for those with thicker skin and more bulbous noses which required some excision of fatty tissue.

For others, 2 weeks plus some make up and nose contouring will allow your to be function ready :smile: The swelling in my nose actually went down pretty quickly, especially considering its a reconstructive surgery. But my skin is also thinner tho.
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Hi all,

I will be going to Seoul in December to search for doctors. In the meantime I found these 2 "patches"
that could possibly enhance the nose shape. Has anyone try them before?

1. www.nosesecret.com
2. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2N-nasal-bone-remodeling-essence-nose-rise-heighten-slimming-shaping-product-Powerful-needle-cream-innovative-product/1910646055.html
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