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Asian Nose Job 3

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Could you get your nose done before fat graft? It's probably better to do it that way, as you'd want your doctor to judge your nose proportions without the swelling from the fat graft sites. Nose surgery is more complex compared to fat graft, so it makes sense to do it first.

I know you said you want to go to a different clinic (and I understand that! cos different clinics market themselves as having different specialities), but perhaps you could consider going to a nose specialist and getting your fat graft done there?Reason being it's probably best for your body to limit the number of times you go under sedation/anaesthesia. Also, multiple procedures give you better bargaining power!
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ROFL! U know i once saw an advertisement that says "There's no such thing as ugly people, just poor people..." And then there was an ad in india done by Dove soap whereby a dark skinned indian woman had trash thrown at her wherever she went. Then she used dove soap and her skin became white and everyone was loving her and congratulating her lol....nothing shocks me anymore haha
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i know right. in australia everyone goes mad with the tanning booths and spray tan. But i prefer to be pale cos i have asian skin. And when i get dark i don't go the golden bronze tone, i go rice paddi brown LOL. When i was really young i went cray with the tanning cos everyone was doing it. I used the tanning machines, spray tan, tanning enhancing lotion and tanning pills. My dad would harrass me everyday and say "u look like u come from a family of rice paddi farmers!" lol...
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based on general consensus , which clinics and doctors are good & affordable for rhinoplasty ? Im on a tight budget ***
i am seriously in plans to travel to korea .

im considering : jw ( dr suh ) 3+ m KRW , pitangui 2.5-3m KRW .
what can i add to my list ? dream is awesome but too ex !
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I was told no swimming or sauna for 2 months. I think you're fine now...
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Hey guys! Just had surgery on my nose yesterday, and I am super swollen (more congested today than even yesterday). Will post about the results after a week, since it may be too early to tell.

I do notice my nose is too upturned, though, and looks a bit like a pig (nostrils showing when viewed from front)...but I remember reading somewherr that this is normal and the tip will drop.

For those who have had nose surgery before, did the angle of the tip indeed drop?

If so, how long did it take before it started dropping down to show less nostril...and by how much?

I'm slightly anxious, but I guess I just have to wait. Would love to hear if others experienced this!
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Hey wishingstar, I hope you have a nice recovery!

I can confirm that I've also read from various sources on and off this forum that the upturned nose does go down (: Never had surgery myself though, so I can't say when it starts to go down, although I know its different for everyone.

I can't wait to hear about your experience! I hope it was a good one and that you'll be happy with your results.
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Thank you so much for the good wishes, Koreasaurus! :smile: will let you know how it turns out!
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Which method and which clinic have you chosen at last??? And hope u speedy recovery;) I did heard people's nose tip drop too after deswell
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All the best with your recovery and end results wishingstar. For people requiring lengthening, the upturned effect is quite normal. A number of forumers who had this form of rhino have messaged me the same concerns post op and i've seen pictures of their progress. Looking back the logs, it seems to be on average it tends to last around 3 weeks before the nose starts to settle, swelling dissipates and the upturn moves downwards into a more conventional shape. So try not to be anxious im sure it will turn out fine :smile:
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I have two questions, if anybody could be so kind as to answer them! :biggrin:

1) Would it be advisable/feasible to get your eyes and your nose done at the same time? I was thinking, initially, of getting my eyes, nose and chin augmentation done but I have a feeling it'd be sensible to first see how a change in my nose would affect the rest of my facial features. And then if necessary, I would be in a better position to have my chin match the rest of my face?

2) How does 2 weeks in Seoul sound? I was thinking 1-2 days for consultations and then the remaining 12 days for surgery and rest?

Thank you~
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