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Asian Nose Job 3

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hi there, if u can share, where did u went to for rhino?

i also got a thin skin and wanted high bridge... but it seems like with silicon we are limited to a certain height...

im not sure if its the same using goretex.
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I used silicon too. Did u have an "L" type implant? Mine was "I" impant with tip and I wanted straight nose bridge.

What I know is that it has a less chance of extrusion compared to "L" shaped. But yes. In regards of skin thinning, you have to err on the safe side. With my 4,5 mm, when im done running, my nose looks very red. Just that part. It looks scary.

Gortex isnt used for someone that has thin skin. Its used for cases when they have an allergic reaction to silicon.

Is this your 2nd ps?
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hwy i am in London and going for consults in Korea :smile:
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Lol...that's funny..in what other country would you be openly congratulated for plastic surgery right? But ya you are spot on, walking around Seoul with bandages all over your face should be the least of your worries :lol: Recovering well thanks!
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no that was my primary rhinoplasty :/ Yes mine was I implant too with septal cartilage at the tip . Do u think your implant is high enough or would u consider increasing it , any discomfort or feel of stretching ?
Looks very red ? what does that imply ? hope its not because of the implant :/

I feel regretful i didnt raise it to my expectations . I wonder if its due to the limitations of my nose or the doctor didnt make it higher .
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Hi there,

I think we're in the same boat. You're not the only stupid one (sorry) for not asking to see how high the implant is before putting it on. To think that I trust the doctor (i mean the vibe with him), and I ask if he's confidence with doing my revision nose, he said YES.

He knew I've thin skin and explain to me blah blah blah he will use what type of implant. End up, I only realized he used a 4mm ultra soft silicon implant for my nose! I regretted for not choosing the implant size myself and leave things to him.

My implant was already obvious on the radix before he did my revision. And I kept emphasizing to him that it's ugly and wants to fix it. After re-revision again, it's even more obvious than previous. How could he have made a wrong judgement as in how high the implant should be use on me when my previous nose already show I can't have too high an implant!

Now I've to travel again to get it re-re-revision, worse...3rd time. Money and time gone. And it's really emotional going through recovery phrase all over again.

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I have had fillers in my nose to begin with, so I already kind of know how high I want my nose to be. The doctor told me that its a nice height and told me not to increase it further. But I still told the doctor that I wanted higher. :P (p.s he couldn't and he didn't. He said my skin was very thin)

I love my nose and I think its perfect. Well, I had Voldermort's face to begin with, 4,5mm made a big difference. I felt pulling and stretching from day 1 to week 3. But it gradually disappears. If you feel that way, don't worry. Its still new.

After op, the (skin) bridge will be stretched to accommodate the implant. So it becomes a lil bit thinner. My nose looks red because of the rapid blood circulation after I exercise (and also because i am super fair). But its nothing to worry about.

You know what, its only ur 3rd week post op. You may still have residual swelling. The area around your eyes and especially ur radix. Just wait 1-2 more months to see. Because it will make a huuugeee difference. (Remember full results in 1 year's time)

Just be patient okay. Some people deswell very slowly.

Give your new nose a chance to prove itself!
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Hey guys. I've been interested in getting plastic surgery for most of my life. I really hate the way my nose looks and I would love to go somewhere reputable put affordable. I'd really like to go to South Korea, but they're kinda pricey. I was thinking about Thailand? But I'm not familiar with their clinics and how reputable they are. Any information would be great.

PS I'd like to add that while I'm all for getting plastic surgery, my health is my main concern. I don't want to look like a disfigured freak because of my vanity. If I can't find a clinic that is affordable and reputable I'd rather just stick with my plain face.
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Has anyone heard of or had experience with an implant called Silitex? it's used for dorsum augmentation and it's a combination of slicone and gortext, according to the staff at Top class, it's the best material to use because it offer the best advantage of each. Agree or disagree?
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Hi all

Just back from seoul last Thurs. I had a couple of surgeries with Regen in May, this time round went back for nose revision (done by Dr Lee previously in 2013) and liposuction. I'm amazed for their liposuction work, but very disappointed with Dr Lee. They seems very reluctant to redo my nose for me. (My nose bridge wasn't high enough, and middle of the bridge looked kinda flat) When I was in the room with one of the consultant, she seems very defensive when I told her my prob and keep saying it looks 'fine'. I insisted on seeing Dr Lee, so she arranged. He too, can't seems to take criticize. He is very defensive and unhappy when I told him what's the prob, he just said 'that's nothing much I can do, it looks fine'. Even my translator and my travel buddy can see what is wrong. So I insisted on seeing another doc Dr Seong, I rem in May he seen me once and he can see my prob right away, regret for not doing with him in my previous trip. But I'm shocked that he too said can't do much correction. After that I got to know that in Korea, seniority is very impt. Dr Seong is one Lvl lower than Dr Lee, so if his boss said can't do anything, Dr Seong wouldn't dare to do for me even he can do. SIGH!

Sorry for the long post
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yea exactly ! i didnt know what to expect so I went along with the doctor's suggestion , as I didnt know how to react when he said I had thin skin . What do u not like about the 4mm implant ? is it too high that the implant is obvious or does not suit your face ? Can i know what are u going to do for revision as someone with thin skin ?

so sorry to hear that u have to go fr another revision .. surgery is nothing to me ! 6 months-1yr till revision is the worst mental torture :/ ....
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Hi there all,

I'm very new to this but I want to go get a rhinoplastry done in seoul january 2015. I've done some research on rib rhioplastry and it after some reading it seems only Dr Lee from VIP and Dr Jung from Shim is most known for this type of surgery.

To anyone that has gotten rib rhinoplastry done, it it true that the rib does not provide a slim bridge?

The more research i do the more confused i get. Help!
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