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Asian Nose Job 3

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Somehow I can't really tell where is wrong... I look at mirror on my side profile, left looks kinda ok, but right is not. I'm not sure why... maybe right side skin is thinner than left.

Right side profile can see the obvious i-implant contour from the area between the eyes to the bridge. The obvious stick looking from the starting of one point to another (only if you look closely at my face).

When I tilt my head up slightly (to left and right), the implant really seems kinda high and straight. The conclusion is, it might be really too high an implant for my face features and it's very slightly deviated. I don't understand why so the right side is always more obvious (straight implant contour) than the left (this happened during previous revision as well).

I will seek the advice of the doctor again to see where the problem lies.

Seriously, again..you're not the only one feeling so. I waited 6 mths to revise prior to previous revision. Now have to wait another 6 mths to revise again. 6 months is really a long period to wait in our case! Even 1 month is long.....

You can add me at Kakao Talk if you want to chat. My ID is VanillaCreme.

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Hi. To all the people who have had rhinoplasty, have your inner eyes been stretched due to raising the nose bridge?

Thinking of getting rhino, but I already had epi done so the thought of stretching my inner eyes even more is holding me back. Or maybe only getting tip plasty would be the better choice..

Thanks so much.
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Hi there
I am planning on getting my third nose job as well.
The first one I got it done in Canada, it was gd but I wanted to get the bridge higher.
So last year I went to get it done in Korea. My fd recommended dream, without doing much research I just gone with dream. I did feel comfortable with the surgeon.
I got eye bag removal at the same time.
My eye bag removal was a success. Loved it! On the other hand, my nose did not turn out as well as I have hoped.
The bridge is higher than the tips.
I really dislike it and is planning on a second trip to fix it. This time I am doing a lot of research.
I am thinking of going with banobagi.
Heard it is a reputable clinic, but pricier than most.
They quoted me 8,000,000 won for my revision surgery. It's quite more than I would like to spend. But if it will give me the nose I really wanted then I dont mind.
I really hope this will be the last nose job.
Have anyone gone to banobagi before?
Is there any other clinics you guys will recommend?

Thank you very much
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Hi hi,

Im new here :smile: Would like to check if you all heard of wannabe plastic surgery korea? Is it good? Im intending to do a rhinoplasty with them :smile: They quote me reasonable price of 2,500,000 won for nasal bridge and tip. Please help and advise me thanks :biggrin:
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8mill won for a revision is really expensive. They can only justify this kind of price if they are using autologous cartilage, which is preferably used as a last alternative should your tissues be too thin. I think depending on the form of revision you require, you could consider finding a clinic that uses ultra soft silicone. Ideally the price you should pay for a reputable surgeon should be between 5-6.5million won MAX for a revision UNLESS autologous cartilage for the bridge is required.
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Thank you for your reply.
I agree that it's really expensive.
I am looking into other clinics right now.
Liking how april31 and top class before and after pics
Still waiting for their email responses
Hv anyone heard any reviews from those clinics?
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I never heard of top class sorry. April 31 is a good clinic with very skilled rhinoplasty specialists. Definitely something to consider but they would be around the 7-8 million mark for a revision using ultra soft silicone. So its rather expensive too. You also need to think about the method they employ at April 31 too. Their method is not suitable for individuals with more bulbous tips who want maximum tip projection. However they are not a one trick poney and can certainly use other rhino methods to maximise tip projection because they are skilled surgeons. But the premise behind april 31's high price is this speciality method which they use as part of their marketing technique to justify the high price. So you need to do a balance between what you require for your revision and value for their services.
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Hi missyjamie, I am also looking for partner to go during same time . Is it possible u can send me your email or number.. So we can exchange and discuss about research , i am planing to do nose, eyes and chin implant. ( English is not my first language so sorry if there is grammar mistake )
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Thank you for the detail information.
I don't have a bulbous tip but mine is slighted a bit downward. Not sure How i will look after they lifted it up. I'm feeling pretty gd about April 31st. Just wishing they will response to my email. I've emailed five clinics, only one has responded. Not too happy bout that.

Here is the website for top class
They do really pretty noses (to me)
But a bit too curvy and high for my nose
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well u should call and make an appointment with them anyway. Its good to visit different clinics who use varying methodologies. That way u can compare the pros and cons and decide which method is more suitable for you. Also don't focus on before and afters they are one of the least accurate measures of a surgeon's skill as these are all marketing. You don't know what the patient requested to the surgeon so the result may be based on the patient's desires. You also only see the successful cases so you do not know their botch ratio. And a good surgeon can enhance a patient's features towards any style so long as their pre existing nose structure allows. So the whole notion of picking a surgeon based on the style of nose they do is very inaccurate.

yeah sometimes clinics don't respond promptly to e-mails. I made it a point to e-mail them AND call to confirm my consultation appointment. Also regen for example, when i e-mailed them i got no response. Then when i rang them they gave me the direct email contact for the consultant so I got a response right away rather than going through general mail. So that helps too.
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... I'm going to consult April 31 too. And mine is a revision as well...

But I really like their b/a photos. Super natural and their eyes are very natural, not dolly like a lot of clinic's eyes. I haven't asked for prices yet, since I would be in a better position to haggle if i can go there with prices from other clinics. But 8 mil for revision... That's most of my budget. O.O
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Thank u so much! I will keep that in mind and will phone them :smile:
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Oh, I've heard of Top Class too! One of their patients was on the korean tv show Blind Test 180 degrees.

They were supposed to guess which guest was a natural beauty and which one was a plastic surgery beauty. The girl form Top Class turned out so natural, the people on the panel had a really hard time guessing. I spend way too much time watching korean plastic surgery related tv shows. >_<;; I'm obsessed with Let Me In as well. Lols

Anyway, if you end up consulting them, good luck!
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