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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hey! Hope your tip drops soon. I know it takes forever and everyone I know freaks out about it but, trust me- it takes time. Luckily, mine dropped pretty quick compared to the others that I've seen and not sure why.

Anyhow, waiting sucks but, you'll get through it♡ by the way, who was your doctor? I'm not able to PM you :sad:
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Me either. I love going and I haven't mutated from it.
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I've read some pretty bad reviews about Cinderella clinic. Topps is good with making high bridges from what I've heard but, not sure about grafting. A lot of the locals talked about Chungdam for grafting and skin treatments. Supposedly its where the ulzzangs go to get pretty.
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April 31 increase their prices, primary 7 mil..... tht's my price and 9-10mil revision....
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Thank you ddalgi. I try to search cinderella review but cannot find. TT can you give me a link.
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Hey guys I have been looking around clinic in Korea for a long time. I cannot speak korean but from the forums that I read that dream create a natural look for a bridge and tip rhinoplasty? I don't want a gangnam style, korean or a dramatic change to my nose. Just natural change. I wanted others thoughts on which clinics do the natural looking rhinoplasry with ultra soft silicon.
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Has anyone ever had their nose implant removed after so many years? I am getting mine removed in 20 days after having it in for 6 years. My implant looks huge and it developed a Polly beak with top beginning to extrude bc the implant dropped.

Here are a few things I am worried about:
Excess skin
What if the skin won't settle, will I have a saggy nose?
Will the nose shrink up and case me to have a short nose deformity?
Will I look weird???!!?
Or back to original ?

Please share.
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I had my first every implant removed after 5 years. It was a 3.5mm silicone implant I had done back when i was like 19. Very nasty jagged implant too which was hand carved out of a block of raw silicone. Failed surgery in thailand from many many years ago.

Nose skin had no sagging.
Nose did not shrink up.
No short nose deformity.
No issues whatsoever.

Of course if your implant is an oversized piece of rib, which I have seen on several patients who used autologous grafts, then you can expect some sagging from skin tissue which has experienced signicant stretching.
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Hey all,

I know there's a been a debate of whether cartilage or ultra soft silicone is best. I decided to dig up actual medical research and not a handful of opinions.

I found many articles but the article below is based on a long term study of the results of a all cartilage nose job. Its based on a 10 year study based in Rome from 1995 to 2005 from a population of 2000 candidates 62 were selected to take part in the study. This study discusses which type of cartilage is best and why cartilage is preferred over artificial implants.


Key highlights and results:
- 4 types of cartilage implants were reviewed (septal, auricular (ear), costal (rib) and composite (ear + septal)
- Ear cartilage had high satisfaction rate from 83.3% of its respondents with 0% of its respondents having low satisfaction rate.
- Septal cartilage had high satisfaction rate from 70% of its respondents with 0% of its respondents having low satisfaction rate.
- Rib and composite cartilage had medium satisfaction rate from 66.6%- 70% its respondents.

Ear : None
Septal: 1 person experienced graft displacement, 1 person experienced reabsorption, 1 person required a surgical review
Rib and Composite: 1 person experienced nasal obstruction, 1 person required a surgical review

Best results: Use ear and septal cartilage grafts.

Disadvantage of cartilage:
1. Difficulty harvesting large amounts
2. Poor resistance to infections
3. Displacement

My conclusion: Although there are disadvantages as listed, this technique has been used many years and does have research to back up the high success and satisfaction rate from using cartilage. On the other hand, ultrasoft silicone does NOT because its a relatively new material. If you've noticed, most prominent doctors in US use cartilage. So there must be a reason why they prefer cartilage then ultra soft silicone. I have read enough stories of how bad silicone is and how bad cartilage is, but study after study proves that cartilage has a high success rate on a more consistent basis than silicone. Often the cartilage implants was performed by an unskilled doctor in a country that's not as advanced as America or Korea. I understand Korea is using ultra soft silicone because theoritically its better, but over the long run its unknown whether its an adequate implant. Also, I find Asians like myself are very detailed oriented and want a "perfectly natural looking nose" and silicone can meet this need. Cartilage may result in minor asymmetry, bumps, lumps etc, but as long as its minor I think that'll make the nose look more natural.

Personally cartilage makes more sense to me along with the associated risks, but whichever you decide I'd suggest reviewing the research and making a decision on what makes sense.
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K couture,
Did you get the implant completely removed or did you get a revision right after? What's the healing process? I'm so nervous.
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My friend did remove her silicone implant after 2 years because it looked fake on her. No skin sagging or wat so ever negative effects that she had from the removal. In fact I even couldnt tell that she had it removed.
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Okay good! Thank you for the response.

One important thing I would like to share is never get an L shaped implant. Or any implant at all. It will not last forever. Plan on saving $ for revision or removal if you get any implants. I regret my implant. Should have just gotten tip work done.
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i got another implant in after. I've had friends who just downright removed their implant with no further issues. Healing is quite simple when its just a removal actually. If you do use another implant then healing will depend on the methodology involved.

Also whether or not an implant needs to be replaced is dependant on 2 main factors. Type of implant(material, shape and form etc) and placement method. If you get these two right you won't have much to worry.
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Hii, just like other said its really depend on some factors; doctors, material, placement and the cause. it the cause was related with complication such as infection usually it will need wait longer after removal before can replace with new implant.. its case by case.. some drs said can wait 6 months, some 3 months, or even some 2 weeks...:biggrin:
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