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Asian Nose Job 3

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Are you serious? I was going to start wearing glasses as a part of my transformation... Guess that won't be happening.
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It really depends on what you're getting done. So you need to ask your doctor.
I had lateral osteotomy too (broken nose side bones) so I couldn't have the glass hinges sitting on my broken bones or it would change shape. So it really depends.
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Hey! I'm intereted in bb in rhinoplasty as well as I read that they can do natural not a dramatic one.
I was wondering which doctor and wgat kind of rhinopasty are you going to do there?

Also i found this for you.
In general, your nose has less natural protection from the sun right after rhinoplasty. All the tissue was just elevated off of the internal structure of the nose, including the bone and cartilage, and blood vessels were coagulated in order to do this. There fore we weakened the nose's natural defense since we weakened its blood supply. This blood supply grows back , but it can take quite a bit of time to happen. In the first 6 weeks, your nose is less naturally resistant to UV rays and is more likely to burn and get discolored. Also, since your nose is mostly numb early on, its less likely that you are to notice the problem until its too late. I recommend you stay out of the sun as much as possible in the first 6 weeks after surgery. If you are in the sun for short periods of time, stay in the shade, and wear a big hat and a good sunblock. Do not wear sun glasses in the first 6 weeks, or any glasses for that matter, if osteotomies were performed, (breaking of the nasal bones). You can get your nose wet as soon as the splint comes off, but I would be careful about chlorinated pools early on until the incision is fully healed an more mature, as the chlorine can irritate the incision. The gym and anything that increases you blood pressure will increase the swelling of your nose and delay your healing time. I recommend 6 weeks for this as well. Sometimes it can take longer for your skin to mature, even a year and more in some cases.
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Hey! Thanks for the info (:

I decided to choose Banobagi because it has good reputation, though they charge alot more than other clinics, but I believe it'll worth the money (: I might be choosing Dr.Lee, he's known to be good in doing eyelids and nose. Guess I'll be using ear cartilage, I heard that it's a safer material with lesser side effects. Can't be totally sure about it until I met the doctor.

Have you thought of using ear cartilage too?
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Sweet. I heard from another form that the consultations can lie in which surgeons has that speciality. So yeah you choosing dr lee as well makes me feel reassured.
But I'm keeping my options open and try going to three clinics. One obviously being BB. For the bridge im going to use silicon, primary. And the tip ear cartilage make the tip pointier.
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my korean cousin brought me there too, they really wont lower prices, but u can try
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Thanks for replying to me with encouraging words! :smile:

I guess what worries me the most, is reading other doctors saying most of the swollen should be gone about 80% after the 3rd month. It's almost 3 months for me as well, and the tip is still not at the height where I wished it would be :sad:

Although I have heard people say their tips dropped after 5-6 month, and I guess it varies from person to person. I really don't want to do a revision thus I am keeping my hopes up.

I would pm you my doctor but then I guess new members cannot pm? Anyhow I would gladly give you his name if the system allows pm :smile:
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I have met someone who used ear cartilage for their nose surgery, and he says he hardly noticed a difference, unless you touch that part of the ear where surgery is performed. It most likely will not happen to you after you are completely healed.
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Was your implant primarily ear cartilage?
I only used a bit of ear cartilage to cushion the septal cartilage tip augmentation but I'm not experiencing anything you mentioned. It was however very painful (my ear) for many months. But now back to normal and now I can fold it back and forth.
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tkw the cartilage was not taken from inside your ear. In fact nothing was touched from your inner ear. The incision site is always from the back of the ear. You probably accidently had water inside there from a shower or swim or something.
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Well, even if it's 15mil, that would be under my $15k USD budget, so I think I would be alright... Although to be honest, cheaper is better. Tbh, April 31 isn't quite at the top of my list. I have high hopes for View clinic :biggrin:
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