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Asian Nose Job 3

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# href="#" class="internalLink"># I remember they posted a video of victim on china news, but I don't remember which page was that. You might want to google or baidu search for more articles, I believe its not difficult to find. They might be rumors, its up to you to determine, but I choose to believe its true.

As for ITEM, I've heard of this clinic. You can search for a Singapore blogger name "Huirong", she did her nose, eyelid and fat graft there, looks pretty good (:
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But koreanface your nose is not flat. It looks high to me. You also have double eyelids already. From the surgeries you mentioned I guess you want a softer look? Oh I tried to pm you since we are both going to Bano but your account is too new. I am heading end of December. Want to add me to kakao so we can swap information we have gathered so far? My id is zechs
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Hey can I add your id to kakao too? I am too interested in bb.
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Radiesse isn't like Juvederm/Restylane in that its composition is that of calcium hydroxylapatite suspended in a carrier gel.

Juvederm and Restylane are made up of hyaluronic acid, which will gradually be broken down and reabsorbed by the body, though this process can be sped up if your doctor administers hyaluronidase. There isn't an equivalent for Radiesse. I believe it can be removed surgically (as is the case with products like Artefill) but your doctor will most likely advise against it.

You'll probably have to wait until it's completely dissolved. It should run its course over 12 to 18 months. Also, don't quote me on this but I believe Radiesse is supposed to stimulate collagen production.
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I did those two at once, but same clinic.
I guess you need to do eyelids surgery first, caz in my case, I did eyelids first and rhino second.
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Hi thoebee,

Can you please tell me why we should do the eyes first then nose? I plan to have magic epicanthoplasty since the distance between my two eyes is too far apart and a nose job as well. I heard that augmentation rhinoplasty can help to narrow the distance between two eyes so I plan to do rhinoplasty first.

I'm sorry if this question bothers you since I'm very new to this forum :smile:

Thank you!
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Does anyone know if it's common for clinics in Korea that provide rhinoplasties to have a nose job simulator or something similar that you can see during consultation or before surgery to visualize what the doctor will try to aim for?

It's easy to express into words to the doctor what you'd like, but to be able to visualize it together to show that we're on the same page seems pretty important as well.
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