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Asian Nose Job 3

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Everything is high if you're a foreigner :P

I haven't found quotes for anything lower than 5 million krw for silicone augmentation/ tip plasty/ alar plasty.

Some of the bigger clinics like Grand will give you discounts for multiple surgeries but they tend to be overpriced in the first place.
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Hi there!

I recently had a primary rhino at Grand in Seoul (Oct 12). My doctor was Dr Rhee Se Whan.

I decided to share my experience here because he did such an amazing job. It's been 3 weeks since my surgery and my nose looks exactly how I wanted it to look. I was floored when the cast came off.

I'd wanted a nose job for years and got a quote from Grand last year. I finally decided to go ahead with it after talking to a Korean girl at my local lash salon. I have to say it was one of the best decisions I've made in my life!

The surgery cost 5 million won and having had a quick look at this thread, I think I might've got ripped off but Dr Rhee did such a great job, I don't mind it at all :biggrin:

During my consultation which was mostly done over emails, I sent photos (front and side) and what I mainly asked was for my tip to be made narrow/defined and in a straight line with my nasal bridge (it used to be V shaped and looked worse when I smiled). The staff there was very quick with replies (usually I got a reply within the same day). They suggested that I get my small hump removed (the hump didn't bother me as much as the wide tip), augment the bridge (my bridge was quite high for an Asian so I wasn't sure but went ahead with it anyway), get some tip work done so it has a better projection and more definition, reduce the alar base and finally reduce the sides of my nasal bridge by cutting the bones.

Long story short, I agreed to whatever they suggested, paid my deposit and flew to Seoul a month later. I had my face to face consultation (it was with a different doctor) and scheduled my surgery for the very next day.

When the cast came off, I was floored - I expected a slimmer nose but I didn't expect Dr Rhee would be able to get it this slim and refined! It was the kind of nose I'd always envied and dreamed of. To be honest, I didn't ask too many questions and really have no idea exactly what was done to my nose except that it was an open rhino. I don't even know what material was used to augment the nose >_> But it looks so good I don't care!

I remember saying to Dr Rhee right before the surgery, that my main concern was the wide tip and "I understand you might not be able to get it as slim as my bridge, just slim it down as much as you can", and he did! He narrowed both the bridge and the tip and now my nose is perfectly straight with a very defined tip. My profile has also improved significantly due to the straight bridge and better tip projection. And even when I smiled, my nose looked "tiny" :biggrin:

When the cast first came off, my upper bridge was wider due to swelling and my tip was more upturned giving me a bit of a "snout" look, 3 weeks later, my bridge has narrowed and my tip has dropped so my nostrils look perfectly normal now.

By the way, I also had lateral and lower canthoplasty by Dr Rhee and my eyes look great :biggrin:

The only thing I regret now is not getting a chin implant at the same time. During my last check up with Dr Rhee, I asked if I needed a simple chin implant or sliding genioplasty, he said a chin implant would be enough to make my face more harmonious. I might be going back to Korea soon for the chin implant :smile:)
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Wow, you paid a deposit for surgery even before a face to face consultation/ or visiting other clinics? Is that because Grand requires you to pay a deposit in advance for surgery?

It's good to know what material is in your nose and what you've had done just in case you run into complications in the future.
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Hi, you can contact brian from kakao, this is the number +82-10-6402-8360. Price wise, ranging from dream , jk and april31. April31 is actually most ex out of all. Reason being also is my 4th revision. As for price wise I can't really disclosed for april31. However for dream they charged me for 7.5mil krw and for jk is around 8.5 Krw.

Today is my 5th day of my post surgey ! Jusy took out the splint and I'm loving the result :smile:))

Anyway just an advice for those doing first time surgery. Is always important to know what kind of implant and cartilage what they used for your nose surgery. F
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i am going to April 31 next week too, mind sharing ur B&A with me or add my kakao???
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Hi Kitty,

I went to O&Young to fix my nose within weeks. Fully understand what you are going through. I have contracted nose due to infection.

Nose is again going shorter over time and revision is unavoidable. inaddition, bridge is getting lower coz they used Alloderm instead of silicon.

As you are using dermis fat, I believed the doc might have warn you that it might be absorbed over time. Please remember to ask the doctor what will he do when the bridge gets lower or the shape changes.

Meanwhile, please take care. Thank you very much for keeping us all posted..
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Hi Kitty,

Read your posts and i share the same sentiments as you. I'm looking for a good nose specialist to do a nose revision and just feel exasperated finding one which has good reviews from real life ppl (not promoters or advertisement etc).

If you would be kind enough to share with me your experience please! You can kakaotalk me via the same username thoebee.
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hi cuddlelooker ,can you email me at dreamcatchertan @ gmail . com ? i am planning to do first week of dec too
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My doctor said after 4 months I could use the nose strips but I'd have to be gentle.
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Officially a year post op a month ago!

I've added photos to a private album, so send me a friend request and a message about yourself and what you want done.

Just, FYI, I had mine done in Bangkok. Not Korea. I had tip augmentation with septal and ear cartilage with tip suturing. Bridge augmentation with gortex. Lateral osteotomy. It was an open surgery under GA (because of the LO)
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Hi Lovelyitem88, Have you firmed the dates ? pls let me know if you can consider early Dec .:smile:
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Dear aanjz , May i have your contact ? I am planning to go during that period too . Can you send me an email dreamcatchertan @ gmail dot com . thanks.
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