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Asian Nose Job 3

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I have to admit seeing all the reviews on PF of ID scared me as well but I have a Korean friend who ended up getting V-Line surgery there and I'm going to wait and see how hers turns out!!
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Does anyone know of other way i can show the doctor on the type nose I wanted?

Because I didn't know how to do photoshop. My last alternative would be to print out a copy of my side profile and use a pencil to illustrate the outline on it based on current nose.
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I can help Photoshop your pic if you want!

I think your idea about outlining your nose in the picture is fine though.
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I can't post a thread, but I have to post a warning--DR EDMUND KWAN IS A BUTCHER.

I spent three consults with him, he promised to debulk my deviated nose, remove a crooked implant.

All he did was remove the implant, chop up my septum. He didn't even remove the scar tissue in the sides of the tip, and he SEWED ME UP DEVIATED. I was screaming from the surgery table to make the sides symmetrical, I kept trying to show him in the five minutes he spent with me before surgery.

This was my third rhinoplasty.

He doesn't just lack bedside manner. In the three or four times he saw me, he never ****ing seemed to remember me and the fact that he didn't debulk even the lower scar tissue....what the hell?

Dr. Kwan is a lazy unprofessional that sewed me up deviated, didn't do a tenth of what a normal revision surgeon would, and literally and does as little work as possible--meaning, unless you remind him, he'll move an implant without even removing the scar tissue. He doesn't look at the whole nose, even during surgery.


I feel so, so stupid because he also cut up my septum when I didn't need it resected.

I should have used Dr. Richard Weistrich or someone. Don't use Kwan.

I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm worried he won't revise me.
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I would NOT get a revision done by him. Why on Earth would you go back to him? He butchered you up! If this is your 3rd case, and he obviously lacks in a good nose job, I would go elsewhere. There's truly no point in going back but, hey, that's just me. Besides, you're now a complicated revision case. It's going to be a bit difficult to find a superbly skilled surgeon with good credentials and the amount of caliber to fix it all up. You should check out a members story on the forums, her id is Kcouture and her posts are very detailed and helpful. Best of luck.
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Luckily, most places already have the technology or the programs to aid with what you are wanting to achieve. I've even heard of a whole 3D scan to map out the whole head so that you can get a cool 360 view of how you can look! Anyhow, I would ask to see if the clinic has this and if not, most likely they'll have photoshop.
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Does that include korea?
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Hi dear, would like to check if you gt a lot of swelling for rhinoplasty? Is day 8 still swollen for you? Do you have pic? Dont mind can PM me ? what the down time for your nose? I worried as I have to work on day 10.

Thanks :smile:
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Hey pinkyy99, sorry I'm not really comfortable with sharing my photos. Day 8 was still swollen for me. The swelling varies from person to person. The lucky ones look pretty much normal by day 7 (after the final removal of stitches). For some not-so-lucky ones (aka me) take a much longer time. For me, the swelling only went down significantly by day 14. Anyway my swelling kinda varies from day to day too, depending on how much I've exerted myself, how much sodium I consume, how much water I drink, how I sleep, etc. Sometimes I wake up and I feel good about the way I look; sometimes I wake up and look swollen (though it isn't very obvious to my husband).
If you have to go back to work by day 10, it can be quite a risk. You won't look like you've had PS done but you'd probably feel a bit uneasy about the swelling. Hope this helps.
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Thanks babe =) may I know what implant you chose , gortex?and the ht? Is it 3mm? Thanks =D
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Hello everyone!
I want to bring to your attention this article written by a med student in Korea about plastic surgeries in Korea. http://pann.nate.com/talk/314680685
It is in Korean (unfortunately). I can read some Korean and will summarize the main points for you. If there are people with better Korean, please take some time to read it and supplement my summary if you have time. It is a very long article and I can only tell you the main points here.
This student basically warns that Korea does not currently have the technology to successfully and safely perform V line surgery or any surgery that makes your face smaller. She says that the failure rate is alarmingly high and the side effects are severe because they can destroy critical nerves. She says she studies at one of the best med schools in Korea and even the best clinics regularly have failed cases of "small-face" surgeries. This confirms my knowledge of plastic surgery in Korea; the vast majority of failed cases of surgeries are small-face surgeries.
She also warns that Korea's technology to insert nose implants are far from mature. Anyone who gets implants should expect needs for revisions within years; 10 years is the maximum an implant will hold. I think it is common sense that implants will require revisions throughout one's life. She says that implants made from one's own body parts, such as ear cartilage and rib, are too new to be a mature technology and anyone who gets it should expect need for revision within a few years.
Also, don't go with whole body anesthesia if you don't have to. It is common sense that death is more likely if you are completely knocked out.
I am personally interested in a nose job that does not involve implants. She doesn't seem to comment on the difference in risk between nose jobs with and without implants. Does any of you know if nose jobs without implants are safer and have less chance of needing revisions?
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Wow! Thanks for the information! I am too considering a rhinoplasty - ultra silicon for bridge and ear cartilage tip plasty. I know that there is rib cartilage implant for the bridge, but some of the factors were too high of a risk for me compared to the silicon implant.
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I would take that article with a grain of salt. not saying shes wrong but, shes basically assuming from "failure rates". and what does she mean by "the right technology"? she fails to address what holes the korean surgery market has and places assumptions. korea is the largest country for plastic surgery, if what she claims is the whole truth- there is no way that it could possibly cater to the masses without ill repercussions; the plastic surgery market would basically have to shut down and it hasn't. I think its an extreme of what shes trying to say that they could improve or not perform vline due to the risks but, again- with all surgery- even heart transplants to something minor, all surgeries have risks and at any moment, can go wrong. but just because all surgeries cant give 100% success rates, doesnt mean they should call it a "failure".
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