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Asian Nose Job 3

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Just sth for share.

About rib cartilage. pls see this link http://www.noseeye.com/bjszh008.html

Basically the article is against the idea of using rib cartilage for nose. For those going to do rib caritilage nose, it is better to make sure that your doctors dont use L shape in your nose.

The reason is it will increase the chance of protruding out of skin at tip area and it will increase the difficulty of repair if in any case you need to . And also L shape rib structure, will make your tip immobilised. You cant twist ur tip around.

I suspect Dr Lee using this L shape...ummmmm suspect only..
can anyone who go to Dr Lee recently can ask him how he does?
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Contacting them now :smile:
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woah :huh: can't read it
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even with google translate, it doesn't make much sense -.-
and they have a picture of britney spears in the corner lol

but yeah, i think dr lee did an L-shaped method on me.

dr jung also uses that method (its the picture on the right, not the left. its also not showing the columellar strut and ear cartilage cap on top)
i'm pretty sure that dr kao uses that method as well.

the ear cartilage cap means that the pressure is distributed over a larger area, so extrusion is unlikely unless the surgeon doesn't use an ear cartilage cap. the dr kao patients on singapore expats are several years post op, and nobody has had extrusion so i don't think thats much of a problem.

i only know 2 doctors who can make a flexible tip with rib cartilage: dr wang, and dr le in baltimore
dr le is pretty famous on makemeheal and some other PS forums
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thats what I keep saying and my mum as well, but my boyfriend still dont want me to go plus my bro-in-law has his mrs in china atm, from shanghai, and he even says it still a bit dodgy but like all they care about is money and face etc.
But yeah Chna is a force to be reckoned with, im learning mandarin soon too ! haha ~

But Dr Wang is still a contender for me, its just trying to convince my boyfriend as he said he'd prefer Korea, and my sisters, who wanna come with me, would prefer Korea too and also feel they would give nicer nose after anyway....
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I seem to lose track of the posts. I don't check here often.

Anyway. The scar on my columella is barely visible. A very very faint red line. I'm tan, east asian. So take what you will from that. The scar on my chest, however, is very prominent. It's still raised and very dark.

When i say Dr Song is there earlier, i mean the aftercare, to check on stitches and stuff. GENERALLY, whoever is there will do the checkings. Dr Song is USUALLY there earlier than Dr. Lee. Please don't worry about face mask and stuff. They are nice to have but not very important and IMO, shouldn't be in your consideration of whether or not you get your surgery with a place. But yeah, after a few days, when you can wash your face already, they will do it for you. You can ask the nurses or doctors to see if you can get your face washed. It's a simple mask to get rid of oil and to cool down the skin. It's part of the price the nose job because it's under "washing your face". I think they also stop doing it for you once you can wash your own face yourself.

A word of caution, sometimes, the doctors and nurses will miss stitches. So you need to be very vigilant about that yourself and get them to check and check and check. I got stitches in my ear and nose that they missed before, taken out at the 11th hour (bags already in the car, almost on my way to the airport).
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As to China VS Korea, here's my uneducated(not researched. don't have data to back it up. no personal experience) opinion.

I think it doesnt matter China or Korea because in the grand scheme of things, as a foreigner, if something happens, you are screwed. Totally and completely screwed. Korean doctors (from the posts I've seen on soompi, sgexpats, cozycot et al) are also profit driven and dishonest by and large, if they think they can get away with it. And more often than not, they can. So it's not like handphones or rice cookers where I'll go with made in korea over made in china and then just throw it out or go exchange it at wherever I got it if it's faulty.

I would say, choose a doctor you can trust, with good feedback from patients. One whom you can communicate properly with. Dr Lee doesn't speak much English. Enough to get by, but I was always wondering if he really understood me completely. JoAnn speaks perfect english so you'll be relying on her to translate. Again, you don't know how much of it is actually going through to the doctor. JoAnn is amazing and wonderful but it's not the same as telling the doctor from your own mouth and making sure you guys are on the same page.

Another thing I'll take into consideration is the flexible tip! It's important, but not above the aesthetics of the nose. If I want a proper flexible tip over a good looking one, I would have just not gotten surgery but a flexible tip is quite important thing to consider, all else being equal. Rubbing your nose, kissing, playing ball games etc. Especially kissing. Not the same without a flexible nose. :lol:
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is the rib pain similiar to when you go snowboarding or work out and next few days there is pain when moving?? lol

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More like getting stabbed then having a pair of pliers gnawed out a chunk of your ribs. :lol: kidding? I wouldn't know.
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It's like I did a hundred sit-ups lol. The IV pump definitely helped ease the pain.
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hi people. after a long debate, which procedure is the best for nose job? I'm so confused after reading so many posts. :/ at first I thought rib cartilage was a good option then came the controversy of it. now I think ear cartilage is a better option. I don't think I want any foreign objects to be inserted in my nose. high risk of protrusion. there's so many ways to fix a nose oh gosh D: I'm so confused. I know I haven't done my research well enough as u guys but I'd like to hear what would be the best options for a nose which is bulbous and flat. THANKS SO MUCH! :smile:
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The L shape here, u mean bridge and tip together like an usual L shape silicon? Well I read a Taiwanese dr Chen Jian ye s website. He seems to be against the idea of making bride and tip together. He suggested to use seperate pieces for bridge and nose tip. Just like how they use I shape silicon and cartilage tip. Btw do u know anyone got warping problem? Yesterday i came across a few ppl complaining about warping of bridge in another forum. U
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She is very very nice! I have booked the dates with her. Sure, let me knw the condition and all!
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