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Asian Nose Job 3

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First of all, thanks so much for taking the time to translating this!

I think it's widely known that vline is a very risky procedure. Its serious stuff guys. I personally find many points that she brings up to be credible, seeing that a lot of the information she's giving us is already known.

Whether you want to believe her story or not is up to you, but it's most certainly a FACT that with new "technology" we do NOT know how it will affect us later down the road, whether it be a couple years or decades later after surgery.
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Hey @pinkyy99, it's silicon implant and ear cartilage for the tip. I'm not too sure about the height. But anyway, it will vary from person to person. My original nose bridge was almost non-existent and now I have a prominent nose bridge. The doc will know which is the best implant for your nose shape.
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Thx for the good information
all of us know it is not perfect for the technology
but what is perfect in real life even computer can mess it up
also that have been written in 2012
technology have developed a lot in few years :smile:
I know it is taking a risk but surgery is taking a risk for the cure or for the beauty

It is good to remind of myself for reading that articles though
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Thanks babe :smile:
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Don't limit yourself to clinics that cater to foreigners. A lot of local clinics that don't speak English do good noses too. You could always hire a translator as well.
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I need to get a forehead implant after my revision. I will be in seoul in a few days. Do you know of a place where I can get a translator? I speak korean pretty good but not on medical terms level.
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You can hire one to go with you or you can hire someone when you get there. Check the ads or even go to a language school because most often, they will do it for free to get their practice credits but, I always paid them because its the right thing to do and you build a relationship; that way in case you go back for more work, you have someone already.

Also, keep in mind that if you get an implant it'll take 7-14 days to make. If I were you, I'd space it out.
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I did my rhinoplasty on Dec 19th (high soft silicone, tip plasty using ear cartilage, and alar base reduction) and it's day 9. The splint and stitches removed on day 7 (Christmas Eve), and that same day I went to Lotte World and took lots of pictures smiling and grinning even though it was a challenge and my nose was stiff. Then that same night over christmas eve dinner, I also smiled as widely as I could to take pictures.

I'm not sure if that's caused my nose tip to swell and bruise, but at day 9, my whole tip is still huge, hard as a rock, and hurts! It's reddish/black depending on the time of the day, and takes a lot of foundation to cover up! The nostrils and alar wings are also hard.

I've read online articles, where they say the swelling usually subsides more after 2 weeks, and I'm at day 9, can someone advise how much more would the subside be? My nose now looks much larger than my original nose, and I'm starting to miss my old nose. I asked the nurses at the clinic how many percent I should be expecting my nose to be smaller, and she said she could not say, but that it would be "a little smaller" then I asked if she meant that it would be a little bit smaller than my original nose, or a little bit smaller than now. She said it would a bit smaller than now.

Also, I was watching a video of 3 singaporean girls who went to JW. In there, the surgeon advised that they should not be smiling widely for the next 2 months, or the nasal tip might droop. My PS did not mention that at all. So the past 2 days I've been smiling as wide as possible… Will my tip droop? Is that a highly likely outcome?

I'm almost depressed right now. I look so different from my old look… I wanted a prettier face as an outcome and right now all I can see is "RHINO" when I look at myself in the mirror or photos.

Your advise would help so much!! Thanks.

I'm due to leave Seoul tomorrow, back to Singapore.
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You're going to have a lot of swelling and 9 days is too soon to have all swelling subside. On top of that, you shouldn't have gone out like that. The body needs time to heal and I think going to Lotte World might have tired your body out. The drooping might just attribute to the swelling pushing it down, smiling shouldn't have caused this otherwise gravity would be a concern.

Typically you can see a lot of the swelling go away after 3 months but, again- the nose won't heal or show it's full shape and form until after a year.

Same with my nose- I didn't have a lot of swelling oddly enough but, with every week, I notice a subtle change and my nose looks prettier and prettier. Sometimes I feel shy looking at myself because I never expected such a pretty outcome.

So, hang in there. I know being patient is difficult but, it'll be worth it.
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im not trying to limit myself to clinics, I'm just trying to see if they have experience with different race nose types, like mine
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Hey there babe. Just wanna say I've had similar experiences. Right after I removed my cast, my nose shape was just nice. Then in the subsequent days (day 7-14), I was missing my old nose so badly cuz the swelling was just bad. I guess some people just have a tendency to swell more than others. But from day 21 onwards, the swelling went down by a lot! You just need to be patient. And try not to disturb your nose too much. Your implant is still trying to settle down in your nose. Remember, patience! So cheer up, girl! ;)
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Dear ddalgi & QQ27, thanks for your encouraging words. My nose was huge just when the splint was removed, and is still big now. But i guess i'm seeing subtle changes every day.

Perhaps my choice of surgeon is the reason that I still have a bulbous (and now even higher) tip; I spent this morning looking up reviews on this doctor on this forum and it seems several people have had the same bulbous tip outcome from him. He specializes in "very natural looking" nose jobs and the post op aftercare from the doctor was non-existent, I saw him only 2 minutes to remove my splint and then to declare that I look like a different person now, before he left and that was that.

With my nose so swollen, yes I definitely look different. I wish I had read up more on this forum instead of going in with certainty because a colleague's wife had her nose done there and some of her friends too. Apparently they are happy with their result.

I can only pray that the swelling goes down a lot more so I have a slimmer bridge and profile. I definitely don't think I got the "pretty nose" I asked for. It's a cross between cute and strong now. I miss my old petite cute nose.

Sorry to rant.
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Which clinic did you go to if you don't mind me asking? PM if you don't want to share in the thread, thanks.
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