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Asian Nose Job 3

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I'm not sure about OZ
but Opera seems okay it is just hard to get reach with them
somehow they do not gave replies back that much(reaaaallllyyy slowwww)
But I heard they got okay skills
from picks of yours I will say JW and Opera
Like i mentioned do not know well about the OZ never been there for the consultation
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If someone can please recommend a doctor in Toronto for rhinoplasty that is experience with either Asian / Black noses PLEASE contact me for leave your contact. I have been looking for far too long, any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
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Hey! I was in Korea with LondonChick back in 2012. She had her nose done at Oz and was very pleased with her results. I think there was something on a singaporean forum about his zygoma reductions being too natural/changes to minimal, but LondonChick had osteotomy and tiplasty done and her results were very natural.

Just to caveat, her case might be different from yours since she was doing rhino after she had broken her nose and didn't have it set right. Anyhow, good luck on your research!

I may end up back in Korea this year myself. I spent a two days in December consulting clinics for my rhino revision but ended up with the flu and unable to get rhino or fat graft done :sad: At least I did my eyes so it wasn't a total waste of a trip :3
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Hi!! Thanks for the reply (: yup i read about oz's natural results which I kind of really like. But there have been too many mixed reviews about oz so I rather not take my chance. You will be going to Korea this year? Maybe we can meet up there if we have the chance! (: you mean if you catch a flu you can't have rhino done? I have a very sensitive nose and I'm quite prone to sinus! :/
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Guys, Which surgical clinic is the best clinic for having nose Alar Reduction operation in Seoul. plz plz help. I gone through many clinic website, but i need the best one. Thanks, Mooso
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Usually sinus doesn't effect rhinoplasty that much
It might feel getting worse after the surgery for few days as a temporary
but i heard it comes back to your normal condition after a month or two
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but do you have a fever?
because i heard you can't have surgery if you have fever
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If you have the flu and your nose is clogged up. There will be a chance of infection. Some doctors will do the surgery but may say something like I won't be responsible if you get a infection. I hope that helps.
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Ohhh, I get it. I usually get sinus which is runny nose, no fever and not clogged up every morning but it's very unpredictable. I usually use nasal spray to help me with the morning sinus but I don't think I can use it if I'm going for the nose job. Thanks for everybody's help! (:
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As long as you do not have a fever its ok. I had a sore throat before my surgery so I thought I would have to reschedule my operation but they checked my condition and said it was safe to go ahead. After the surgery funny enough the sore throat was gone. I'm not too sure why. Maybe they gave me some kind of medication and injected me while I was sedated or perhaps the anesthesia made it so that I no longer felt discomfort from my sore throat.
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Hi guys,
I had done my nose at banobagi and the result is fantastic! I had a natural nose and my swelling surprisingly goes down on day 3 =) But there still minor swelling on bridge n tip though. Dr lee did a great job as my recovery is very fast. I have a question, after rhinoplasty is it very difficult to smile? I simply can't smile like the past. It will take how long to gain my normal smile? Any idea? Thanks =)
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If you don't mind, can I see a b and a of your nose? If you don't want to pm me, do you have kakao?
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