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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi Everyone,

Do you know about Migo or DA? I would really appreciate it if you could share any experience or knowledge that you have about Migo or DA regarding their work on rhinoplasty, revision rhino or lower eyelid blepharoplasty. I am considering these two and I like the upturned noses in Migo's website but I have never seen any real example yet and I do not know how Migo's new eye doctor is doing (their former famous eye doctor Lee had left). For DA, I have seen real example from Jenn of livelovedream blog which I like, but DA as well as their surgeons are fairly young (they were set up around 2013). Migo's total quote is about double that of JW's or DA's (nose job alone about 160% higher), and approximately equal to April31's and I do not know why. I know that this forum is all about sharing, helping, and supporting each other and I would do the same but still if any of you could share your valuable knowledge or experience, I'd like to send you a gift :smile: I need to make a decision very urgently, on Monday, Jan 12 or Tuesday, Jan 13 at the latest. Thanks very much in advance and all the best!

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Hey guys

This is my 3rd day post op after having my surgery with ryan hsu. Everything went amazing, no extreme swelling, no fever. Rib hurts though (like a stitch after a hard run)
Although I am experiencing some diarrhoea which might be from the protein I'm drinking.
Anyway, how are you guys sleeping? I keep waking up every 2-3 hours to a wet nose and when I go to check it seems like blood but when
I change the dressing I realise it's mainly mucus.
Doctor told me to sleep in a lying down position but with two pillows. Is this what you guys are doing too?
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Hi hi sorry for late reply, I went there alone not medical tourism , but I call them to
arrange appointment before go :smile: They do airport transfer as I place 1mil won deposit.
Overall the clinic is very busy I would say. The staff-Linda is very nice, she accompany me even holding my hand during surgery :smile: Their aftercare is great too, I had 2 review witb doc , outer stitches and inner stitches :smile: Heard some clinics never did review at all :smile:
So I highly recommend banobagi :smile:
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Hey guys, been doing some slight googling of the medication in getting from the doctor. I give different ones in total. They deal with swelling, infection prevention. I got one called "suwell " but couldn't find anything on Google about it. Do you guys know what it is?
Also, were u guys who've done rhino get as many pills as me?
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usually 1anti-biotics, 1 pain killer, 1 covers for your liver, and sometime they give you a medicine for reducing of blood
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Hi. I had the same problem that you and I chose Dr Jung from Shimmian. I had Goretex implant with ear cartilage for the tip. My nose after 5 years has changed slightly...
I havent heard about other ENT rhinoplasty specialist in seoul but I am going back to korea at Cinderella, Regen or Thé line for eyes and other surgeries
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Hi, does anyone know where I can remove the stitches in my nose in Singapore? I have enquired a few private clinics and they charged me $300 excluding GST, which I think is overpriced, Needa get the stitches out ASAP. Please help!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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