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Asian Nose Job 3

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its got to do with implant placement technique. You will find most surgeons in Seoul use that technique for rhinoplasty.
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Hi, I'm searching for a good clinic for revision rhinoplasty. I had my first nose job last year with Dr Jung. He was very nice. But I am not happy with my results because my nose does not match my face. Is there a good clinic that focus on nose that balance the face? I currently have rib cartilage in my nose. Should I have a revision using the same rib cartilage or silicone? Which gives a better defined look without looking too stiff/ fake? I want my tip to be a lot more prominent because I have a short nose. I do not want the high Caucasian Barbie type of nose. I've been thinking of VIP. Any ideas about VIP or any better suggestions? Thanks!
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this is one blogger from singapore
who had surgery from korea

doctor mentioned from this website seems popular
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Hi Peaches17, my original nose was small and short also. I had my primary revision last year in Korea but I'm not happy with the results. I'm looking for a clinic for a revision. Do you know which clinics are good with extending the nose tip and making it balance with the rest of the face? Did you have a rhinoplasty yet? If so, where did you choose and how did it turn out? Thanks! :smile:
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Post op Day 1

Rib rhinoplasty + mid face. Feeling awful. Nose hurts, rib hurts. Iv and fluid drains in every hole. But aftercare from everyone is lovely. I've never experinced such caring staff. If anyone's in Korea getting their procedure. I'm here, you're not alone.
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Hi guys,
I've been lurking on this forum for some time. Finally made an account!
I'm Korean American and have a lot of family in Korea. Some of our family friends are plastic surgeons in Seoul....I felt and still feel a lot of pressure to choose a surgeon that my parents know personally and can trust.
The first rhinoplasty I had, I went to one of the family friends. My parents asked him to operate on me as if I was his daughter. This being my first nose job, I went in with a "surgeon knows best" attitude and was vague with expressing what I wanted. I ended up with a nose that looked TOO natural. I wasn't happy with it.
I had a revision done the next year. It's a definite improvement on the first. However, I'm unhappy with the bulbous tip. It looks natural and I love the frontal & profile views. However, when I smile, it becomes really bulbous and reveals a hanging columella.
I want my next revision to be permanent, or at least semi-permanent. I don't know enough about rib, but I have several concerns (scarring on chest, warping).
I'm learning so much from this thread. I didn't even know I had a hanging columella before yesterday!
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did your previous surgeons excise any fatty tissue in the tip region? At times if there is too much fatty tissue it doesn't allow for strong support from the strut and graft. But the surgeon should also be conservative enough to not remove too much fatty tissue to the point where it weakens your tissues so as to prevent any potential extrusion.

I would not recommend rib rhino due to the aesthetic side effects. What implant do you currently have in your nose?
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I don't think either surgeon excised any fatty tissue from the tip. I think both erred on the side of being conservative--which resulted in a bulbous/rather large tip. I currently have silicone.

Would you mind if I added you on Kakao? I would love to pick your brain regarding the research you've done combined with your firsthand experience.
My parents have suggested setting up a meeting with a plastic surgeon friend of theirs the next time I go to Korea so he can examine my nose and see what needs to be done to achieve balance. I have my doubts, though. It won't be that different from a consultation. As a practicing plastic surgeon, he won't be 100% objective and may push a certain method he prefers as "best."
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Wishing you a speedy recovery! Please keep us updated. We're here for moral support :smile:
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rather than simply going to a friend of your parents, you should go to the top specialists because your case is a 2nd revision after all. The more revisions u have the more damaged your nose will be. Sure u can add me to kakao :smile:
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I had nose augmentation and alar rim reduction a year ago in Hong Kong. I'm looking to get it fixed. I'm honestly not pleased about my new nose. My nostrils are uneven and the frontal view of my nose is bad. My original nose didn't have natural definition. What kinda procedures do they do to fix the frontal view of the nose and give it definition? I look like a have a snout. It's killing my self esteem.
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I was wondering if exercising fatty tissue from the nose tip can give the nose a more "pinched" look? (Probably not a good way to describe it). My nose is quite bulbous, though when I squeeze it between two fingers gently it looks really nice; more defined at the sides and narrower. I know plastic surgery isn't as simple as that though lol.

Since bulbous noses tend to have thicker skin (my skin is thick for my tip and alars, and thin at the bridge) I was also curious about whether removing fat from the tip will even make much difference to the appearance of the nose if the thick skin, presumeably, is gonna stay untouched...?

I'm not bothering with implants since I'm happy with the height of my bridge. My nose is a little short but it's not a major concern. But the bulbous tip and wide alars just make my nose look way too big like a garlic LOL -_-
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From the sounds of it, I think I have the same exact nose as you! I'm half Caucasian so I have a a tall bridge, but the tip part is bulbous and alars are thick/wide. Instead of my nose having an hour glass shape, its like a big fat triangle lol. I've read that excising too much from the tip can give it the pinched look. My tip also has thick skin whereas my bridge doesn't, so its a good idea to ask the surgeon if the end results will make a difference at all. I'm also staying away from implants so I'm curious if my ideal nose is achievable.
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Hi all :smile: I'm planning to have ps in Korea for my short nose. I'm looking at September this year as my nose fillers are expected to dissolve in August. Just wondering is it possible to just extend my nose using septal/ear cartilage without putting an implant? Will it look weird? Haha. I have a short nose and no bridge at all btw lol. Considering JW, Dream, Banobagi and maybe DA and JK....... it's been a few days and Dream has not replied me >.<xxx
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