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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hello pp, how r u
I'm back, and I have opened a thread about my experience, but you don't need it anymore, things changed
Tell u what, if u ask me to redo everything, I wont be able to, I have had enough!

6month post op, I am having some problem (its been there since right after the operation), with my nose, the tip, is thinning on this awkward little spot, I have been asking around and nobody gave a frank answer, what the heck is this. Feeling so helpless and alone.

So, pls Sis and Bros, pls, anyone who've had or knows someone who've had problem with their nose (skin thinning, extrusion, skin rub, etc.) pls I beg you to point me out to them, I really really do need guidance.

I live **** load far from Korea, and its really complicated for me to get time off, help pls.
Kakao VK619
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I would say that the nose job changed my looks dramatically which was not what I wanted. I did point out to Dr Lee that I just wanted the bridge to be a little higher, not to look Caucasian. At first I thought it was the swelling but the bridge was still very high throughout. To be fair, I thought I did look good for a while before the infection started but I looked different. I felt a bit sad when my grandfather couldn't recognise me. :'(
Anyway, what's done is done. What's most important is that I still look presentable and not end up as a botched job. You can do tons of research but ultimately it is still luck. Good luck to you, pikapikachu. I hope yours will be a success.

Vk, I've also replied you via kaokao. Hope you get the answers you need.
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I'm not gonna lie. But that sounds really naive.
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i think what she means is that the technique which allows the patient to do the piggy nose is a gimmick. It may be more natural in a functional sense, but is neither more natural aesthetically nor is it safer. Reason being is the method simply involves using removing a portion (round 25 percent) of the silicone which allows more flexibility but is limited when it comes to maximising tip projection
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Hey Moody,

Sorry to hear that you're unhappy, but it is definitely too early to tell. I had my nose done at VIP 4-5 years ago, and I was freaking out for the first few months cause I thought my nose was too big. But it definitely will shrink a lot over the span of 6-8 months.

I'm looking to go back for a revision cause there are some minor problems that i've been dying to get fixed. But finding down time is always an huge issue for me, and i hate the idea of flying to korea for surgery alone. I had a friend accompany me last time, and a few girls from purseforum happened to be there the same time, so it was actually really nice to have them.

If it makes you feel better, i don't regret having it done anymore. I think i look better than pre-surgery. I'm definitely not trying to promote VIP, and i honestly had TONS of doubts and regrets for the first few months, but I'm not gonna lie, the girls I've stayed in touch with looks stunning till this day. Though they also had a few symmetrical issues like me and were also looking into revisions. But I think because the result of rib surgery could be unpredictable at times, that VIP offers free revision. Tho finding time to fly back for it really is a huge pain in the butt for me.
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I think my tip might have been projected way too much.

My problem: skin dent thinning on this one spot on my nose tip, not really painful, but I feel exposed, 6 mo its not healing!:shucks: usually is the line I have drawn => silicon? if so then its pbbly rubbing my skin?

I have contacted a few Korean drs. they all call me to do a revision in korea, it will rub out and pop they say. My clinic says its nothing. Damn it. Now I realize that I really do need a revision, was in denial for a while. But I dont want to do another surgery if I don't want to. Another surgery is another risk, another cost&time, and another possibility of being disappointed.

Seriously tho. I'm not asking pp to tell me what to do, I wish pp can suggest to me what they would do if they were me to help me reason:okay:
I am planing to see a local (Canada) dermatologist, an ENT or a plastic surgeon, which do u think is the best. What else?

I have tried to ask this one dr who uses this shorter silicon tech, for a revision, but he isnt responding which is rather disappointing. I tried other dr. they all say that its skin thinning or skin rubbing. My dr says its nothing! What?:woot:
Pls contact me via Kakao: VK619. Anyone who've had similar cases or knows anyone who've had similar cases, I beg you.
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perhaps the picture is unclear but I do not see any damage? It doesn't even look like extrusion or infection to me. Is it bumpy or???? I can't tell from the picture. Its best you consult a plastic surgeon to lay your concerns to rest. It shouldn't be anything tho

If you are in Vancouver, Nick Carr would be a good surgeon to inquire about with this problem. I have consulted with him before and he is a conservative and knowledgable surgeon who would not perform unnecessary surgery on the patient.
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Hello, when I have the old image, if you don't mind me sending it you by email or something (that's pbbly too much to ask), I attached it here as big as I can.
I have tried contacting a few drs. all telling me to go back to my surgeon or other things to get this fixed. Some say the skin is stretched/rubbed.
My Dr. tried to sell me the idea that I had the dot before the surgery, seriously?
I have tried to email them these emails again.
Dr. Carr is 7 hrs flight away, I might as well go to Korea, Thank you Kcouture, but I think I might need to go more local.
Pls anyone whove had similar problem pls help me out a bit
Any other advice?
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although it is small I can still see it...did you use silicone for the tip?
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i am not sure anymore silicon or cartilage it doesnt matter, both can cause pressure. the dr said he used cartilage for the tip, but i he no idea where the silicon ends and where the cartilage starts. i feel the point id pushed fron the inside and exposed from the outside
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Hi QQ27, I too had an infection on my nose, about 2 weeks after my closed primary rhino with Pitangui back in December 2014. I'm not sure how it came about as I was already unhappy with my nose job prior to the infection, cos it was reddish, then got hit in the nose tip 12 days post op by my baby nephew and the infection (swelling and pus) set in. So it was either from the surgery or from baby hitting my nose.

I'm glad you're feeling better and healing nicely after the removal.

I haven't posted much since the infection, but I'd like to pen it down here. It was a difficult time, taking the 2 week course of Levofloxacin (Cravit). During that period, I went from sad that I had to remove the implant, to being adamant that removal was the only way forward (also because the nose job was not an aesthetically nice one, my bulbous tip is huge - almost fought with my ENT specialist to have the removal surgery), to accepting that maybe the infection will go away and I can keep this implant until my revision.

So basically within a month of my primary rhino, I came to accept that a revision job would be on the cards soon. It's been almost a month since the infection went away, and my nose is less swollen, but my nostrils are uneven, my columella not well-supported, and I've also learned that infection will always be at the back of my mind, and could possibly re-occur throughout the lifespan of your rhinoplasty. The odds of it reoccurring is around 5-10%.

This nose job has taught me some, and KCouture has also taught me loads. She responded to my infection post here to get Levofloxacin from my GP which I did! If not for her, I would have gone absolutely mental. Thanks so much K!! :smile:

It seems that infection is quite common. I know of another person who had her surgery in November and is now fighting infection too. So between QQ27, myself and this other girl, it makes the 3 of us!

This morning during the CNY visitations, my mom commented that my nose looks very natural now. She doesn't know I'll be back in Seoul in June for my revision… I'm looking forward to that day!

Problems with my primary at Pitangui:
bulbous tip tissue never exercised (even though I requested for it)
uneven nostrils (left is circular, right is triangular)
weak columella (it's also higher than my alars)
uneven alars (left is lower than my right)
radix too low (I don't look like I have a high nose bridge from the front, my implant starts under my eyebrows)

What I'd like for my revision:
Higher Radix (slightly)
smaller tip
even nostrils
columella straightened

My revision will be closed since it was closed the first time around and I will be going to Dream!! Counting the weeks down!!
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