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Asian Nose Job 3

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hey thanks for ur reply to my message
look so, infection was what i am afraid of the most! back when i was doing my research beofre going to korea, it was much rearer, suddenly its everywhere! omg.
about my nose, its really annoying, and im even more scared of having an infection c revision
thinking that silicon implant is going to have to come out sometime should i pull this for as long as i can? should i consider derma fat? that was i can be just any body, ITS MINE
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Hi VichyK, your photos don't look like there's any infection. I can see one enlarged pore, which I have as well, post-rhino. I attribute mine to not being able to clean the nose thoroughly especially during the swelling/infection stage.

I like your nose, esp the tip and the nostrils. They look good to me!

As for the implant material, if Dr Park says it's ok for me to go silicone, I will still do silicone the next time around; I like the shape of the nose that you can achieve with silicone, plus it's easier to remove than goretex, and also the augmentation doesn't change, as the implant material doesn't get reabsorbed. Only fingers crossed that infection will not set in.
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thing is even autologous implants like derma fat can still get infected. What people need to realize is even when harvested from the patient's own body, it is still a foreign object that should not be in that the implant site. That being said, autologous implants do have a lower rate of infection than the soft silicones, which itself is already low. *Note significant difference between the obselete hard and modern soft types. Infection and thinning of skin is also dependant on placement method. If placed too close to the superficial layers for example. That is what occured with my cartilage extrusion.
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Hey sweetfrock,

Thanks for sharing your experience! For me, removing the implant was probably the best thing I did before CNY. The swelling from the infection went down immediately after I got my implant removed. I could finally start working out again.

Hope your revision is going to be a success! And I really admire your courage! After my nose job, I have come to accept that my body is probably more susceptible to infection than most others.
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Forgive my ignorance, but what's the point of being able to do a piggy nosy besides "proving" you didn't get plastic surgery? I'm a year and 5 months post op and have never needed to do the piggy nose once. Besides, I can't even do it.
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I have a question regarding make-up. My nose is still very oily post-op. I can't remember if it was ever this oily before. 1.5 years is a short time, but I've never committed to memory the level of oiliness of my nose :P
Anyway, what products do you guys use to combat the oiliness / shine?
One of my friends suggested translucent powder. Does this work? What other alternatives are there?
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thanks k, but correct me if im.wrong. auto tissue infection can be controlled by anribacterial because its like any ther tissue. of ur body, the bod doenlsnt recognize if u have *** fat on the face. silicon.its the capsule surroundin that get infected, whixh antibiotic can not penatrate, hence removal is needed. the down side is how ut looks, i have fat graft pn my forehead and chin, my face looks fatty enoughy
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but when an autologous procedure gets infected it can be due to various reasons. Often the phenomenon is not even understood the surgeon. Its also not so much the disconnected graft that gets infected but the surrounding tissues itself. One possible reason for this is the body rejecting a foreign object which does not belong in the transplant site.

Check this article out. http://archfaci.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1158577 Especially this part: Results The patient self-assessment showed that 73 patients were satisfied; 16 patients stated that they felt better than they did preoperatively; and 19 patients were dissatisfied. The independent surgeons judged that 43 patients had excellent outcomes, 37 patients had good outcomes, 24 patients had fair outcomes, and 4 patients had poor outcomes. There were 13 donor site complications: 9 seromas, 1 pneumothorax, 2 keloid formations, and 1 persistent pain. There were 19 recipient site complications: 9 infections, 5 resorptions, 2 visible graft contours, 2 graft fractures, and 1 warping.

Conclusions The use of autologous costal cartilage in rhinoplasty was found to be associated with a relatively high complication rate and relatively poor aesthetic outcomes. Considering our results, autologous costal cartilage should be used with the possibility of complications in mind.

This analysis is regarding autologous in the form of rib rhino. I believe good deal of it is applicable to derma fat too
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Heya K Couture,

You seem pretty knowledgeable with nose surgeries.! Wonder I u could help me with some suggestions. I had my nose and paranasal done at VIP using rib and ear awhile ago. Although I don't hate it, but not 100% satisfied due asymmetrical issues and the the tip has absorbed so it's actually slightly lower than my bridge. I like mine to curve up a little. I'm thinking of going back to Korea for a revision, but I'm just trying to search around and see what other options I have besides VIP. The reason I'd go back VIP is because they know what they did with my nose so now they can help me refine it. But still want to seek other options and decide from there.

I just sent Dream clinic a msg, so I'm curious to see how they could adjust my problem here. I just really want to fix the asymmetrical problem and the nose tip.

I know different doctors has different suggestions, but I'd like to know what u guys think? What procedure I should look for? Close surgery? Open? More cartilage for the tip?
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very true!
new info, i have sent my pictures to dr from oz, and he told me that the contour is showing and its thinning the skin, i dong know does it look like that to ur? i mean, i dont want to go for another surgery if my nose can at least hold. i mean i never new the chance of infection is so high, since i left this forum during my recovery time, there has been 3 cases!
thats why i still havent decided to go to korea, unlesa they show me picturea of pp with exact cases like mine who in the end absolutely needed revsion, i dont know…
i hope pp here have seen enough cases to guid me through, i cant get a straight answer from anoyone. my dr wont accept it, all drs who responded said i need to do revision, im lossing hope on the honesty of these surgeons… im grateful they replied but…
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Anybody who had previous rhinoplasty using rib cartilage had the remaining peice of cartilage put back into the chest? The doctor I went to in Korea placed my remaining rib cartilage back into my chest, but I think he might've not put it in the right place or anchor it down properly. Because I can feel the rib cartilage, maybe the size of a thumb, poking outwards. It's not painful, as the edge does not feel sharp. But it's really uncomfortable because it's not laid flat, and pushing out like a lump. Imagine a thumb poking outward from inside. I just had a breast augmentation two weeks ago, so it's probably weighing down that area of the rib, causing even more discomfort. I'm worried if it is safe for the peice of rib cartilage to be in there. I dont know if the constant friction of the rib cartilage poking out into the muscle or tissue will cause damage. Any advice or similar experience? Thank you.
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oh....that's different.....why did he even place the remaining rib back? I've never heard of that happening before. I mean......was the piece of rib so huge that he had to put it back and if so why was the graft so big to begin with :S
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Hi K,
I was thinking of private messaging you myself to ask if you had the same thing done for. I guess you didn't . The doctor saved the rib cartilage in case a revision requires more cartilage, I think. I thought this was a normal thing to do? So I didn't question him. I don't even know if he even informed me of this prior to surgery. Currently, I'm so upset by the nose job he performed, AND a chin implant that he suggested I should have which I now regret because I didn't really need one if the first place AND its completely crooked to one side, AND now the rib cartilage complication/ discomfort that might need to be removed, all for a messed up looking primary nose job...I'm afraid all of these things will cost a lot of $$$ and pain for re- operating 3 different areas ( nose, chin, rib) FML...
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