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Asian Nose Job 3

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apparently irradiated rib has a higher resorption rate than autologous rib. Also guys who are concerned with movement of silicone. It does not move when the placement technique is superior. Reason why you see some implants that move is because leathery pocket formation can shift implant to one side or another. This happens to a more significant degree when placed too close to the superficial layers of tissue. To negate this the surgeon should place the implant deep within the tissues and use a sealing method to firmly hold it in place.
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Welcome back, Kcouture! Hope you're feeling better!

Re: sealing methods for silicone - other than placing it under the muscle and above the bone, what sealing methods do you know of? (I'm not sure what woukd hold the upper end in place)

Also, have you ever come across rough %s for resorption for rib during your own research by any chance? (Either kind)

I'd hate to pay a ton for donated rib only to have say 80% get absorbed if it's super high

Take care, and happy weekend :smile:
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Wishingstar , my silicon implant not move at all and it stay firmly in place , but i need Revision Rhinoplasty , i m planning go to Korea next year Feb , the tip of my nose is start problem it become thin & shine , i have to Redo with new soft silicon . i hope with the latest surgical techniques best method will last me another 20 year ,
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there's no such thing as most affordable and best. It depends on the speciality of the surgeons who work at the clinic and whether or not the methodology they utilize is suitable for your case. Everyone has a different facial structure, hence one method that is suitable for you might not be suitable for someone else. It is best you do your research to find out what is most efficient for your needs.
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hey do you have a kakao? I want to get rhinoplasty but this comment has me thinking
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Thanks for posting this. I too thought revisions were for the unlucky, and that most people can have a one & done rhino. Lately, I've been reading more & more about the high rate of rhino revisions. It really gives me pause about the procedure. This is especially true, since there's nothing really "wrong" with my nose. Overall, I'm considered attractive. My motivation for getting rhinoplasty is so I can achieve a movie star level of attractiveness.

The question I've been wanting to ask you all is: if you are attractive (perhaps even highly attractive to some), but you want to look even better (ie like a movie star), is it worth it to undergo plastic surgery? Obviously, the reward is that you'll achieve your goal and look incredibly beautiful. On the other hand, if you are unlucky you can have botched surgery. Is the risk worth it if you are already attractive?

Please don't flame me for asking. I think it's a fair question since this is a PS thread. It's also a question I can't ask anyone in real life without sounding conceited and obnoxious. That's why I'm turning to my friends in tpf for help. TIA!
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Getting a nose job really depends on you. If you don't get it, will you be fine with it? Will you be able to live without surgery being constantly on your mind? Or will you still feel quite insecure about it?

I got mine and it's really boosted my self confidence up.

Also, if you are THAT attractive, I would highly suggest you stay away from silicone. I have rarely seen any natural results with this. I've either seen no change in the person's face, or a very visible silicone outline. And this WILL make you regret it.

I know it's not recommended, but maybe you can go with a rib rhino for your first time? If not go for something like gortex + septal cartilage + ear cartilage (i had this done and it looks very natural and great projection)

I really highly suggest you research outside of South Korea too. There are other options.
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