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Asian Nose Job 3

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ear cartilage is more soft and bendable, which is an ideal material for the tip, septal is more rigid and not as flexible but also an ideal material for building the tip. i think most surgeons will use both materials when constructing the tip.
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have u already gone through a rib rhinoplasty before?? are u looking into getting a revision?
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Surpisingly, the only pain I had after having rib rhinoplasty was a tiny bit in soreness, but only when I was getting out of bed

Not painful at all
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that s so lucky of you. I hope I can get the same experience when I do the rib rhino.
May I ask how long post op already? Did you encounter any reabortption or sth? Was it your first rhino? Thank you so much for sharing.
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Hey guys...just wanna update that im now in vip, post op 2nd day. I had rib rhino, genioplasty n fat graft. I just wanna say that.....i fcking regret this. Im in so much pain n my face had swollen up to the size of elephant. I really really regret this. I would not suggest multisurgeries. I feel that they r insincere, just wanna squeeze every last drop out of u. After u had the surgeries, its sayonara good luck ur on ur own. I wish i can undo this. I cmpletely cant recognise myself now.
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Ummmmm okay... So Shimmian has just emailed me... It was Jay Lee and he said he was in England and was mugged and needed 1,450pounds to get home etc....

Thats really random isnt it?? Of course I declined it. ShouldnI assume hes beeb hacked? The email had similar writing styles to previous letters but isnt this very strange??

Has anyone else received an email like this?!?! It makes me not trust Dr Jung now........
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I was about to ask the same thing. I also recieved that email.but I don't trust that email either.
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1 week and 6 days post op, so almost 2 weeks

It was my first rhino, no reabsorbing yet
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Got the email too. If jay wrote in some other less direct way that doesn't use the tactic of a Nigerian scammer... It would be more believable
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He was definitely hacked. I got a similar email from a colleague of mine. :lol: How embarrassing to have them sent from your work email.
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Don't tell me you guys are still using hotmail? It's horrible. I used to get those scam emails from Nigeria about once a month... found some treasure but need money to dig them up, parents are deathly ill, blah blah. I just cussed them out. :graucho:
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about the email scam thing, i'm friends with shimmian facebook account and they have posted this message:
Important !!!!

Something really bad happened this morning.
Looks like our email ([email protected]) has been hacked since this morning. What's worse, a certain email, titled "Confidential Request" has been sent to all of you, which ask you for finacial help.

we'll fix this problem soon. thanks
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Hey, you're only 2 days post of. It's normal to feel this way since you are in so much pain and are extremely swollen right now. Be patient. Maybe you'll end up loving the results. You did choose to have surgery for a reason. Two days is wayyyy early.
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