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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi dear how have you been?

1. He used irradiated rib because my septum was already used up and resorped from the previous surgery I had in Los Angeles. I also didnt want anything harvested from me so he used irradiated rib

2. That's correct. My alloderm in collumela is not for support but rather to layer and push down the collumela. If you notice in my pictures My collumela was a tad short so I wanted to make it lower.

3. You see the reason I wanted my collumela lower is because my nose is not capable of achieving the sharp caucasian tip. I do not have the applicable pre existing structure to do so (and neither do you btw). So instead I decided to give my nose the illusion of such an aesthetic by manipulating my nose to the 3 point ratio. This is 3 dimensional position where the alars, the tip and the collumela are in the ideal location to give a defined look, even without a super pointy tip like that of caucasians.

Kakao me ill send you a diagram of that the 3 point ratio looks like.

Ummmm I dunno what type of graft u should use to be honest. I always get the impression that u want a super pointy pointy pointyyyy tip but its really not possible in your case. I know Dr Park can also do a graft thats placed in between a cap and a shield. In terms of location that is. I don't actually know the shape of that particular graft that he uses. I've only seen the mold for the shield graft. So you should ask him about it. The suture method is not for most asians unless their tip width is due to cartilage. But that is rare.

When you be in Seoul girl? I'll be there for 3 days before halloween to do some shopping :P If ure there at the same time lets go have some drinkies. I found this rooftop lounge with an artificial beach!!!
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Hi everyone,

I had rhino back in December with JW but I was not completely satisfied with the results and would like to get a revision from the same clinic. Has anyone had their primary and revision done at JW and know what the prices would be like? I read that for some places the revision was free but I am not sure.

Please let me know, thanks!
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im pretty sure JW does free revision so it shouldnt be a problem
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Hey Peach and K Couture,

I am in Incheon, Korea. I am also planning to do alar reduction and tip rih, however i did my research for many clinics but I will be grateful if you both guys help me to find a good clinic. here is my Kakao ID, arween11 and my number +821059011920.
Plz share your post and pre pics with me.

Your cooperation will be highly appreciated. tnx all
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u should not post your phone number on here my dear. Not everyone has good intentions.
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Hi Moosoo
How are your PS coming along ? Hope everything went as planned . I don't have any information about other clinic . I went to Dream . That's the only clinic I consulted . Result was not bad . Clinic is quite professional . Medium size . After care is good . My surgeon was informative and communicative . But if you read in this forum you will be able to pick up much information about which clinic is a safe one and which is the horror one. :smile:

Good luck!
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I am great ! I just Kktalk you ! Nice to hear from you girl!

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Hello, just got an email from JW recently. They quoted my about USD3300~USD3800 although they said price may increase depending on face 2 face consultation. Told JW that I would very much prefer rhinoplasty without any implants and they say it's possible. I've emailed DREAM as well but no reply from them though.

So the price for rhinoplasty is around 4000 usd?? That's the standard these days?
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Does anyone have experiences with stitches remaining after rhinoplasty? I'm a month post op and there are still a couple stitches inside my nose, as well one poking slightly out of the columnella incision line. I'm back in North America so I can't go to my clinic. Should I go find a doctor, or just try to snip them myself??
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I was wondering should I get plastic surgery in Korea or Singapore. My budget now is $5k (but can wait a little til I earn more). I was thinking of doing one by one with rhinoplasty first. Should I go to Korea? or stay in Singapore to do? And also, can anyone recommend any skilled Singaporean surgeons?

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I think while Singapore is great for medical procedures and treatments, it cannot be compared to Korea when it comes to elective (plastic) surgery because the industry is so much more developed in Seoul. The techniques they use are also of a higher standard
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Hi Yukiko..

K is right . I had my DES done in Singapore with one of the most renowned plastic surgery . Dr.Woffle Wu is no where near korean surgeons. I had my revision in Seoul 3 months ago and I am very satisfied with my double eyelid surgery .

I had my nose done in singapore ages ago. Dr. Chan Cin Cin, he was also one of the famous one, but his result is totally mediocre . Lucky that he didn't ruined my nose . But it is nothing impressive . So I had mine tweaked again in Seoul recently .I like it despite my natural deviation, which is not the surgeon fault . And I am going to get it re - tweaked with the same surgeon after I hit my six month mark.

And for rhinoplasty , I guaranty you no one is good in singapore . I have seen friends of mine done in Singapore , not good. As for other type of surgeons in singapore , I am not impressed at all . They are not specialized on one thing . They are more like a one stop shopping do it all kinda surgeon that's why they are mediocre level.

So if I were you . I would save up an have it done in Seoul. Hope that helps !
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anyone doing rhinoplasty this fall? Any tips on which dr who arent conservative and can give me a high and defined nose? I dont fancy those big noses that ive seen on certain sg bloggers with their tip turned down. A more european-like nose is preferred. Not looking for a subtle change. I have L-implants atm
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if u want a more caucasian nose then that depends on your pre exisiting structure. Few asians are able to obtain noses like that regardless of the surgeon because we have more bulbous tips which does not allow for our tip to be enhanced to that point. But if you are one of the few whose tissues are thinner and naturally have a good degree of definiton its possible
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