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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi, if you're still on here can you PM me about this please? :smile: (I don't have kakao) I was thinking of Trend for rhino as I have read reviews on here. But yes I think may be promoters.
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Going to korea in aug for rhino.. And i'm booking with trend, anyone here want to share their experience.. Is it worth it just to have one clinic to go? I haven't seen the dr but already booked my surgery date :|
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there are some OK reviews some not. Its a small clinic yes

# href="http://joteeblog.com/trend-part2/" target="_blank" class="externalLink" rel="nofollow">http://joteeblog.com/trend-part2/

and bad ones (see VIVIGAL posts, also she says some other girls wanted revisions)

# I am also looking at MVP (their surgeon seems experienced), April 31.. the Line and Dream

tbh I would really consult more than 1 clinic. if you haven't put deposit down especially its good to get more opinions. Im sure other clinics would let u book consults :smile:
I will go to Seoul next year in March for a revision nose and will stay for 2 weeks before heading to Thailand and Vietnam for vacation for another 2 weeks and then fly back to germany. Do you guys know if i can go on holiday 1 week after nose job ? Of course i will avoid direct sun exposes and swimming. But sightseeing and traveling should be okay?:smile:
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I'm caucasia n and I would if it's better to do nose surgery in my country or can I do this in Korea ?
Because I see that the nose in Korea have a lot of implant lol, I have a bump on the nose and a big nose, and not a little nose.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Vivigal -

Trend was on my shortlist.. Could you add me on kakao: smokococo

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So rhinoplasty which involves osteo the healing process involves both the soft tissue and the bone. If its mild rasping the recovery isn't prolonged by much. If lateral osteo is involved then expect an additional 2 weeks ontop of the 3 weeks for supeficial swelling. obviously your residual swelling will still be 6-8 months
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, one of my consultation the doctor mentioned that I need to remove my ear cartilage for rhinoplasty. May I know what any side effects when the cartilage being removed? And what do they need to use it?
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No side effects really. Ive never even heard of anyone getting an infection from the harvest. The cartilage is used for tipplasty. Because it is highly inadvisable to use artificial implants for tipplasty, the best alternative is autologous grafts. Typically septal and/or ear cartilage is used
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I posted this on another category for people interested in JW but I thought I would post it here too to get some suggestions for clinics from people who aren't specifically interested in just JW. Hope that's ok.

Hey everyone,

I've been a lurker for months and months and never thought I would write a post but I wanted to get my JW story off my chest and possibly get help finding a new clinic for my REVISION.

I got my nose done 5 months ago at JW by Dr Suh. I booked a consultation and the surgery a month ahead of time with the consultant because I was so sure that it was the only clinic for me according to all the research I did.

When I arrived at 10 am the consultant was confused when I said I had a surgery scheduled. She left and came back and said I only had a consultation reserved so I showed her my receipt for the $500 deposit. She comes back 10 mins later and suddenly they have room for me... Maybe they bumped someone? I don't know but I was panicking the whole time because I only had 7.5 more days in Korea.

Fast forward to aftercare. It's not bad but I practically had to beg for the complimentary hair washes. As in she questioned me every time I asked and even looked at my hair to check if it dirty enough to be washed. Another thing is there are two nurses that do the stitch removal and hair washes there and let's just say one of them is gentle and one is not. It became a running joke between my bf and me every time she would be the one to call out my name. My cast was pulled off without that gentle q tip thing you see them do in the videos. She didn't even have a mask on like the other did. And when it came to stitch removal day... I had tears running down the right side of my face because your nose is connected to your eyes and she was just going to town on those stitches. She even forgot to remove the one on the tip of my nose so I had to walk back and she removed it while I was standing. She and her co worker were chatting about something and she couldn't wait to get back to the conversation I guess. Btw she never cleaned the outside of my nose so I had dried blood spots all over it that I cleaned myself when I got back to the hotel.

Anyway, the main problem was that after the cast removal I noticed my implant was deviated to my right side. I sent pictures and kakaoed the consultant and she just brushed it off as swelling but every day until stitch removal I kept thinking something was wrong. While I was there waiting for my hair wash the consultant says Dr suh will be unavailable to check my nose after stitch removal and if it was ok if another dr checked it. I was upset and said no because I knew my nose was crooked and I paid for dr suh. She said she somehow messed up the scheduling and realized he would be at a seminar. We waited for 30 mins for her to figure it out with him and I think he might have gone in on his day off or before the seminar but I got to see him on my 7th day.

The moment he entered the room he puts his hands on my nose and starts pushing the implant to the center saying it was deviated. Big I told you so moment! It hurt too! They blamed it on me sleeping on my right side which I already knew not to do so I never did! After he left I asked the consultant if taping it for a little bit longer would keep it in place but she said that it would cause swelling... I just thought "huh??" But fine.

I flew to Southeast Asia to visit family and every other minute I would stare at my nose in the mirror and think it was still deviated. I sent lots of pictures to the consultant and she kept dismissing them saying it was swelling again. Finally I had enough and told her to show the pictures to dr suh. The next day (the day before we were supposed to fly back to Canada) she says he saw and he says to come back to Korea and get it adjusted or I could go to their clinic in Vietnam if that was more convenient, which didn't make sense cause vietnam was farther than Korea was at the time. He said he was going to adjust it and but a cast back on for a few days which was my first suggestion that she replied with the bs about it causing a bigger problem!

So the day that I should've spent with family was spent on the phone with Korean air trying to get tickets to go back to Korea and new tickets back to Canada. Extra $2k+ !!!!!

I got my nose back in a cast for two days and on my last day he said it was fine now but I insisted on another taping to keep it in place during the very long journey back home. I even asked him about the horizontal line I had on the bridge where the implant begins but he said it was just a wrinkle I already had. I'm in my 20's so now it wasn't a wrinkle but thankfully it was just swelling. Comes back when I get hot and my nose turns pink though.

At the end of it the consultant said I could have a "vitamin injection" which I'm guessing was just vitamin c for whitening or something. I said ok but I didn't realize it was administered through an IV and it would last an hour... I wanted to get out of there already after all that happened so it wasn't worth it in my opinion.

I trusted the dr even after everything but in my gut I still felt that the implant was crooked but my flight was in a few hours.

Ever since I got back home a few months ago I've been staring at my nose every free second that I have because the implant is still crooked. It curves where my old hump (which I can still feel a little of) and before the tip. It's all I can think about. Nobody else has noticed but I've only told by bf of course. It's not obvious until you take a picture or you look really close. I don't know why this happened. Every day I go "why me? Korea is so far!" but I guess that is the risk we are all willing to take as foreigners, especially coming all the way from North America.

Btw I got alar reduction, silicone bride, and ear cartilage on my tip. I asked for a straight nose which I got but even without the crooked implant I'm not quite happy with the nose. My family was honest and said what I was thinking when I first saw my new nose which was, "dammit! it looks the same!" Dr suh does very natural work so if you want a dramatic change then perhaps looks elsewhere. The only thing I like is that because of the alarplasty my width has improved.

Now I am planning to go back early next year for a revision when my nose job is a year old and I don't know which clinic to go with. I did so much research before and JW was my choice and now I'm so overwhelmed by all the negative and positive reviews and the limited information we get as foreigners, not to mention the inflated prices compared to the locals!

Right now I have view, laprin, and the line in mind but still looking of course. The line got back to me asking for personal info like nationality, age, etc. I thought it was strange until I realized it is probably so they can gauge how much they can rip us off, depending on where we're from and all. I replied and said I am Korean (I'm not) and they haven't replied back LOL.

While I'm Korea I am also interested in getting DES and a BA. So I am trying to find a clinic that does all three surgeries well.

I was thinking of JW and contacted them but I honestly have a bad taste in my mouth after the weird service and of course the effed up implant. I sent many pictures to the consultant and this time without the swelling excuse the deviation is still apparent and she didn't deny it. However, she said I would have to pay $4k to get a revision if I wanted the implant to be replaced and not to simply be adjusted again. I also got quoted the usual high prices for the other two surgeries i wanted.

So there's my story. I can't wait to get my nose fixed so I can move on with my life and stop obsessing about which angles it does or doesn't look crooked in. I chose JW because they didn't seem to have any bad reviews so that's why I was hesitant about writing about my experience. Am I really the first unhappy JW patient?

I am super private and debated for a week on whether to write this so please understand that I don't really want to post pictures.

Also, If anyone has any recent info on the line and laprin and their pricing or have any suggestions on clinics please let me know
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I forgot to ask if anybody that has had their hump shaved and added silicone on top can still feel a little bit of the hump? Cause I can. I asked dr suh why and he just dismissed it as swelling. I also noticed my stitches on each alar looked different and I brought that up too and asked if it was ok and he dismissed that too. Now one side has healed with a faint scar and the other one not so much.

I wanted to add another example of the consultant always trying to hustle:
I asked dr suh if there was a special scar cream they had that I could get and they talked amongst themselves for a bit and the nurse came back with a tiny tube and the consultant said it was $65. What??! So I looked at the ingredients and I said, "this is literally sunscreen. No thanks it's too expensive." So the consultant right away said, "Ok $50 then!"
Still didn't get it btw
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