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Asian Nose Job 3

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I have a consultation with the doctor for my very short nose and he suggest to lengthen my short nose by separating the upper nasal cartilage with the lower nasal cartilage and using autologous cartilage implant.
Anyone did this method for lengthening of short nose?
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Hi everyone,

I had rhinoplasty in Singapore using rib and the result had destroyed me.
My nose is uneven and unnatural.
It pains me to even write this but I feel it is only right for me to warn others considering using rib cartilage for Rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty using Rib Cartilage is highly specialized. You will be in a lot of trouble if your result is not what you want and you will find it extremely hard to get a revision. Going back to the same doctor may not be wise and the majority of the doctors are not familiar with this procedure.
That leaves you with only a handful of doctors who does rib to consider, and all of them have failed reviews and unhappy patients.
(Not to mention that they may reject revising you as revision for rib cartilage is the most difficult).
However, such “Famous Doctors” have many good and glowing reviews, but it is rumored that they employ marketing agency to flood the systems with positive reviews.
I believe there is truth to it, so don’t believe everything you read.
If you are lucky and your Rib Rhinoplasty went well with no warping, which mine didn't warp, you may still be left with result that may become uneven and unnatural in the long run.
Just imagine for a second, how can a piece of rib that is so hard and difficult to carve ever beat the smoothness of a silicone implant?
The radix is extremely hard to augment with rib. A lot of people have problems with the radix and glabella region with rib cartilage rhinoplasty.
There is no way you’ll have enough rib to augment everything.
To quote one example why it is not perfect, O & Young Korea (considered one of the best and most expensive) does Rhinoplasty using Rib but they still add a silicone implant over the dorsum and radix .

You may check out some Taiwanese forum for this information as Rib Rhinoplasty had been done there for many years.
Read all their failed Rhinoplasty experience and you will know how dangerous Rhinoplasty can be.
PS: Use google translate if you can’t read Chinese. You’ll have a rough idea.

Rib Rhinoplasty may sound like a one time for a perfect nose procedure, but many have failed.
It is imperfect and failing in it is hell.

I urge you to step back for a moment to think about this never ending spiralling pit of surgeries in Rhinoplasty before you head in.
I regret every moment now that I fell into it.
Just look at the doctors, many of them have not done Rhinoplasty for themselves. It is because they know how dangerous it can be.
Even if you are lucky and have good result with a synthetic implant. You will forever be living in fear of infection and extrusion. Once infection sets in, removal of the implant is the only option. Depending on the damage of the infection to your nose and state after removing the implant, you will most likely be left disfigured for half a year to a full year…. before you can consider putting in an implant or using rib cartilage to save yourself. The cycle may repeat itself but it cannot repeat forever. Remember Michael Jackson? The torment of being in fear of facing friends and public, being cut off from normal day life can only be a living hell.
I hope my writing can help spare someone from the torment that I face now.
Gob Bless.
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Hi everyone,
I am planning to do revisional rhinoplasty and maybe double eyelid surgery next week in Korea :smile:
I am planning to create a thread to post my experience from consultations to recovery.
So far the clinics I contacted and that have replied are:
1) Cocoline- for revisional rhinoplasty
2) Wannabe
3) Samsung line

I might be also visiting Braun and Opera
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I had my nose done by Dr Suh from Baum before. I came back for a revision. I'm currently 1 day post op. I'm not sure how the results are yet. But Dr Suh has done some great work in the past that I've seen. Prices are also really good. I'm really nervous and anxious about my final nose results.. Because right now it's swollen..
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Hey! I had my nose done by Dr. Suh a few weeks ago too! My swelling went down a lot after about 10 days. Keep sleeping upright and ice for the first 2-3 days. So far I LOVE my new nose! Prices were good for me too. Only negative so far is that they didn't include an ice pack in my care package so I had to go buy my own at the pharmacy. Do you mind me asking why you needed a revision? Did they charge you for the revision since you had you nose done with them in the past?
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Hi, I have booked with them and I chose Dr.Park for my nose and eyes is Dr.Suh. Can I know what is not included in the cost of surgery so that i can prepared aside from the ice pack? Where did you stay? Mind sharing with me what happened on day 1- 10?? I am just anticipating what to expect on the subsequent days..
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Hi, can i know why did you choose Dr.Suh instead of Dr.Park? Mind me asking what kind of nose you wish to achieve? Would love to connect with you at KK if you don't mind.
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I had my nose done previously by dr Suh when he was still at Braun. I chose him because I saw good results from other girls. I needed a revision because my nose changed shape and didn't match my face anymore. By the time I reached out to Dr Suh, he works at Baum. Yet he still happily agreed to fix my nose. Therefore my revision was by Dr Suh instead of Dr Park. Feel free to privately message me. I don't really know how to navigate and use purse forum very well so if you message me, I'll respond back. :smile:
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I chose Dr. Suh because he does really beautiful elegant noses. I wanted a really pointy small nose like a celebrity so he was perfect for me when I saw his previous works. He can definitely help you achieve that kpop star nose if that's what you're looking for. I'm not sure if he is any good at doing minimal natural noses though. Ask the consultant to show you both doctor's previous works. Plastic surgery is an art, so pick a surgeon whose "art" suits your style best lol. Another thing that isn't included in the procedure cost in the cost of your medicines. My medicines cost 65,000 won. It was really easy to get your medicines because there's a pharmacy on the main floor. Buy extra gauzes and extra soft cotton swabs at the pharmacy. You will definitely need more than what they give you. Day 1-3: I was bleeding nonstop, that is normal. Just keep changing your moustache bandage. Day 3: follow up appointment. Bring a neck pillow. I slept sitting up for about 7 days to minimize swelling. You will look like **** but that is normal lol. Remember that you will be swollen not only width wise but also height wise. So my first 10 days, my nose looked extra wide, round, and tall, but after 10 days it started to deswell a lot. I stayed at my boyfriend's place. We took the subway to the clinic.
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what kind of silicone implant do you use ?
L-shaped + cartilage or I-shaped + cartilage ?

i had rhino 4 months ago with L-shaped implant + ear cartilage for my tip.
but 2 months ago i bumped my nose tip and had an infection.
my doctor told me to remove my implant.
i already went to 2 different PS, and they told me to use I-shaped implant for my bridge , and ear cartilage/nasal septum for my tip.
But my first PS told me to use L-shaped implant again.

i need you advice.
thank you all
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Sorry that you had an infection. I'm glad you had it removed right away. I am very surprised to hear that your surgeon did L shaped implant. That's like almost unheard of nowadays.. It was an old school thing to use but people stopped using L shaped implant because of the higher likelihood of infections and extrusions since the tip is a very sensitive area. I suggest you look around for other surgeons and not risk having another infection. I shaped silicone is okay to use since it's at your bridge. But use some kind of natural material for the tip such as your septal or ear cartilage. Good luck :smile:
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Hi! Has anyone had experience with Dr. Donald Yoo from the Los Angeles area? He seems to have a good presence on social media, real self, and yelp. He uses the DCF graft method which uses rib cartilage that he dices up finely and puts into a fascia graft and then uses that to augment nose bridge. It seems like the same thing VIP in korea uses? But I'm not sure if VIP dices their cartilage.

K Couture seems to have had a bad experience with DCF before, so I'm very wary of that method. But the work he has performed looks really natural... do you guys think extrusion chances are lower if I'm not seeking a major bridge augmentation?

If anyone has had any experience with him, please let me know! His consultation is very expensive at $250 so I wanted to get more information on him before I make a trip to LA and cough up the $250 for a consult.
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Are you referring to Dr.Suh at JW? If so, I've always heard complaints about his work being too natural.
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