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Asian Nose Job 3

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Um, I didn't have any of those things except for the protein powder and I never used it. I just got my wisdom teeth out and found that using sineech helped with swelling and bruising so I'd recommend grabbing some of that :smile:

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Wishing you a speedy recovery, commet. Btw, is the aunty (chef) still at VIP? She's such a sweetheart :smile:
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Hi greatnose, I was wondering if you have a link for Dr Neo? I'm looking at getting revision and am looking into options. Thanks :smile:
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Hey Momo,

It's been reiterated before, but I'm not sure if you seen the post from taeyang123:
Is there any reason as to why you're going back to VIP for a revision - and what were your previous procedures? (rib-graft rhinoplasty with paranasal augmentation?) Was there something that you didn't like post-op when it healed up? Are you open to the idea of sending a selected few, your B&A photos?

Anything would be considerably helpful :biggrin:
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Didn't you just had rib rhino last May? What's wrong with the nose that you need a revision? How's your tip?
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Ah, I knew there was a reply I had forgotten (sorry about that taeyang123!)

I had my surgery (primary with rib and ear) in May last year and a few months into recovery I noticed a couple of bumps on my nose and then it became obvious that my bridge has deviated quite noticeably (well, to me anyways). The deviation has been causing breathing problems again and as that was one of the main reasons I got my nose done, I'm very adamant that it be corrected.

The main issues other than those two that i've had since surgery is that my nose is still EXTREMELY hard, you don't realise how weird and wrong that feels until you have it. It makes hugging and even kissing others on the cheek very uncomfortable because your nose pokes into them and it always feels extremely fragile. Also, blowing your nose is a problem because it doesn't move.

Another huge concern I had was that Dr Lee made my bridge way too high and now there's shadowing between my eyes caused by the bridge, this makes me look years older than I am and has changed my looks considerably. I now look old and tired rather than young and cute as I did before. The skin on the sides of my bridge between my eyes is extremely thin and fragile as well.

I want to say I don't regret my surgery because of all the work and money I put into it, but if i'm honest I know I do. However, I'm hoping Dr Lee will be able to shave down the bumps, straighten things out and make it better. I also realised from looking through all my photos that I would have been happier if I had only straighten my nose, shaved it a bit and had alarplasty - which I'm considering having when I make my trip next month. So if anyone has any reviews on alarplasty I'd be thankful :smile:

Sorry, but i'm not comfortable posting my pictures online.

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Thanks. I met two "aunties" when I was recovering so I'm not sure which one of them is the chef but both of them are really sweet and caring.
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I'm still swollen so it's hard to tell what my results will be. I've been feeling my nose for bumps and other irregularities and so far I don't feel any.
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Hi, I'm 2 weeks post-op from Dr. Lee at VIP and one thing I also notice is the two small bumps from the edge of the septal cartilage he placed on my bridge up to the radix, it's a little noticeable on the left. Do you think it will smooth out because it's septal cartilage? I couldn't tell until the bandage was removed after a week and then I noticed it when I rubbed my eye. It causes a shadow :sad:

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hi!! urgent question to all those who've have revision!!!! I heard that after you've taken out ur " implant" you have to wait a few months for your nose to get back to it's orginal state... ie. up to max of 6 months..............!?!?!?!?before you can have revision- or have another implant placed........ is this true? or for only certain cases??? T,T ......... thanks!
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me too!! i have a bump inside my nose. I think it's just scarred tissue.

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lol no problem :smile: i didn't know there was a difference in aesthetics when it came to chin work... would u be able to elaborate more on how dr.wangs work differs from the chin work in south korea, lol i'm quite curious.

ya its good to have a doc tht tells it like it is. ya i still plan on going around the same time, im very keen on getting it done during the winter time. i think i would probably stay around 7-10 days. if u do happen to go to china let me kno :smile:
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lol thats okaii :smile: i wish u the best with ure revision at vip. im sure dr.lee will be able to fix the concerns u have with ure nose. please keep us all updated on how things turn out :smile:
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most doctors say tht u wait to wait at least 3 to 6 months before u can get a revision.
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