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Asian Nose Job 3

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Some doctors say that you have two choices: you can remove the implant and wait 6 months. Or you can have it replaced immediately (ie, come into surgery with the old implant and the doctor will switch with the new). However, in the case of infected implants, most likely they will tell you to remove it, take antibiotics and wait 6 months.
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Yes it's been a year almost since my nose job but I did not have infection or anything so ya I thought I could just swap implant n etc but recently I heard I have to take out implant n wait few months hahah do I got so worried ....! Thanks so much !
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Hi omom.momo, i've just subscribe to this forum, because me too I had my nose surgery at vip, sept.2011, and like you I have some bumps now, and like you my skin was so stretched by the super elevation bridge that people told me I look older now.
and like you my nose is extremely hard and when I blow my nose, it's very uncomfortable because the tip is hard. I remember joann told me that my nose will feel like real nose.. but she lied to me or she just doesn't really ask to patients how is the feeling.
How can they revise you so soon? because they told me to wait a year... did you asked them ? or did they propose it to you after you went to complain ?
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It's extremely natural.
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Good luck, dr kao is a very talented and skilled doctor, but make sure you tell him EXACTlY what you want or he will give you a rather conservative resilt(very natural though)
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When I told JoAnn about these problems she said that it's best to wait 6mths to a year. Initially, I wasn't going to go for a revision because of the travelling and the healing time and the problems that can arise from surgery. But in the end I want to be able to breathe properly again and be satisfied with my nose.
At first I was worried that my concerns would be ignored and pushed aside, but JoAnn has been very supportive through the whole thing and has reassured me that Dr Lee will be able to correct the issues I have. I understand that she may be saying this to alleviate my worries so I am going to be very firm about what I want and what can be done. I will be having open surgery again though which has been worrying me because of the scarring issues.

Have you talked to JoAnn about your worries, chocolateblack? Also, where are your bumps?

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Hi Rohnin, I hope you've been healing well. Are you still in Korea?

How small are the two bumps? One of mine was small like a rounded pin head and the other one was quite big on my radix. Regarding the larger bump, I'm not sure if it is a bump of it Dr Lee built my bridge too high and unevenly, because I wanted something that looked natural and dips in at the radix in the middle of the pupils and gently slopes out, but the bridge I have starts at the top on my eyelids and juts straight out making it look extremely unnatural and masculine on my soft girly face.

Umm regarding the small bumps, they may smooth out over time. Because it's only been two weeks for you, I wouldn't worry overly much. There is nothing that can done until past the 6month mark and I know a girl who didn't like her nose at first but over time became satisfied with it because it started deswelling. My nose bridge pretty much deswelled in a months time because I don't seem to swell up that badly due to my thin skin, it's only the tip I'm waiting for now. I still think i look like squirdward though.

My best advice would be to give it time. I know it's hard and worrisome, especially because you're noticing this straight after surgery but things do change once the swelling goes down. I liked my nose somewhat when I came out of surgery because the swelling made the bridge look natural (tip was hideous though) but when that went down I realised how garish it made me look with the bridge being too high and too thin, and now extremely deviated.

Gosh, sorry if i'm worrying you, but honestly, just wait it out a while! :smile:

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Oh, and I don't think our noses will ever become soft enough to blow properly. We just have to adjust to really just dabbing at it. From what I've read, the tip will soften ever so slightly but that's all.
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hi, thanks for your reply :smile: i'm not in Korea, i left after one week to go back to the states. so the bumps are hard, seems like the edges of the septal cartilage he put to the radix. it's just not even on both sides, with the bigger bump more to the left towards my eye. it doesn't even seem like my bridge is swollen, but i don't know. i guess you're right but for sure there is unevenness. i didn't even know he was going to put something over my bridge! well, mine isn't too high like yours but i think my tip will deswell over time although now it's nice and round :smile: i hope it doesn't get uneven when the swelling goes away.

i hope your revision goes well! do you need more rib cartilage to fix it?? i wonder if the rib cart warped?
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even after using just ear cartilage for the tip??! oh no.. :sad:
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For those consider doing sliding chin, please be careful, I did it and change my face so much, I couldn't even recognize myself anymore. I prefer my original chin eventhough it wasn't as good as after genioplasty, but I couldn't accept my new face yet. I will do the reversing genioplasty if it is possible to get back my original look as I'm still 10 days post ops. I read itis best to reverse at 6 weeks post ops. My lower lip also become thinner and change in shape, don't know is it because of the swelling on my jaw or will stay like that forever? My chin also still numb and i couldnt talk properly yet. My upper lip also become thinner but I guess that's because of the para nasal augmentation. For those that don't mind to have a new look, go on, but I just couldn't accept my new look. If the reversing genioplasty could make me getting my original look, I will go for that, but if it cannot, I guess I just have to embrace my new look. I also read some have long face after their sliding chin which I luckily don't have.
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HI omom.momo, I have two bumps on the septal' edge. I remember I've told to joann about all the problem when dr lee took off the tape, bumps, exagerate elevation of the bridge, hard tip.. and I remember clearly that she said everything will disapear if I wait.. It's almost 6months now.. and I still have the same problems, plus breathing problem on the right nostril.. I haven't contact VIP yet because she said I have to wait a year before a revision ? when will you be revised ?
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Chocolateblack, has your nose deviated? You should get in touch with JoAnn even if it has only been 6 months. Even just to get her opinion, so that you can get an idea of what needs to be done. I think she told you to wait because when u get the cast off it is really too early to tell. Have any of your bumps gone down at all btw? or smoothened out even only a little?
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