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Asian Nose Job 3

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@rohnini, think dr lee had put 1 long piece of rib that measure start from the eyebrow line to the tip. it's about 6cm long. he put the ear cart just under the rib. Like you i though he used only ear cart for the tip, but it's partially wrong. That's why our nose tip is particulary hard and heavy. I've met a girl in nasarang ,www.nasarangclinic when I was reshaping my legs who did a ear cart on tip and it's completely different, the total ear cart on tip is softer as she could move her tip left/right and do a half pig nose.
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yes, i used to have a bump on the top of the radix, but i can't see it anymore. yeah, i will contact joann soon. did you accept the revision ?.. i'm also worried about the scars on the columella that will be cut again.
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did u got ur sliding chin at VIP ? because i wanted to do that also, but joann told me their technique is different from other clinic as they cut only the bottom of the chin and replace it in front of the chin. so I wansn't convinced..I did my sliding chin at proposeclinic because (like others clinics) they cut the jawbone at middle and slide it to make all the bottom advance and they also did a little lipo around my mouth for your chin to be more visible. itemclinic http://www.itemcliniceng.com/face/item-face07.html explain it.
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Hi snowlicious

What do u mean by long face? I thought sliding genioplasty is just to pull your chin outwards? Cos I've a receding chin thus it makes me look dumb. My overall face shape is round and I've a protruding forehead. I think i need sliding genio to harmonize my forehead and chin.

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It is true my face become harmony with forehead fat graft and sliding chin, but it really change my overall face, I guess that's the one that I really cannot accept yet. If you google on Reversing genioplasty, some mention they have longer face after genioplasty. I'm really regret that I didnt do much research about it. Dr. Lee actually offered fat graft for my chin only, but I was the one that mentioed sliding chin which I really regret it now. If you don't mind your face change/different look, of course you can go on, but I just think I cannot embrace my new face yet, I really hope the reversing could bring back my original look. My lips that change in shape also make me become a different person, I just hope my lips can back to original shape, therefore I will still have a little bit left over of my previous look. When I saw my simulation after genioplasty, it doesn't change me too much, but the real one after ops really make me become a different person which i myself cannot recognize anymore. I wouldnt dare for days to see my face on the mirror cause it stressed me out, now im a bit better. I met some that also did genioplasty at VIP, but they say their lips don't change in shape. I really hope my lips will back to original shape after the swollen gone, however I also read on google that the swelling on jaw and chin will go with time but not the lips. dr. Lee keep convincing me that my lips will back to original shape after all the swollen gone, I hope he's right. He has made me become more beautiful than before, but I couldn't accept my face change so much and so different. Now I put on face mask on my chin only everyday, my mother, kids and maids don't realize anything yet.
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I also have those fears, i'm not happy about having to worry about scarring again especially when there's already scar tissue in the area. I will be getting revision and I will aim to have a thorough chat with Dr Lee about what he can and will do and how that best aligns with what I would like done/fixed. It would also be in all our best interests if everything was corrected to Dr Lee's best abilities because the more unsatisfied patients they have the less likely they will be able to maintain a large overseas patient list, especially when most of us choose them due to reviews.

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I've been going through my photos, and i just want to say, my nose (profile view) was quite satisfactory after surgery. It had a nice curve and looked balanced with my features (if a little long and started a bit too high up), the bumps didn't become noticeable until after my bridge deswelled. The front view was not kind/and still isn't kind to the eye however.
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Definitely contact JoAnn, she's absolutely lovely and has been very helpful and reassuring during my whole recovery period, i believe i would have been a lot more stressed and worried if it hadn't been for her :smile:

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Hey guys, does anyone know a good surgeon in Hong Kong? I only want my nose done. I am not touching any other part of my body as I really like it. But I hate my ugly wide nose that does not fit my face! Trust me, I really do not want to go so far and to a foreign country to get my nose done. It's just that I've had a nose job twice here in the US and my nose hasn't changed a bit, actually I think it has gotten worse since my nose swells up a ton now. The American doctors don't know how to handle Asian-type noses to me.

I know that Korea might be the premier choice because plastic surgery is booming there. However, I do not speak a word of Korean and communicating with the doctor through the language barrier will be hazardous. And if any troubles arise, I won't know how to tell anyone! So I opted for Hong Kong since I'm sure many celebrities/models there have had surgery and look really nice. And I speak the language too. So no language barrier there besides....reading Chinese lol.

So who are the best surgeons for rhinoplasty in Hong Kong?
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Haha ~ I think it is ~ maybe it is just me! but I feel Korean one is more rounded and young whereas the China one seems more defined!

But cool ~ I am emailing Dr Wang again about chin stuff now. He replied pretty quick yesterday but asked for pictures so he can assess my face, so hopefully he'll reply back again quickly tomorrow!
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I don't know about septal cartilage...but I had ear cartilage put in my bridge and the small lump from the cartilage on the right side of my bridge just got more visible over time instead of "smoothening out". People who don't know about the cartilage in there thinks it is a blister. =(
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I would not recommend HK AT ALL for surgery - most celebs in HK go outside of HK to get surgery such as Japan or S.Korea (much like S'pore people)

Surgery in HK is quite expensive for what it is and their technique is not as good as other places. For example, eyelid surgery in HK is like £2000, where as in Korea its half the price!!

HK is good for other things like fillers, botox etc, stuff that isnt that permanent, but when it comes to actual surgery, they are not good.

Also I think they are more conservative. If you compare me and my cousin in eyelid surgery - hers are very very very natural and the fold is BARELY noticeable, whereas mine are natural but the crease is higher and my eyes are bigger in general.

Even celebs in HK go to China over HK surgeons!!
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Good luck on your revision omom! I agree JoAnn is sweet and will do everything she can to address a patient's concern. When my cast was removed, my nose was very swollen and she assured me that once the swelling goes down, I will like my results. I'm hoping I won't have any bumps.
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what did you use for your previous 4 surgeries? mind share with us?
Dr Wang is fine. But recently I just knew a girl went 3 revisions with him
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