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Asian Nose Job 3

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LOL. Triple board certified? *** have no idea what medical board certification is all about. That's a load ** crock. I know what I'm talking about. Don't assume ***'re smarter than me just because ***'re approaching your golden years. I have higher degree initials behind my name than *** can get this lifetime. In addition, attacking others on a public forum means it's everybody's business. Simmer down. ***'ve got some anger issues. Peace.

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*** poster asked for help. *** dont need ** be condescending *** rude.
It is a genuine question which needed a genuine MATURE answer
not someone stating a huge opinion which was rude.

Can I ask how old *** are? Because *** may seem older but your answer sure hell sounded immature *** catty like a high school b**ch.

We are all here ** help each other through something that is huge in our lives. We dont need someone making us feel stupid *** belittled.

Also, *** may not think this is my business as *** replied ** here but *** must realize this is a PUBLIC forum.

Thanks but please have a little respect for *** other members in this forum *** be more helpful *** nice.
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Sh*t, what a bloody rude response to someone asking nicely for advice. We don't all have $65,000 to blow on rhino. There's no need to be so condescending and rude when we're ALL here to help each other and get advice. We could all call you stupid for having to undergo your 5th revision... Please have more respect (and act your age).

KrafT, don't lie to your surgeon. Absolutely don't lie. They will be able to tell the moment you go under the knife and they won't feel too kindly to that and after all you are trusting your life and looks to their hands so it wouldn't be wise for to do that to them or yourself.

What the hell is wrong with this forum??! Seriously, those asterisks are hell on the eyes

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I email quite a few docs in Taipei, But my mind was set on Dr Kao. Firstly, he reply to my email very patiently, and he address my problem as well. Which is my weak receding chin, and of course a nose job will be harmonic to my face. Dr Hsu is also on my list, but he don't do sliding genioplasty for my chin. I will go to a doc, for both surgeries. I dont want to switch around especially when you are doing two surgeries at one time. I am against the idea of foreign implant on my face.

Dr Kao can converse in Mandarin and English, best is communication.

I have not been to Korea before so I cant comment, but I understand you need to get translator to get the best out of what you want. Sorry, but I find Taiwanese more friendlier, more humble, so I think I will go to them. I been to Taipei twice, but for travelling purposes free and easy, so I know my way around if I am lost.

I worry Korean surgeons will try to tell me to do more stuff on my face because after all they are running a business, and me maybe believing what they say will go for it, but the outcome, may not be what I want, and I will have myself to blame and I will pay for it. I hate the kind of feeling where you will feel regretful or devastated. Especially when you are in a foreign country.

I have afew korean colleagues, but they arent open to share about their
plastic surgery even I know they somehow they did. So I dont want to probe. When they are not ready to share, then dont bother to ask. I am open with what I did. So if people realize what I did, I will say. Nothing to be ashame of.

But do share to me why you are going to VIP in Korea, I am open to it :smile: Who knows I will change my mind. Take care

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This is his website, its not very updated, And you can email him your pictures, and see if he can share recent b+a photos with you.

FYI, He operate in two hospitals, he do not run a clinic.


Btw, which doctor in VIP you have decided. Are you going to get a translator of your own?

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Hi Arts, did you end up going with Dr Wang? If so, what is your experience?

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Hi how is ur experience with VIP?did u request any type of nose?r u able to walk and sleep normally 2 weeks post op?do u still feel pain at your rib incision? Really appreciate if u can share with us ur be4 and after photo. Thanks a lot:smile: u
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Wow, that's very informative. I had a feeling that they weren't as good as S. Korea or Thailand....but I'm so afraid of the language barrier...do any one of the surgeons in S. Korea or Thailand speak adequate English? I still want a natural result, yet I want it to be a dramatic change. If you know what I mean? I want to have a much narrower, more defined, feminine nose that does not look like I had surgery.

Any one recommend a surgeon that can be as skilled as the surgeon who did Nong Poy's nose? Omg her result really amazed me!
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I had rhinoplasty surgery with Dr Kao Chuan Hsiang of Taiwan. He is a conservative person who likes to do subtle changes which could barely notice a change. I dislike the result very much because of it. I had spent thousands for something which look almost the same as before.

If you are seeking for a very natural looking changes to your nose. I guess he may suit you.
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For those of you who are planning to or have traveled to Korea for surgery...

How did you choose your hospital and surgeon? Did you decide on one and made an appointment before you go?

I'm planning to go to Korea in May/June. I'd like to consult with various clinics in person and see which one I feel the most comfortable with, but will I be able to schedule for surgery on the same trip? I'd imagine the doctors are very busy. It would be annoying if I have to schedule the surgery several weeks after the consultation because what am I going to do until then?

Also, do you know which doctor is doing your surgery? Aside from Dr. Lee at VIP, some of the Korean clinics seem to have multiple doctors. How will I know whether I will get the skilled one or the newbie?

Anyone else going to Korea in May/June and would like to buddy up?
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I have forgotten about my rib until you asked :smile: I'm not sure when I dont feel pain on my rib anymore, but until 7 days post ops I could still feel a bit pain, but really2 tolerable for me. I went back home on the 8 days post ops. Dr. Lee gave another 1 week antibiotic to drink, and another 1 week of antibiotic just in case if I need it. I did request the type of nose but since he said I had deviated septum, I couldnt get the nose I wanted. On the surgery date, I just ask him to harmonize my face with forehead fat graft and sliding chin, he said he will do his best. I entered the surgery room at 8.30 am and woke up at 9pm, I was quite scared that I'd been KO for such a long time though. I could walk normally even on the 4th day post ops, i walked a lot since i heard if we are active, it could help to reduce the swelling. But I couldn't breath normally until the 4th day the cast was taken out from my nose. So for 4 days I had to breath with my mouth which was annoying. On the first and second day after ops, I felt hurt on my nose, I asked the nurse to give me more pain killer. The third day still a bit hurt but on the forth day no more. I met a lot of nice people (patients) there and we are already feel like a family :smile: The recovery is fantastic day by day, the swelling goes down a lot even until now. I was quite worried though at first when dr. Lee said that I've quite thick skin. I imagined my nose will be swollen for 2-3 months and already prepared for that, but so grateful it is not. I was stressed though for 4-5days after seeing my new face, I even considered to reverse my chin, lucky I don't do it. This afternoon I went to my regular salon, none of the staff there notice that I've done something. Only one people said that I look different and he said probably I've lost weight :smile:. Even my mom that stay with me at the moment, she isn't realized anything. My lips that change in shape and thinner, now gradually back to normal again, dr. Lee is right :smile: sooo relief. The only thing is now there's a small cut on my columella, dr. Lee said that it is fine, he said the skin breaks out, never happened. I shouldn't have smiled too wide though :smile: I just hope the small cut will be invisible soon. The cut wasn't there after the ops :sad: I was quite worried until I called VIP 3x today. I haven't taken any picture yet, but sure I will and PM you. This forum really helps me a lot. My husband also did upper and lower blepharoplasty at TEUIM and we are so happy with the result. Good luck and wish all the best for everyone :smile:
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may i ask, how *subtle* is *subtle*? after reading what you have said i became very afraid because i finally came to dr. kao as a choice after feeling torn between other suregons. can you tell me more about your experience? what kind of procedures did you get? thanks.
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i don't mind at all! i can't seem to be able to send you a PM. yes, i am an asian girl. i will be in taipei for 7 to 9 days too. i will be there earliest july 1 ranging to end of august. (i will probably do it in the month of july, probably early july.) i am not 100% set on dr. kao yet. i am still considering other surgeons and hoping to go for consultation at other clinics. what procedures are you considering?

on a side note: i was doing some research this afternoon and found a user describe their experience at dr. kao.
http://forum.singaporeexpats.com/ftopic50308-0-asc-1260.html&sid=8c986397a78864e036c76bf4b628bbb0 scroll down to user "graysnow" on the the near bottom of the page... in the next page people also talked about where they stayed for their surgery at dr. kao's. coincidently, it was also in early july, 3 years ago... :smile:
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