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Asian Nose Job 3

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Just wondering! for those who have had nose surgery~ what process did they go through for ie. photo taking / post op ? I want to make sure before i go. because my first surgery.. they took photos of me before n drew out photos explaining my situation but after surgery I just took post op photos but I never got to see them, nor did I take any x-rays before or after or anything like that.... I think it wasn't done properly because based on some people they are supposed to show you your before n after n etc ..... felt like my dr. didnt give a ****. LOl. cus all he asked at my post op (day before I left korea) was if i had any discomfort...... the end. T.T
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Hi,pardon me pls. But would u mind sharing with me what u meant by deviated nose in ur previous posts? My biggest concern for rib is warping on the bridge. Cuz rib cartilage tends to do a C shape warping.
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Actually I was a bit scared when I commented about certain doctors. I guess there were some shared the same the concern as mi when they commented about certain clinics in this forum. But I thought I should still shared with u what I ve known.
U could find out more info from www.beauty100.com.cn
The links that taeyang provided earlier. Quite a number of dr Wang s patients shared that reviews.
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With several months to go, I've been feeling nervous about the whole upcoming procedure at VIP. Some days I think to myself "Oh, my nose is cute and small, it looks okay - I think I can live with this, after all it's been over two decades since I was born with this nose" and on other days I'm staring at the mirror picking on every fault about what I don't like about it.

As someone had mentioned earlier about Miss Tiffany Universe pageants, I looked into it and found out one of the winners: Nong Poy. Oh my gosh, I can't believe she used to be a man before the sex change. In her before photos (when she was a guy), you could tell that she had a low bridge and now.... wow. I am speechless.

There is hope! If a guy can transform into a very beautiful woman, there is plenty of hope, just have to be positive, do your research and believe in your plastic surgeon's skills!
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You mind going with me? I am from Singapore. I plan to go in June or July for rhinoplasty and sliding genioplasty with Dr Kao in Taipei for 7-9 days. Will be good that we can hang out and split lodging costs. are you asian? I am female btw and you?

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Hey Ugly_Betty, thanks for the help!! :biggrin:
Under which column did you use to convert can you tell me?

I need to ask something..
i had a silicon implant removed last year from my nose. no tip work no nothing, just a simple implant in to help with my bridge.

It has been a year now since the removal and I was wondering if I go for a nose job, do I consider as a primary nose job or revision?
My nose is perfectly like a normal nose, just that it has a lot of thick scarred tissues on the tip? Idk.

Do you think I can fool my way through and tell the doctor I never had any nose job and they can charge me prices of a primary rhino? :S

Advices please?
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Hi I'm an Australian Viet female and was planning to get sliding genioplasty and rib rhino in mid June also,

was really set on ViP but had a quick revisit to TPF and saw your post, I was wondering what has drawn you to this Dr Kao in Taipei and your reasons for deciding on him. Have you seen his work and if you have could you send me a link or pictures. Because if he is that good I might reconsider my VIP visit in Korea.

many thanks
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Is anyone here having a small horizontal cut on columella (bridge between nostrils) after rhinoplasty? This afternoon I smile widely and felt tight on my nose. Not long after that I noticed a small cut on my columella, I wonder is my skin breaking out? I emailed VIP but since today is Sunday so they haven't replied yet. I just put lots of ointment on it, I'm 14 days post ops. Now I'm getting used to my face. This afternoon I went to my regular restaurant for lunch, to my surprise the waitress there still recognize me. She didn't realize I did rhynoplasty and sliding chin. She gave me a compliment that I look beautiful and she said that I probably have gained weight which make me look good :smile:

I'm very thankful for this informative forum, without this forum I wouldn't know where to go for my revisional rhynoplasty. Especially for those who are so willingly to share their experience and B&A pics, Kain, Sassygirl and Bissoux (sorry if I misspell). I'm still swelling on my nose and chin, but it is not obvious for others, only me could notice it.
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Yes. I heard that clinic. But they don't do rib nose . I know someone and her relative is working there. She told mi they don't do rib.
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Seriously, is this necessary? Wow! She's just trying to save a couple of bucks. But, I do agree with you that it's not good to lie. You'd want a good relationship with your surgeon in hope they'll treat you like family when you're under the knife and for follow up visits. You can't fool a surgeon/physician. It would be awkward if he/she call you out!

FYI, how much you paid for your surgeries doesn't mean you'll be satisfied. The OP can call you STUPID for going under the knife 4 times and looking for you fifth. What happen to being smart? Obviously not so smart. Do your research. Sorry but your post is uncalled for. If you don't have anything nice to say, zip it.

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Dont worry i feel like that all *** time. Sometimes I think "oh my nose isnt bad its nice *** fits my face" but ultimately i just look at a picture ** myself *** see how much I hate my nose!!
I am also nit picking other parts too... But ultimately *** thing I want ** change most is my nose!!

Yeh Nong Poy is really famous because i think *** started doing gender reassignment when *** was young?? .... *** is soooooo pretty I wanna know her surgeon too!
I was tempted ** go ** Thailand too but I am still not 100% !!
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No. It is safer *** better for *** ** let them know that it is a second job. *** do not want a botch job because *** lied then *** be regretting that *** rest ** your life (if something went wrong).

Let them know that *** have had surgery before *** they will then decide what ** do etc *** then they can work around it then rather than *** lie *** then when they fix *** nose suddnely they find it isnt what *** say *** there could be complications etc ~
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