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Asian Nose Job 3

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i would also love to see some before and after pics if ure comfortable.
my email is hani _ ibrahim _ @hotmail.com :smile: (no spaces also)
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im not sure if they specialize in rib but i did hear from another forumer that they offer it at their clinic. not sure though if they use it for both the bridge and tip area though.
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Thank you.
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according to greatnose, o&young prefer to use donated rib cartilage.
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Kain: aren't u suppose to b busy dating ? Lol. I've pm u.

Bisousx : I've pm u..Glad u had yours fix n things turn out well for u ;)

It's been awhile since I log in n it's NJ3 now.
I am 13 mths post op and am healing well. I like my side profile . However ,i m still waiting for my
bulbous tip to deswell much more. Hopefully it does! I'll give it another year to see if it deswel further .If not I'll be back next year to get touch up and might b greedy for... lol.
I m a little worried to hear forumers heading china for surgery. Pls stock up your ration from your country n bring it along with u. The worst thing is to fall sick
or get infection after surgery. Pls take note!

For those new descendents;
Pls remember to "GIVE TIME "for your nose/face to heal after the opt.
Don't stress yourself by checking the mirror now n then when u look like crap!
Just eat more n take long stroll around.
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hey guys i'm thinking of either going to china to dr.wang or dr.he for rib rhino. they're both located in dalian so having consultation with them won't be too much of a hassle and will save me some time from having to run around all over china. or i'm thinking about going to taiwan and having it done with dr.kao. thb i would feel must safer and comfortable in taiwan since i have family friends there lol still not 100% sure yet, still need to do a bit more research but would anyone like to buddy up if it's a go? i'm thinking of going any time from early june to july providing that the consultation with a local doctor i will be having this friday is not up to par with my expectations. it'd be nice to have a travel buddy to share the experience with :smile:
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yep that's the one! hope you don't mind :smile: i'll pm you my email i don't feel too comfortable sharing it in public lol
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Hi there, been receiving PM about my experience etc so tot jus share it on main.

Let me jus summarise my experience after a year.

First of all, i had a ugly nose to begin with. After 2 botched NJ, this nose is the most satisfactory. Note i used satisfactory, not fantastic. But its gd enuff for me n i do not wish to go under another revision as e risk vs return doesnt appeal to me.
Pictures some where out there on asian nose job 2.

Rib nose is not as simple as silicon nose or goretex nose. If u r a athelete person u may wish to reconsider ur options as the rib harvest will put u out of action for many many mth. Now, almost a yr post op, i still sometimes feel a nudging ache at the harvest area.

Be prepared for a lot of swelling for extended preiod if u r using ribs. My nose only looked normal/less swollen at 9mth? Cant really rem. it seems ok to me now, to my frens n family. When i showed them my pics in chronological order from no NJ to 1-2-3, we all agreeed tat this haven been my best nose thus far. =p I do have a small bump beside my nose bridge though. Not overly hung up about it as it starts to subside.

One gf commented tat VIP dr Lee's work is slightly more caucasian style? Or mayb its jus my nose. She is more into those dainty small nose kind, which mine isnt. Perhaps is due to the limitations of my original nose. Ppl who wish to have small dainty nose can do extra research on it jus double check w ur consultant.

As for the cost/service etc, i pretty much got the same for most of the forummers who went to VIP last yr.

If given a choice would i hv gone back to VIP? Most likely.
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I'm over 3 weeks post-op rhinoplasty at VIP, the only things bothering me are:

1) Small bumps at radix from septal cartilage over bridge causing unevenness especially on the left

2) Columnella scar still red and visible

3) Runny nose hard to deal with!

4) Contact lenses hard to keep wearing (I usually wear glasses)

I love my new nose much better but I'm impatient!

When can I wear glasses again? When can I have alcohol? When can I stop wearing that ear molding?
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lol im confused. by ration do u mean food? thanks in advance for clarifying.
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Hi, when are those bumps appear? Right away after surgery?
I didn't have the columella scar incision after surgery, I got it at 14 days post ops when I smiled too wide. Is you scar already there after surgery? I apply Kellocote scar gel as suggested by VIP. They say it would work around 60-90 days. Mine is light brown color but flat.
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Has anyone heard of Dr. Wang of China?
His website is here: http://www.wangmd.cn/html/eng/nose/4-2.html
One good example of what I want: http://www.wangmd.cn/html/eng/nose/2518.html

I cannot read Chinese. Translating it to English isn't so great as words and meanings are lost in translation.

So I'm relying on his photos. Oh my, many of the noses he does is exactly the nose I want. And some of the "before" photos looks like my nose now and what he did to it is gorgeous. Look at the link I put above, for instance, that is what I want. The top photo is obviously the after and the bottom, before. Look at the difference. So beautiful!

However with that said, I don't know if he only uses silicone for the noses. I don't want silicone in my nose. If anything, I would have rib. Isn't that the best?

Can anyone translate (who can read Chinese) what is said on that webpage? Does he have an email? Do they say anywhere on the site if they speak English or Cantonese? Thanks!
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Hey (:
Read the previous topics/threads (including Asian Nose Job #2), he's been a hot topic for the past few months for this "rib-graft" technique that keeps the nose soft... I actually haven't heard much about him, but there were some reviews that someone had found on a chinese forum before.

His email is [email protected] (side note: others, please correct me if I'm wrong)
Personally, I've emailed him and he never responded back..... so... negative brownie points for me. He doesn't seem to have a lot of Before & Afters and his website seems a bit... shady and poorly done to me (as a graphic artist). If the website is as poor as this, I can't wait to see his procedure results... :sweatdrop:
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I couldn't seem to PM you. Well, eventhough it isn't very proper to mention here, they do offer officetel for longer period if we are having multiple surgery, that's my personal opinion though. And I think if she suggest you to book for another hotel, means it will be on your own expense. And if I could suggest, it is better to communicate with Joann or Sara, they are very nice. Just tell them my friend that just did surgery there told me that we could stay in the officetel until we recovered haha...(that's what I did).
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