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Asian Nose Job 3

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I don't have Joann's private email. But you can try to call VIP and say I'd like to talk to Joann.
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Lol I am a graphic designer too and his website is definitely bad. I wish he made his website have better navigation. Everything just looks really disorganized. I had a hard time locating things and it isn't only because I don't know how to read Chinese.

And thanks for your help, if you know anything else, please let me know!
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I scar extremely easy too :sad: Apparently when we undergo surgery it changes our oil glands or something :S I've always had dry skin but after surgery my nose is constantly oily! after an hour of powdering it looks like i dipped my nose in a vat of oil...

I had a bump that was that bad too, like a raised pimple under the skin (but thankfully not red).
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Hi snowlicious,
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. May I know who shared with u that only these 3 clinics specialized in rib? Was it VIP doctor? My friends are ub Korea for consultation. They told mi there are around 10 doctors in Korea who specialize in rib. And o&young, VIP are 2 of them. Too many info. I am kinda confused too.
Btw seems o&young got good reviews except for being complaint that too expensive.
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Anyone encountered warping of rib bridge?
I am so worried about warping problem. I may give it another thought for the material used for bridge. Some warping can occur like 10 yrs later.
I talked to some of dr Wang s patients before. Seems there were a few girls have warping problem. I can't ascertain how true that it as I didn't see their pictures.
Recently I read a book by a Chinese journalist who spent about 10 yrs follow up with thousands of ppl who did plastic surgery.
In the book, she analyzed pros and cons for each material for the nose.
She mentioned that the warping rate is really high for rib cartilage.
This really worries mi!
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yikes dr.wang is one of my top choices so that's not good :\ but i heard rib is supposedly the least likely to warp, no? do you know of a dr.he? he is also located in dalian as well. would you happen to know/spoken to any of his patients? i am trying to find some patient testimonies (in english) but no luck so far
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A few of my friends use fillers for their bridge . It seems to be best for someone who already has great nostril shape and tip . Its kind of a side profile thing . You can definitely tell the difference from their side views but the frontal view is almost exactly same ... Honestly, the ones that have a bulbous tip look no different , but they absolutely love it ~ so if it makes them happy , then they should keep doing it ... Kind of a waste of 1000 bucks if you ask me ~

I've heard of mega horror stories though .. My friend tried getting rhinoplasty after her nose injection and told the doctor it had already dissolved , but I guess when he opened up her nose there was tons of "grit" left and the doctor said if he had known , he wouldn't have done the surgery because I guess he had to scrape everything out and it was just dangerous (something about her blood) ?

Another person , who's a friend of a friend, had a permanent red nose after! It wasn't just red, it was like ... A huge red bruise over her nose... The doctor wouldn't take responsibility for it because he said it wasn't from the filler ... and this was from a doctor who "invented" it soooo ..... Cough cough .... . It's a real shame ...

Was that helpful? I'd give it a go if I didn't think I was positive about rhinoplasty ...After my friend was finished with her rhino , the doctor charged her for revision surgery which is waaaay more expensive ...
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Been kinda warm in the day ... A little chilly in the morning and night.. Don't think a thick down jacket is necessary..
A tshirt, shirt and light jacket should be more than enough.. If it gets cold (weather's a little out of whack sometimes) just put on an extra layer of undershirt.
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To those considering donated rib, I originally wanted donated rib since I didn't want a rib scar. However, when I was doing research I read somewhere that it can cause infection since the material isn't your own so please do more research when considering this type of material.
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Rib is the most warping. Dr He is nice. I chatted with him
before. He is very friendly
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I heard that rib is most likely to warp due to the way it curves on the body (where it is harvested).

How do the celebrities have such good rhinos..I haven't seen very many of these warping issues with them!

I'm really stumped because each material has their pros and cons. I have been through silicone and now ear cartilage. Both are on the extreme side of hardness. Silicone is too hard and ear cartilage way too soft. So I don't know what else I should go with.
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Yes, Joann told me, she doesn't mean that only 3 clinics do rib rhynoplasty, she meant the clinics that are considered good with rib rhynoplasty are those 3 clinics. But there are of course many clinics there that could offer rib rhynoplasty for their patients.
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Hey . I asked chloe about the officetel. She said if you are doing more than one surgery you can stay free of charge.
She told me about it when i first emailed as i enquired about a lot of surgeries.

You just need to ask about it but if you are only doing one surgey you prob cannot stay there ??

But they are linke to hotel sunshine or something and can book hotel for you if you are only doibg one or bringing more than one person with u :smile:
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