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Asian Nose Job 3

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HI Wai,

Luckily i saw your post,i take vip as my first choice.
i really want to know but i don't know how to pm you.
Can you please pm me?
Thank you very much
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Hi everyone.

Was pretty busy due to travelling hence not coming back to update those that are concerned.

Was actually going to Dr Wang Ting on the 9th, but my flight was delayed and I postponed it to 17th April instead which is next Tuesday!

Excited much! Hehe

I will be reaching Da Lian at 7.20pm, 17th April.
Dr Wang's staff will pick me up at the main entrance of the airport.

Then I will take a cab with the staff (free) and check in my hotel with him and then to show me the direction from the hotel to the clinic. Will also do some food shopping, stocking up for the stays there.

I am still pretty worried regarding the food concern over China. I remembered a forumer told me to eat fruits only instead of the cooks there. Their hygiene purpose isn't that good I suppose?
BUT, can I get those processed foods/drinks like instant noodles, bottled fruit juices still?

My friend reminded me too not to drink their tap water, why? :S

Worst to come I will just have to survive the days with instant noodles I bring along with me then but it's so unhealthy to consume those for a week+ and I will definitely need healthy foods to recover right?

HELP~ :shucks::sad:

On the other hand, I will be doing osteotomy, rib cartilage for bridge and tip for those asking.

I am from Singapore btw. Went to change for 2500 RMB earlier on, 2000 RMB for the hotel fees and 500 just for the food supply. Don't intend to shop there, just surgery, then back to hotel and rest.

Am now in huge concern for my food doubts. Someone advice please!!

THANK!!!! :biggrin:
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i'm a guy, and thanks i'm very satisfied
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Good luck with your upcoming surgery :smile:

Untreated tap water is contaminated n unsafe to drink in China n some other countries. You might b bagging home expired food on the shelf(as they tend to temper the food n expiry date . Try to arrange with the clinic for someone to assist u in getting the food supply.

How long you gonna be there ?:wondering
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Hi everyone,

After a lot of thinking, I'm pretty certain I'll be getting my nose job with Dr. Kao in Taiwan sometime early-mid June. I also considered going to Korea or to Dr. Wang in Dalian, but after emailing him, his tastes seem a bit too dramatic than what I'm aiming for. Out of all the doctors I emailed, Dr. Kao seemed the most receptive to what I wanted, so in the end I decided to go with him.

Anyone here who's going to Taiwan in June interested in buddying up?
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May I ask how much was your procedure? I plan on getting my nose done with Dr. Kao this summer.
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lol rlly? is the food in china not sanitary? do u have any suggestions on types of food i should avoid? i will be flying out from Canada so i dont think ill be able to bring tons of groceries with me lol.
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lol i'll keep my fingers crossed then :smile: who knos we might be getting our noses done at the same time!
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does warping also happen to the tip as well (if rib cartilage was used)?
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wow i am rlly excited for u!!!!! ure experience should help mentally prepare me for whats to come when i go :smile:

do u plan on going alone or bringing family? i too am also rlly worried about the food there. i rlly would hate getting sick. i dont think throwing up would be too much fun especially after just getting rib rhinoplasty! i dont think u should survive just on ramen though, very unhealthy. i think a fruit and vegetable diet would be healthy and enough rite? lol how do u plan on getting by if u plan on not drinking their tap water? do u plan on buying bottled water? drinking tons of water is important for recovery.

good luck and i hope ure trip and recovery goes smoothly!!!
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I decide to do surgery on my face in Taipei.

double eyelid Eyelid revision (want it higher parallel cease), primary rhinoplasty, sliding genioplasty, and considering forehead fat grafting

Should I quit my job? I want to start anew. I hope no one recognise me after my surgery for the good reason (Hope I look mixed race).
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Don't quit your job yet.

I am interested to switch to Taiwan as it is cheaper. May I know which clinic you are going to as I also need to have creases bring up 2mm higher.
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fermented soya beans recycled as cooking oil :sweatdrop:there's just too many to list.Anything under the sun can be swop by inferior goods selling at premium price.Ppl r migrating out of china because of health issues.( met two families who recently fled ) :hnsnsn:Lol

Bring along some cotton bud/ cotton wool(things u might need to clean your nose) n vitamin c .
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If you don't trust their water, eating fresh veggies wouldn't be a good idea either. Fruit, boiled vegetables, anything thoroughly cooked is probably safer. I'd even avoid noodles if they're not properly boiled.

I haven't tried this myself, but I think you could bring your owned canned tuna, packaged snacks (trail mix, etc.), low sodium soups, etc. from home.
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