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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hey PPpeppeepers, welna, sesamekiss, omom.momo,

thanks for all the advices! :smile::smile::smile:

Now I know what to do with the water but not the food yet.

So I should only get those thick-skinned fruits like bananas, oranges, dragonfruits.
What about eating out? How about their Macdonalds if there are any nearby?

I know for sure I can't survive by eating fruits only! :sad: I need rice and meat ahh

Thanks again everybody!!
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You might wanna skip MacDonald even if u do see one. Staff pick up meat on the floor n cook as per normal .during an interview they confess even though it's wrong to do so; everyone is doing it... :roflmfao:
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Do not just live on fruit and veg!! Ur body will become cold which isnt good for healing. You need like "hot" foods to balance it!!

I wouldnt say no to McDonalds... But the only thing I would eat is the chicken or fish burger... Drink like a bucket load of water or herbal tea with it to balance it out.

With bringing food over... You could bring canned food. Easy to eat etc OR you could look into protein shakes - ure only meant to drink one a day but theyre meant to be good for food supp and have necessary vitmains and nutrients. But app. They dnt taste nice haha

But if you would prefer not to bring food over I would suggest eating at bigger food places that seem more hygenic. Usually if they are more upscale (like a hotel or expensive restaurant) they would need to be more sanitary as otherwise image is ruined etc. I would stay well clear of the smaller/corner cafes or restaurants.
Ask the ppl in the clinic too and see what they say. They will also point u in the right direction and hopefully tell you more about buying foods etc.
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lol wow :sad: haha from the looks of it i dont think i will be able to survive based on everything tht ppl were saying about the food in china. on top of tht i have no clue how to cook.... seems like i wont be able to eat much there. thanks for the advice. i wanna do everything i can to prevent food poisoning!!
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Thanks for the advice. i think it would be best to just bring along as much food from home as i possible can. do the same precautions also apply to south korea as well??
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i kno!! even if my sisters do come along with me i dont think they plan to get anything done, so it would be cool to be with someone who has also gone through surgery.

ya i am thinking of doing the same as well, seems like a reasonable plan. lets definitely keep each other updated on our future plans :smile:
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lol rlly ure going alone!!?? i will pray that u have a safe trip. my sisters may not be able to come along with me as well so if anything i would hope to buddy up with someone on the forum. from what others have said i think it would be best if u take along as much food from ure home country as u possible can, and anything else u consume from china i guess boil it.
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Hi Dear... I would suggest u bring a International Adapter & Mini rice cooker u can get it in Mustafa at serangoon if u r in Singapore. Pack ur own Rice & some hot dog, pork floss & can food so u can cook ur own meal there. I did manage to smuggle in when i Went Korea last year. Just hide all in ur baggage put them all under covered under a pc of towel. Pls don't take Maggie mee it's not gd for recoverable stage.
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Where r u from??? As for food you can buy mre packets from like an rei or any sporting goods store. Its not that bad tasting i tried it. you like crack this thing in water and it heats it then put your food packet in there and its cooked.

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I've never heard of any precautions for Korea. It wouldn't hurt to stick with bottled water though.
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