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Asian Nose Job 3

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just wanted to throw my 2 cents in for those who are nervous thinking about going to china lol i've been to china once before a few yrs ago and i honestly think it wasn't as bad as everyone seem to think. i traveled to a smaller city then say beijing or shanghai. shady? yes, a bit. but what place doesn't have villains or a rape alley? korea is no exception either. example. use common sense to just steer clear of those places and go to tourists or other populated public areas. i'd be more wary of the mosquitoes if anything. but do steer clear of unbottled water just to be on the safe side. and regards to food, i practically lived off the street carts and food stalls outside the hotel hahah but! always take caution when traveling anywhere abroad, not just china.

hope this might help ease some ppl =)
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It looks like QQ has had V-line surgery. Her chin looks so pointy and unnatural. Not to diss her because I think she's awesome, but it's making me reconsider getting V-line.
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Good luck and safe travels today Arts! Please keep us posted! I'm REally considering dr Wang so would reallly appreciate ur updates before I make my final decision. I wish you all the best of luck and happiness!
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Good luck on ur surgery! Hope it goes well~ do update us on ur progress! :smile:
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Meaning I can bring TWD 40,000 to Taiwan only?

Where can I change currency for TWD200,000? I think Taiwan is hard to change currency there. If I try bring SGD dollar first since its unlimted amount for foreign currencies.

If declare? Will they charge extra amount?

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yes you can change to other currency no problem since it would be less than the maximum 10000 USD allowed. you can easily change to any currency at airport.
good luck.
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I need some suggestions... I am planning to get my first nose surgery.. But I am still undecided on whether I should get it done in Korea or US. I am from US. I am going for natural looking nose.. I would need nasal augementation, define nasal tip and alar base reduction... I have looked through a lot of asian patients before and after pictures rhino from American doctors here in the states but I didn't find any of those patients turn out good.. Does anybody know any good docs in the US or should I go to Korea? Thanks!:biggrin:
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I e-mailed JW, Grand and V.I.P about prices for zygoma reduction + tipplasty/alar for a bulbous tip.
Prices are nose and the zygoma reduction.
Grand: 4,300 + 8,500=12,800
V.I.P: 6,000 + 6,300=12,300
JW: 2,800 + 5,000=7,800.

Grand suggested a small implant because when I correct my tip, the dr said that my nose will curve upwards. They also recommended zygoma reduction, but mine only comes out slightly. It's because I'm...fat lol but I've already lost 20kgs and I'm still going! When I reach my goal weight, I might get it done.

All the other drs said that my nose bridge and everything else is nice, so I would only need to fix my bulbous tip.. I'm also really interested in Chungdam U. It's not on any forum, but it is quite famous among koreans. They do a lot of ulzzangs and celebrities. http://y5402470.blog.me/ their site is only in korean, but I found their naver blog which has a lot of pictures/reviews.

I'm still a little undecisive regarding the zygoma reduction and maybe jaw too...has anyone here done it? what is the swelling like?
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Hey where in the Us are u from? I'm also from us and doing research for my first nose job too. I'm sure u hear of dr Charles lee in LA from ur research as he does a lot of marketing..think twice before going to him because my friend and many people went to him and got bad nose job done several times. I'm looking at dr ting Wang, check out his website as he seems really good. I think when it comes to ur nose, u need to go to the best doctor not the most convenient doctor..so if I have to fly across the world to go to the doctor I'm comfortable with..that's what I would need to do. The nose is the center of ur face, many people's lives have been ruined by a bad nose job. Even if it's a bad nose job in us, u can't sue them because u sign the paper work, so may as well do it across sea where they specialize in Asian nose and that's all they do.
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Hey Schrodinger :smile: Thank you for your input!
I'm so sorry for worrying you. I guess I was just having a really bad dilemma at that moment... and needed to let it out. I really haven't done research as throughly as you did. I've only researched for about 2 years on this. I applaud your patience!! :smile: But anyways, I suddenly felt really indecisive when I went on the internet and looked up my "potential" surgeon's testimonies. Once I start to read more and more negative comments about a decided surgeon, I start to have more change of heart and begin to freak out. After I calmed down and thought about this much more throughly, I realized that although internet feedback could be a source to use in judging surgeons, it's not completely a reflection of what the surgeon could do for me. Every surgeon will have good and bad testimonies. It's best to contact all the surgeons yourself, communicate, ask questions, and, you're right, do your own research, and become familiar with what you need to achieve.

There will always be arguments going back and forth on what material is best suited for our noses. After going through most of the pages in Asia Nose Jobs 1, 2, and 3, this is more evident than anything. But I guess, at the end of the day it comes down to personal choice. Only we ourselves are responsible for making the choice for our own noses.

I love that you quoted Queenie in your response to me! ;) How thoughtful! You must have saw that I was from Hong Kong? Haha. I have seen this video before.

I've decided to go to Taiwan to consult with Dr. Kao on June 26. I might end up only having tipplasty and alarplasty because bridge height increase might not be a necessity for me. I am mostly just concerned about my tip which is a bit bulbous. I will try my best to maximize homogenous implant instead of foreign, even though I have such a low budget.

I will keep you all posted! BTW, inbox me if anyone here will be in Taiwan and would like to buddy up! :graucho:
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if ur in the new york city area u can try dr.sam rizk. from his b&a pics it looks like he specializes in (ethnic) noses, so i think an asian nose shouldn't be a problem for him. but i hear he charges an arm and a leg. the same thing with dr.toriumi in chicago

there's only 2 b&a pics of dr.rizk's asian patients but the results are dramatic

hope this helped!
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I have septal cartilage on my bridge (not for augmentation) and ear cartilage for the tip

Just go overseas. They do this everyday on Asians and it costs less anyway overall plus you get a great experience. You make new friends and create better memories of an otherwise stressful situation. I'm from Los Angeles and I wouldn't do it here. Going to Korea was wonderful

Trust me, I'm a doctor :smile:
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Hi Drose,
I agreed with everything you said.
and yes, I have heard of Charles Lee and some other asian doctors too.. but I really don't like the results they gave to the patients. hehe Their nose jobs seem too obvious, you know? :biggrin:

Are you planning to get your nose surgery some time this year? Maybe we can plan and go together? :smile:
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Yamz, Yeah, I saw this doctor's patients before and after pictures before.. for some reason, i don't like the results.. look too obvious.. lol
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