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Asian Nose Job 3

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hey guys, anyone in korea right now?
i came on by myself and i dont speak any korean at all! ><
im having consultations on the 27th but i havent decided on what material yet. im leaning more towards goretex though.
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That's so weird I was reading forum #1 and I came across your post last night back I'm 2008. So what happened? Why r you getting a revision?? Did it shift again??? Can you maybe let me know where u got it done so I don't go there...sorry too many questions. Anyways I will also b in Korea late may...I'm from Minnesota. :smile:
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Hi Natz86, thank you for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I think Dean Toriumi's reputation is a bit too "controversial" and fractured for me to consider him... is it true that he has ruined a LOT of noses with too much rib?

Also, I just learned today from my surgeon that he used an I-shaped implant, not L-shaped... with plenty of ear cartilage at the tip to help prevent against extrusion. I know that is much better, but the bridge pain and scarring still bothers me, so I want to get it fixed.

If you didn't do any tip work / added cartilage, then you should be okay with removing the implant! Probably a good idea to listen to your surgeon and wait to see a clearer result. But it shouldn't be too difficult to remove the implant if you choose... good luck!!

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i'm planning to go sometime around june or july but definitely sometime this yr if not in the summer. i want a "my nose but better" result lol if that made any sense. my main concern is the bridge and i might also get mandibular or v line osteotomy if i like the surgeon's b&a pics =)

i've visited that site before but thb, every doctor will tell u that they're really confident that they're a good surgeon and will give you amazing results. that's why it's up to us to do proper research!
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if u keep scrolling down, the forumer reposted the pics so u should be able to see it. if not here are 3 pics that i took from her post. first pic is before sugery, 2nd pic is right after surgery (she said bandages are removed on the 2nd day), and the last pic is 15 days after surgery
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Hi dear, I will be in Seoul tml 10pm my groups of 4 ppl already reached.. We split in 2 days consult.. Tml 3 will visit Teuims together, then 2 will visit Itemclinic & Shimmian, the other one will head to ID Clinic for zygoma consult. On 27th becoz I'm heading to Cheonan in morn so 1 will be heading to Banobagi then gather after that to Realclinic consult. When I back to Seoul I will join them to jewelry clinic.One of our dear frd in our group is a Korean ...where are u heading to for consult & surgery?
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Hi Guys! wow been a while since I replied in this forum !!

I thought I would share my consultation I had with a surgeon here in the UK ~ was with a clinic called MYA and the Dr is called Dr Gonschoir - I think he is German but apparently he is a "God" of open rhino's here in the UK so idk...

anyway - got to the clinic in Birmingham (about two hour drive from where I live) and waited for the surgeon to see me. When he saw me, he was nice, not too friendly, quite professional and very to the point, which I like.
He let my boyfriend sit in with me and told me to sit on the seat on the outside, so he could easily walk around and examine my nose. Then the consultation started.
He looked at my nose, asked me what I wanted to do to my nose and asked me how long I want to do it for. He then felt my nose and my tip and he asked me to explain in further detail what I wanted. I showed him two pictures (one of Hyori and one of Park Bom) of what I wanted kind of, like tall, with a nice tip - not too pointly, slightly rounded but more defined and I wanted a narrow tip.
After looking at the pictures I showed him and further examining me nose he suggested:
- open tip plasty
- shaving of hump
- wide bridge reduction
- heighten radix using cartilage from the tip

He said I had a good nose to work with as my skin wasn't as thick or "asian" like as I thought it was and is actually like mix between caucasian and asian nose, which surprised me, but he said he would be able to shape it nicely and do the bridge well as well.
He does a lot of work on Indian-Asian people, bu when I asked about Chinese, he said not as many only a few each year - which irked me as obviously I would deffo want a surgeon who works well on Far East Asian noses. But he said to me that though he doesnt work on a lot of FE-Asian ppl's noses, my nose isn't typically Asian anyway so it didnt matter...

he never mentioned anything about inserting anything in the tip - only taking stuff out... which also irked me...

but overall, I felt happy after, especially because my boyfriend was there and got to listen too - but if I am honest, I probably wouldnt go to him... but it was good to see what he thought of my nose!
He also said i had a fairly symmetrical nose but one nostril is only slightly bigger than the other lols.

As it stands though, Asia is still my number one with VIP, ITEM and Banobagi being my top three (In Korea)
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Have you thought about O&Young? Any input? It's one of my top 2. Thanks.

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If I am not mistaken, I think I consulted him in London some time ago...i think he was the one with the medical group at Harley St.
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I read somewhere that you are going for eyes revision, ya? Or is it for nose? See Teuims because the doc for nose is friendly and he speaks good English but I think teuims is better known for eyes, I think.
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hey worries, on the 27th ill be heading these clinics with Zoe: Chungdam U clinic--10:30am; Grand--1pm; Banobagi--3pm; Regen--5pm. Where are you guys staying? I'm staying near Sungkyunkwan university/ Hyehwa station. We should meet up in Korea! I feel so lost on my own!
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:O please share how it goes with Chungdam U and Grand! Because they're on my top 3 along with JW. I'd really really really be thankful if you did :smile:
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Hey! I havent thought about o+young. I seen their website but they have no english version so I havent been able to naviagte the page... So i havent asked them. Ive been in contact with a few others like ID, wonjin, grand, regen... Teuim, bk, oz... Shimmian... But not o+young!!
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Yeh he has his own clinic "surgery one" or something but mostly i think he is a "doctor for hire" as he works for transform as well as MYA!
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