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Asian Nose Job 3

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I can't read Korean either. I was only going by their before and after pictures and the fact that they do rib cartilage rhinoplasty.
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Yes I am trying to do soon as possible. WHen are you planning on getting yours done? I am planning on Dr wang, not sure tho but he's on top of my list
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Hey, what made you decide dr kao from other doctors? Have you research dr wang? I really considering him. I def want to get mine done in may or june
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^ i've also decided on dr kao over dr wang. wang is cheaper and i like how his post-op noses with rib seem flexible, but i think he's better if you're going for a more dramatic look. i chose kao b/c he gave me suggestions that would minimize scarring, and i could tell he tried to understand what i wanted & thoroughly looked through the photos i sent him =)
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To drose 2022 and nose 12345

I have write to dr.kao n haven't get his reply yet! I wana do ASAP in may or June too,if possible is ASAP! I get review about dr,kao n all is almost good review! I haven't heard so much about dr.wang yet! Let me do research about him.. Thanks for ur info anyway. Pls email me if anything cz I hardly online here.. Thank u
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I am ! let me know if you want to buddy up ^_^

My friend will be with me for the first week, but I have to stay 2 weeks for the rhino recovery period, so it'd be nice to have someone with me the whole time ^_^
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hey guys, for those who're considering dr.wang, found some paitent "dairies" that i thought i'd share. might need to sign up n create an account to see the pics thou

drastic change but thought this lady got her money's worth lol
go to first page to see the befores

this one is from 2009 LOL but none the less, very nice results compare to before :biggrin: before's on first pg first few pics are missing thou...

think this is one of dr.WT's own nurses that he did rib rhino on?? not sure correct me if im wrong. i'm relying on google translate lol

*pic heavy other links is her around 2 1/2 to 3 months post op

really LOVEE her side profile :heart: i have a similar nose to hers but not as upturned. hope i can get a similar result if i go to dr.WT =)

that's all i got so far if anyone has any to share would appreciate it and help with my decision making! :smile:

hey drose2022, what are u planning to have done? WT's also my top and i also want to get mine done in either june or july
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When are you planning to go? Day?
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Has anyone seen or have any reviews on either ITEM or BANOBAGI??

I am looking at the moment in the first ANJ threads and there arent as many ... Just wondering if anyone knew any other reviews or even experienced it themselves?? Theyre in my considerations at the moment just not heard an awful lot about them...!!
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hey i clicked on the links but i dont see any pictures. is it because i dont have an account? would u be able to help me on how to sign up i rlly want to see the pics since dr.wang is my first choice. thanks in advance :smile:
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hey dont wrry about my other post, i finally successfully signed in! all of the pictures r rlly nice, dr. wang's aesthetic is so my style, it is alot more western then korean style of noses tht i see doctors do.

very excited to go to him :smile: i wonder how Artss is doing.... she should have her nose done by now right?
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