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Asian Nose Job 3

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It's between Dream and VIP . My friend really insists on Dream and she is Korean and tells me she has never heard of VIP . I'm assuming VIP is more popular amongst foreigners . She's really into surgery , LOL , so I trust her opinion ~ She says Dream is popular among many , many Korean idols . But she did tell me that I should go to Apuejong (INCORRECT SPELLING?) and get a consultation at as many places possible and go with the one I feel most comfortable .

To be honest, I like VIP because of the English speakers there. I really don't want a miscommunication on what I want my nose to look like.

Dream never responded to my English email for pricing :sad:

The friend I'm taking with me isn't Korean , so she won't be doing any translating . Just giving me some nice moral bestfriendship support ! I do have a Korean friend that is going back to Korea the same time I'm going , but I'm sort of embarrassed to ask her to translate for me ... -_- BUT I'LL TRY TO MUSTER UP THE COURAGE ... :biggrin:

If I go to VIP, it's going to be a rib rhinoplasty
If I go to Dream, it's going to be silicone with an I shape implant and ear cartilage for tip (What my Korean friend has)
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Have you heard of Grand? I checked out their site, seems pretty good on par with beauty and dream if not better, again probably more popular amongst foreigners and celebrities and more $$$$. Wonjin Beauty is another big one.

To be honest I think you should go around shop a little instead of making a final decision behind a computer screen especially in Apgujeong where you'll find clinics everywhere (be sure they add the word "clinic" which is EUI-WUN at the end of their sign/company names!). The big cosmetic surgery hospitals are in Chungdam.

I may just go around Apgujeong first get my gf to translate, maybe even go to the same clinic she did as hers turned out pretty. I do wish I had someone to travel with though :cry:..
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I say go with whoever YOU feel comfortable with.

Ive emailed a few clinics around S.Korea - some big, some small, some who are popular with foreigners etc... And I am going to choose who I feel is best for me.
I ask people their opinion but at the end of the day its your nose not theirs - obviously opinions help but I mean if you dont feel 100% about them then its not worth it and you should find someone else.

For me, I seen a few who are "better to S.Korean ppl" and stuff but that isnt important because 1) im not korean! And 2) most of the time the ones who are more popular amongst Koreans dont speak English which is a huuuuuge downer.

I NEED doctor who can speak English and has a decent grasp - no translators!! Thats why I thought VIP, Banobagi and ITEM are good cos they speak a good amount of English and I also like theit aesthetics.

Also the whole most popular amongst koreana thing may not be good unless you are actually korean anyway as all Asians - chinese, japanese - even have diff features so a doctor who is better with foreign may be better anyway :P

Obv if you are Korean then you can ignore that bit haha!!
But go with your gut. :smile:
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Hi, which place have you decided on? And what are you getting done? :smile:. Also for how long are you staying?
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Nothing wrong with having your friend translate!! And you cannot make your decision solely off how aesthetically-pleasing their site is or their before and after photos. Like you said go with whom you are most comfortable with :smile:. If money is not an issue then yes I suggest you go to the big cosmetic hospitals in Chungdam where they work on idols, the very rich and foreigners.
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Hi, I am still very much in my research phase so I have not yet decided on a date, but I am looking at sometime in June-August.

I do not know the technical terms so forgive me, but basically to raise the height of my nose bridge and tip, and slimmer alar base and tip. I have not yet decided on a doctor either.

If I ask my gf who lives in Korea she would definitely shop around with me in Apgujeong and then probably refer me to the clinic she had her nose job done, I would need her for translating..however we share manyy mutual friends word will get out that I went to Korea for a nose job :P and I kinda want to keep that discrete!

If I decide on a big cosmetic surgery hospital I definitely want to go with someone/have someone there.
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I'm looking to go late July here so if you're looking for someone to buddy up with let me know. I'm from the US though. I can't speak Korean.

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Oh so you must have decided on a doctor? And what are you looking to get done? :smile:
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Hey YAMZ what's ur email? email me pls! [email protected]. Have you received email from dr WT? I really want to go ...i can't stand my nose any longer =( I am waiting for art's results too..it's been 3 weeks, i wonder if she's ok!? lets stay in touch ...i really don't want to go alone=/
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