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Asian Nose Job 3

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You know you're getting one on your face right? :biggrin: To each their own.
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Yea. I know, one on the nose. but that one could be faded to very invisible..
but for the one under the breasts, I have checked that the scar could be still visible after 2-3 years...
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I dnt see a problem either being from a dead person... I mean donated.organs are from dead people also... Well "technically" not but ya get me...
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Just wondering, I know I posted before but no one replied...

Has anyway seen any reviews of ITEM or BANOBAGI CLINICS?? I am seriously considering these two as well but have not seen that many reviews so far compared to the other clinics. Would help so much!!

Also, in s.Korea I have found not many surgeons do goretex anymore? Seems rib or silicone ??
I kind of wanted goretex altho rib would be good and silicone is fine too... But for me seems only Shimmian rly uses goretex still and every other surgeons prefers silicone with one or two preferring rib...
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I was just at Real Clinic the other day. Their doctor uses gortex too

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Why don't any of the pictures in those threads show up? I signed up for an account, but the attachments in the threads all say I don't have the correct privileges to view pictures. Do I have to post something first in order to view pics?

I wanna see more of Wang's handiwork!
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Monthly reminder/notice:
Anyone will be in Seoul (VIP) during early September 2012?

Me and another forumer will be going together and it would be great to meet up with other members of tPF! I just recently did the FINAL confirmation with JoAnn/Chloe for my dates.

I'm shakin' in my boots with nervousness and anticipation - years in the making. It has come down to this!

Side note, with all this discussion about whether to use donor cartilage or autologous costal cartilage. I personally think it's best to use your own tissue. Avoids transplant rejection and the reabsorption rate is considerably lower.

That's just me, better safe than sorry. You don't know where that other person had done in the past or where they have come from - I think the scar is something so little to worry about. I'm sure that people won't judge on your "beauty" factor by the scar under your breasts....

I don't spend a majority of my time being naked and the only person that will know the scar is there is you and your significant other.

But anyway, like what Lex had stated earlier "To each their own."
Live and let live! :lol:
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This girl from the cheondamyu site is really pretty. I wish it said what material they used for her bridge! Anyone who can read Korean tell me?



Anyway... I have tried to weather through the ANJ thread #2 but it'll probably take me one full week to read through each page of that thread! It's so long, everytime I think about researching for my nose job I dread it, LOL. Everyone who has done their surgery - have you really read through every single page of both ANJ 1 and 2?

The girl above has a beautiful nose, but it doesn't look very real to me. I guess if you're going for drastic changes, it's never going to look natural (being Asian and having such a high nose), that's pretty much a given, right?

I've been wanting a nose job for a very long time, and this summer will be it I think! For many years I thought I wanted to get a full rhino with a bridge augmentation. But having read through this thread, at least, it seems the options for materials (silicone, goretex, rib cartilage) aren't ideal and all produce a bone-hard nose for years to come... PLUS, I have a small face and quite close set eyes, and I'm worried that a higher radix will make me look strange (and it would cast a shadow making me look older apparently!).

It's really made me rethink whether I really need or want a full rhino. I'm not really bothered about my profile. Do people get their bridges augmented because they want a better profile, or they want a better frontal view?

If all I want to do are alarplasty and tipplasty, which surgeons are particularly skilled at these? And is it possible to get a bridge augmentation AFTER you do the tip plasty/alarplasty?
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Ever considering driving to an airport that's somewhat nearby and has high passenger traffic? The bigger the airport, the lower the cost of the ticket?

Maybe? ;)

I would like to note also that I still have not heard back from Dr. Wang. I've sent him two emails (to the correct email address), the first one with my enquiries and the second one formally reminding him that he hasn't responded to my emails - firmly stating that it's highly unprofessional.

Whichever, Dr. Wang seems like an unresponsive _____ / prick. (Pun intended). :tdown:
I can only imagine the difficulty trying to contact him if something should happen post-op.
Well, their loss, no business for them.
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- Front profile: Face forward, neck straight, camera on the same level as your face - no angled shots).
- Lateral profile: Side view of your face.
- Upward view: Considered the photo where you can have the most perfect view of your nostrils.
- Downward view: Camera aimed downwards from your forehead with view of your nose.

Preferably hair out of face and tied back. And yes, no make-up. Especially if you like to contour your nose with shading and shadow (like what I do when I wear make-up). Don't worry about looking your best in these photos. Your plastic surgeon won't judge you - and if they do, they're not fit to operate on you. (:
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Well , i will discourage you to use donated rib for bridge. I know some girls from US who went to O & YOUNG for donated rib. They told me that their nose almost returned back to the original shape due to excessive reaborption.

I myself is torn between to have full self rib nose or silicon bridge+self rib nose tip.
For the first one, i am worried about the big scar ( normally from 3-5cm) and the possibility of warping.
If only use self rib for nose tip, the scar is only around 1 cm. and according to some girls who did that, they told me, the scar is almost invisiable after 1 yr.
however i am worrid about the possibility of shifting.
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