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Asian Nose Job 3

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When are you getting yours done? I'm doing mine in September
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I'm not gonna lie. I spent mad amount of money. :biggrin:
It was not overly expensive, but it ain't cheap at all. but every penny I paid is worth it now. my rhino with tip plasty and hump removal cost me 4500 USD, cheekbone reduction for 5000 USD, and v-line surgery for 10000 USD.
I hop this helps ! :smile:
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You went to BK, right? Dang, that's expensive. My V-line surgery at Banobagi was around 5500 USD. Your results came out so nice though so whatever it cost, it was well worth it.
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Can you tell us more about your story? Sorry to hear that you went through an unpleasant situation. How is your nose?
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Wow, that was cheap. How long have you been since your surgery ?
Do you like your result ? :smile:
Yup, for me it was very worth it especially when I think of myself before surgery. :biggrin:
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I'm day 14 post op. I cannot tell whether I like the result yet. I'm kinda worried right now because my chin looks SO BIG. I've seen other recovery pics of girls with V-line surgery, and none of their chins got this big. I'm kinda worried that something weird happened, like the doctor shaved the sides of my jawline and chin down, but didn't shave down the bottom so now the bottom looks big. The doctor told me not to worry, it's just swelling. Swelling moves downwards and it's collected at my chin at this point. My face does still feel very swollen and tender to the touch, and maybe the hardness on my chin is mostly swelling and not bone...

I was wondering, did you have any loose skin or sagginess after the procedure? I'm just wondering where the excess skin, tissue, and muscle gonna go now that the bone is gone...
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I went to the same doctor for my primary. For the amount he charged, it was a total rip off. It became even more apparent when I got my revision in Korea and saw the discrepancy in the quality of the work. The US doctor did a very sloppy job. He put an oversized crooked implant in my nose, and an oversized lopsided ear cartilage on my tip that was pointy on one side. My nose became deviated.

As soon as the bandages came off after my revision in Korea, I thought "WOW what a difference!" My nose tip is now perfect and symmetrical, and so much more refined and suited for my face. The US doctor seems to see way too many patients a day and uses a "one size fits all" approach for noses (lol). Yes, he also had bad bedside manners. He rushed through the consultation and post-op visits. I should've trusted my gut and not have gone to him, but I was naive and thought "He's so famous and expensive! He must be good!" That was $8000 down the drain.

To be fair, he revised my nose for free twice to fix the mess. That was nice of him. That's why I chose to leave his name out in this post, but if you do a little probing you'll know who I'm talking about. He replaced the first implant in the first revision then removed the implant in the second revision. Nothing was done to address the asymmetrical oversized cartilage graft he gave me so my nose still looked like crap.

I met another girl who had a very similar experience with the same doctor. I wonder what dulce_de_leche's experience was.
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wow the quote for v line surgery sounds quite expensive, but for everything else u listed it seems well worth it. lol i better start saving up!! thanks for the info.
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hey, im glad to hear tht another doctor in korea was able to fix the mess ure previous one made. i dont kno what it is about surgeons in the states but it seems like they are only experienced in operating on caucasian style noses. i thought about going to the states for my rhinoplasty a while back but thank god i realized how terrible they are! may i ask which surgeon u went to in korea, and what exactly u got done to ure nose??
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That sounds pretty scary.. I didn't have any loose skin after swelling came down. And for me, all the major swelling was gone by 13-14 post op. Did you drink pumpkin juice ? It really helps reduce swelling down fast. But that's weird that your chin got so big. For me, the swelling was mostly on my cheeks and side jaw line. I hope you feel better soon !
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It was for two procedures, square jaw reduction and chin augmentation.:smile:
And yes, I feel like I spent all the life saving money. haha
It was totally worth it though :biggrin:
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Hi people who has done nose job or anyone who has knowledge of it. How do you remove blackheads after a nose job? Mine is silicone implant and ear cartilage for tip. I'm 2 weeks post op. but I can't tolerate the black and white heads on my nose any longer. I'm scared to shift the implant so I try not to be rough w it. But how on earth am I going to remove those annoying blackheads w/o squeezing? Anybody could shed some light on this please? Thank you so much! :smile:
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