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Asian Nose Job 3

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lol you give the worst advice :P
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LMAO i couldnt agree more with what u said! and it rlly is true, ppl who love to talk alot will always find something to whisper about, surgery or no surgery, cant plz everyone.
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hey i think the only ppl u rlly need to worry about telling r ure parents and maybe some of ure close non judgmental friends who know how to keep secrets. even though my mom doesnt agree with plastic surgery i still told her that i want it and eventually will go through with it. just get ure nose done and when u come back everyone will juss have to guess what u had done. its rlly no one elses business but yours, and those noisy relatives tht u mentioned or gossipers will talk about u either way, so u should juss ignore them.

as for ure boyfriend, i dont think he has to agree with what ure doing but he shouldn't discourage u if its something u rlly want. at the end of the day its ure face not his. whats the worst that can happen, his girlfriend comes back prettier?? lol the best of luck to you :smile:
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I told my boyfriend and two close friends AFTER I had already booked my flight and decided to do the surgery. They told me I don't need plastic surgery because I'm already beautiful but I was already set on it so they could not change my mind. When they realized that they tried to be supportive. "Whatever makes you happy," they said.

I did not tell my parents. I am completely independent from them and I do not need the added stress of them harassing me about it when going through surgery itself is already stressful enough. I am 3 weeks post op and I still have not seen my parents. I had to tell them I was traveling since my phone was off for 3 weeks while I was in Korea. I'll probably see them in a couple of weeks, and they might notice a difference. If they do and bother me about it, I'll say "So what? It's already done." It's funny because my mom is totally against plastic surgery, yet she is hyper critical of everything about me including my looks. She would stare at my face, shake her head, and point out how bad my first nose job was, and how gaunt and nasty my face is. I can't win with her either way.

I did not tell acquaintances. When I came back with a swollen face, I told them I had dental work. I guess my change was so subtle that I could get away with it. If you're going for a more drastic change you're probably gonna have to suck it up and tell people you did it. You don't have to volunteer any information but if people ask, and they obviously can tell you had something done, just say "Yeah I had a few tweaks" and nothing more. People are likely to gossip MORE about you if it's obvious you had work done and you deny it because they will speculate and resent that you aren't honest about it. In my opinion, it's okay to be fake on the outside (plastic surgery) but it's terrible to be fake on the inside (lie about having surgery when it's so obvious you've had it).
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I guess you guys are right. If my boyfriend really loves me...he won't care if I had anything done as long as I come back safely.

I'm independent from my parents too and my side of the family just never got along. It was and will always be horrible. Both of my parents despise their siblings and parents to the max (even though they are all dead).

I love my boyfriend and he is more than a boyfriend to me. I know that if his looks suddenly changed, I would naturally be shocked or surprised at first. But I will gradually accept it because I love him for him and not for his appearance. As long as he's happy....

I'm just afraid since he really loves natural beauty and always says that I don't need any makeup at all. Yet he has made fun of my nose several times! So he kinda did bring my self-esteem down. =(
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Anyways, I don't know when or if I'm going. But if I do, I'm planning to stay at the hospital for 1 week to get the cast off before coming back overseas for 2 reasons: 1) Having bandages on your nose would look very wrong through airport security and I don't want to scare the people who live with me when I come home. 2) So that the doctor can do a post-op check up on my nose before I head back.

Has anyone ever done that and is it expensive to stay at a hospital for a week? I'm just really iffy on going to China (Dr. Wang) to have it done. Although many of his results are ideal to me, I've just heard a lot of bad things about the country in terms of their regulations and procedures. If something awful happens there, communication will be annoying since I cannot speak Mandarin (only Cantonese).
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I can't believe...the part about your mom...Hrm...u r soooooo pretty and have great skin. I hope u will share your after pics with me. :smile:
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Question, do clinics normally charge consultation fees. Just wondering, I am on a budget I plan on 5-6 clinics to consult with. So far ID is asking for a 50,000KRW fee.
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Thanks for the kind words. My mom is really ridiculous and toxic, but she's my mom so I have to put up with it. Yeah, when I'm all healed up we can swap pics. How's your nose looking?
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Although it's harder to get away with it with people who know you well, they say that changing your hair colour distracts attention away from any changes to the face. This is Asian has plans to bleach all over and go pink after rhinoplasty.
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greatnose, I'm from the UK but I plan to go with VIP in July if I get a better quote with the ear cartilage or fat graft. They gave me a quote for rib cartilage for $9500, and I'm pretty sure that's almost twice as much as I've seen.
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It is the normal price VIP quote for foreigner. I am still not very comfortable with the idea I'd having a rock hard nose which VIP does for most patients.
I ve come across a Korean clinic which also specialize in rib. They don't have foreign website so I suppose their patients pool are based on locals.
For those interested, u can check out this website.
If anyone happens to know this clinic, appreciate u can share with us more info on this.:smile:
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