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Asian Nose Job 3

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hey im soo glad to hear that ure coming around to ure results and like them now. after surgery im sure we're all going to hate how we look until all the swelling goes away with time. if u do happen to take before and after pics i would love to see them as well through pm if ure comfortable :smile:
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o lol okaii i see. from what others described on this forum rib rhinoplasty doesn't seem as painful as i thought it would be.
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may i ask what materials (for bridge and tip) ure friend used for her rhinoplasty with dream?
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lol ure considering genioplasty now?? well i heard the surgery can be done under local anesthesia so i guess it cant be much worse then going through rib rhinoplasty which requires general. for the genioplasty do u want to just forward ure chin, or shorten the length as well?
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She had silicone . I'm not sure about her tip though . I'll ask her when I see her at work this weekend .

And in case someone was interested ... Dr.Kenneth Kim from Los Angeles is partnered with Dream in South Korea . I have an online Skype consultation with him April 11 . I will update with that when I can . Here is his price listing he sent me :

Rhinoplasty can use various techniques depending on individual nose types and speicialized techniques. More information will be provided after the first consultation.
The estimated cost of the rhinoplasty are:
- Rhinoplasty with tiplasty (using ear cartilage) $4000
- Rhinoplasty with silicone and ear cartilage $5000
- Rhinoplasty with hump reduction and osteomy $5000
o Addition of alar reduction $1000 extra

He's definitely an "eyes" surgeon , but I want to hear him out on what he has to say about rhinoplasty . I just love that he speaks perfect English and I know I'll feel safe with him .
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Thank you, yeah you're right, I shouldn't had been too soon to judge my result on the early days post ops. Sure I will share you my B&A pics. Take care :smile:
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My friends consulted with Dr. Kim a few weeks ago in LA. He sent them the same price list; price quote was $7k for ear cartilage and silicone w/ osteotomy. He has very few before/after photos, and when they asked to see more in the office, his assistant refused.
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Nice side profiles on his site but his pictures are deceiving. The before pictures are slightly turned more to the left if you compare the eyebrows and forehead. The after is turned toward the right making the bridge looks higher. The front view is just bad, not much change. The tip does look nice on the side though, slightly upturned... fits well on a woman's face.
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A quick question for those who are/have travelled overseas, did you have any issues purchasing travel insurance when the purpose of the trip is for PS? Because the insurance I'm looking at purchasing for this trip says I can't purchase if i'm going overseas for medical treatment??? Thanks all :smile:
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I hope I can somewhat help you.
I've lived abroad for quite some time, I didn't really needed to purchase travelers insurance since CIGNA (my provider) had overseas coverage. The neat thing was that the cities I lived in didn't really have a healthcare insurance... it was... like you could walk into a pharmacy and request for an X amount of prescriptions (like Birth Control Pills) and walk out with it. No questions asked. Cost for appointments and doctor consultations were really low too.

Korea is an overall safe place and the locals are very welcoming. There shouldn't be anything that you should be worried about. As for the insurance policy and having medical treatment, I think that's kinda a given because you're knowingly putting yourself into the hands of doctor for medical treatment.

If you still want to purchase insurance, there are a few important notes to take down:
- Does the center / clinic take/agree to the insurance that you have?
- Does the insurance apply to the country you are living in?
- Does the insurance apply to the country you will be traveling to?
- Talk to the clinic that you may be interested in and ask if should anything go wrong after surgery, will they try to fix it? etc

There may be limitations to when you cross overseas and into another area where they have different insurance laws. Actively research! And never buy an insurance without revealing to them the true purpose of the trip (ie. Telling them that you're visiting a friend when actually you are going for surgery), otherwise your insurance might be considered as voided/fraud (when trying to make a claim)!

I kinda babbled on... :biggrin:
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Hi Schrodinger, thanks for the reply. I purchased travel insurance the last time I went to korea but didn't have to make a claim. This time I'm just wondering if I will still be covered if the purpose of your trip is for "medical treatment".
Gah, I will have to give them a call I guess =.=;;
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Hi guys, I wanna ask about safety issues in south Korea. Is it safer to bring your valuables along w u or leaving them in your hotel? I'll be staying in a guest house but in a private room. I think I'll ask if there's a safe inside my room. Cos I'll be bringing >10 mil KRW cash along w me. I'm so scared and nervous.

Did u guys bring iPad/ MacBook during your trip? Is it safe to leave it in the hotel room or bring it along w u?

Another issue, how did you stay connected w your family? My parents would want me to call or contact them everyday. My guest house has free wifi. Guess I'll email them or what haha.

Thank you! x
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