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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi Karagiselle

Which clinic is that? If I were u I will not choose that clinic... And I will question that consultant abt it. It's mutual understanding that patient would like to bring translator is for better communication there is nothing wrong to do that hence u r the consumer she has no right to control. Btw dr do know about the price. Just that they have a base price margin.
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translators sometimes charge a commission for bringing patients to a clinic. maybe the clinic did not want to give up a commission (probably about 10%)

you can ask other patients from that clinic about what price they got. the clinic can't really stop you from talking to people in the lobby
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Hey guys
Wow its been seriously a looooong time since i last checked in to this forum. I have learnt so much! Thanks everyone for your insightful input. I finally picked up the courage (and get enough $$$) to do rib cart rhino. Booked tickets to korea and all, and actually have booked the date with VIP in mid of March. AND THEN i decided to check back on this forum and upon seeing some negative reviews on VIP, now im getting cold feet again.

Then like some of u, seeing Dr Wang Ting's amazing work, i am wavering back n forth now. Should i go through with VIP? Someone please advise. Because they DO quote A LOT higher than Dr WT. If i want to do the whole package to complement a new nose ie. Paranasal augmentation n chin implant, it will be more than USD 10,000!! Even with multiple surgeries, Joann still wont budge to give me discount. Ouch.
Actually price should not be my Number 1 factor, when it comes to a quality nose. But i couldnt help but notice Joann is not too sincere in her email replies. What i mean is she did not ever suggest other procedures that could help in achieving my dream nose, maybe she sensed early on my budget constraint. I mean i think my alar is too wide n i hate it, but she did not say i should get alar reduction n even when i brought it up, she still say i dont really need it.

Whereas Dr WT (or his assistant) replied they say i need alar reduction, on top of paranasal augmentation AND chin implant. Furthermore, its ideal to thin down the cheek too.

Anyway, my point is, i dont mind too much the price as long as i know im going into this thing fully prepared of the prospect that it MIGHT somewhat resemble the dream nose i want. After hearing so many horror regretful stories bout nose job, the last thing i want to do is jump into this half hearted. Now though, unfortunately, im getting disheartened that VIP might not be the best choice for me... Since im such a perfectionist, and also this would be my first time.

Somebody please advise me, should i go through with VIP? Or since im in doubt now, should i pull the plug? Hmmm
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Well maybe she didn't reccomend the procedure is because alot of people on the
Asian Nose Job 2 forums were criticizing and complaining how VIP and Joanne were being too pushy salesman and were recommending too many procedures for their patients . i guess they must have read this forum and backed off from those tactics.

To me i really don't mind if any doctor is recommending this and that procedure , i mean come on it's not like their forcing them to do all these procedures. i think alot of people go into surgery thinking they will look like some sort of asian celebrity if they get this nose job and this eye job. But that's far from the truth because certain features will only look good on certain people with the right facial structure. You really have to find a nose that will suit and complement your whole facial features or unless you want to alter the rest of your facial bone structure.

The best advice i can give you is that if you still want to do a nose job with VI'P or any doctor. First be precise and clear in what kind of nose you want to achieved. Second bring a photo of the nose so the doctor can see and visualize . Third don't confused the doctors with so many technical terms like AnglePlane did because the doctor is not gonna be able to absorb all that information in 15 minutes consultations. Just stick to the point and be clear of what you want. And if the doctor's and your ideal nose collides then i would move on to the next doctor and get another opinion. But you have to remember their are limitations on what the doctor can do for you depending on your nose structure /

As far as Dr. Wang , it's still too early and risky because i have not seen enough patients on this forums . But he really does have an amazing talent /
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So many ppl go to Korea in the middle of March. If you guys are still there on the 1st or 2nd April, we could meet up fellows addicted to PS :smile:) haha

Honest advice for those who are hesitant about choosing the clinic: Good/Bad Reviews really dont ALWAYS reflect the outcome of the surgery or the skill of a surgeon. I think because each of us has their own preference and idea of what we wanna change on our own face, deciding which clinic to get the surgery based on only Good/Bad reviews on this forum is totally tricky. The best way for you guys is go directly to the clinic and get a proper consultation with the doctor because he will advise what is best for you FACE TO FACE based on your feature. And you can take a look at his many actual nj at the clinic because there will b patients coming in n out for the check up, get an idea what the doctor's style and his skill is. Or at least search for as many as possible B&A photos. Nobody on this forum could recommend you on what you gonna get for yourself and You HAVE TO decide on your own !!!!

Anyone tell you "You should go to/have this and that" They are all sale representatives
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I'm sure VIP can deliver the results you want, and since you booked the tickets already, just know that NO doctor has 100% positive reviews and you will be in good hands as long as you feel confident with the doctor (assuming you've done all your research)

Be realistic with your surgery, especially if you are only getting one procedure, and you should be mostly satisfied with the results.
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Hello everybody,

>>>>If you plan to go to VIPps please read my testimonial first !!!!
I had my nose revision (implant silicon removal) with a rib cartilage at VIP ps , just 2 weeks ago. (11500usd)
I was supposed to visit Shimmian (dr jung)too, but Johann stressed me to book now!
Vip is a busy clinic and I couldn't have spoke to doctor Lee before my surgery !!
there is 2 surgeon in the clinic ( dr Lee for rhinoplasty, and dr Song) unbelievable or not, i've met dr Lee 5 min before the operation..??!!

I had my operation at around 11am, and I woke up around 7pm. (8 hours!!)
It is a very big operation, and it is better to be accompanied by someone (familly, friend..)

the first 2 days, you stay in the clinic, and then you'll be move to a guesthouse from 10 min walk to the clinic.
You'll see the doctor everyday morning.

After 7 days, my face was very weird, and I 've realised that I had unwanted lipossuccion on cheeks !
After speaking to the doctor and manager, I had another fat grafting surgery to restore the fat on my cheeks (it was free of charges).

10 days post surgery, all the stitches have been removed, and I finally could have seen my nose.
My nose was huge, but everybody keeps saying it's the swelling.
It was horrible to pass the immigration control at the airport !

14 days post surgery, today my nose is still very huge.
I'm very worried, and I've wrote to Chloe (the english manager of VIP) and she asked me to wait and not to worried but i'm still not convinced by her answers.

the doctor is very nice, and all the staff at the clinic are great and really give a good care.

but still I'm very worried about the size of my nose.. it is so huge that I can't go outside..I had quit my job and I can't see my friend... I really feel depressed alone at home.. I have the same size as caucasian male nose !

A correction is possible only 1 year after the surgery... i'm very worried that I will have to wait like this during a year !!

I will let you know how my nose progress every week.
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Please be patient because two weeks is way too early to tell. You have to wait at least two months to look normal. Your smile won't be normal until four months.
Keep in mind that this is your second surgery, so you will be more swollen.

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2 weeks is WAY too early to be judging the outcome of ure nose. u just underwent a huge surgery so ure nose has been through alot of trauma. quite a few ppl on this forum have gone to vip so im sure they'll be able to reassure u tht ure nose is going to be fine. expect ur nose to look quite ginormous until the 1 or 2 month mark. alot of swelling is quite normal and expected. just relax and dont think about it too much.

im sure ull have good results :smile:
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Dr Wang got back to me.

He mentioned he will be free only on 26th March, (gees!), so I guess I will fly on April then.
They dont operate on weekends I think.

Asking him about the operation duration, he told me it would vary from 3-5hours!
That fast? I thought normally a rib rhino will take up to 8hours. :S

He also confirmed again they provide free transportation from airport to their clinic.

I will be flying on the 7-8th April then, anyone wants to tag along? !! :graucho:
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i guess part of the time for other doctors includes the time that it takes to wake up from anesthesia.
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