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Asian Nose Job 3

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i agree, Dr.Wang's noses tends to be on the higher side but i personally don't mind as much. my main concern is the size and width of the alar. the selling point for me is that you are able to "wiggle" the tip of the nose after using rib. i only regret chatting with Dr.He briefly, but would you happen to know if there is tip flexibility with rib like Dr.Wang's noses? here's an example in case i'm confusing you http://www.wangmd.cn/asian/_shipin_qiaoqiao18geyuehouribenmmruangulongbihoubitoushougan_2516.htm

that's awesome! wish he would also come to the east coast as well. what are you planning to have done with him if you don't mind me asking?
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his email is the same on both sites.. so i guess it's good go? btw, can you also share with me his B&A pics? :smile:
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Hey yamz,

thanks for sharing!
I still prefer Dr Wang's result more than Dr He's after visiting that website. Hehe.

Where are you from? And are you also going for a NJ any time soon?
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Hi guys,

Below is an extract of Dr Wang's reply to my queries.

"Yes, we can pick you up if flight arrival time is not too late or early. We will drive you to hotel directly. Hotel don't provide breakfast, you may buy some from nearby shops.

More discount can be obtained if you take more time to budget with their frontdesk. Infact they have been providing discount rate to our patients for a long time.

Wifi service is option in hotel, you should ask it first. We provide free wifi in clinic anyway.

Last but not lest, you may need a visa to enter China, check the issue before order air ticket. "

The hotel doesn't provide any breakfast! So I must get all my food ready before the surgery and store in the fridge. Gees. And he mentioned the hotel he recommended has been giving discounted rates to his patients for a long time, so he must have quite an substantial amount of overseas patients then I guess. :/

Luckily for me, I don't require any visa to enter China, saves me the money& trouble to get one! Phew. So do check before you book your air ticket for people who is interested in going to China.

I will most probably be reaching DLC on the 10th April, 10am. Consult & have my surgery in the afternoon and fly back on 17th April, 11am flight.
The bad thing is that there is no direct flight from Singapore to DLC. I have to transit to ShangHai airport from Singapore airport then to Da Lian airport.
Damn, have to spend few hours in the airport doing nothing..
And that applies to the trip back. Me with a mask waiting for my flight in a foreign airport for hours :sad:
Then me in the plane with the unsightly mask on my face again and with the stares from strangers, :sad: I am already hating it!!!

Anyone can share your experience on going through that? I will be going alone so I will definitely feel EXTREMELY awkward and uncomfortable wearing the mask and receiving weird stares from people!!
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I understand what you meant. But I thought all the rib tip will become flexible after awhile. Even in that youtube you shared, Dr Wang mentioned that rip tip will be hard initially. But it ill eventually become softer.
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Are you sure you want to flight back to Singapore not even after 7 days of surgery? Rib nose is no small deal. I think you may want to reconsider the lenght of stay there. I am from Singapore also. =)
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Did Dr. Tim Wang operate on this girl?
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no. if you read the article, i think it says which clinic. i dont remember which one it was, but nobody talked about that clinic on the forum
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at almost one year post op, my tip is still hard and i can only move it side to side by a few mm

rib tips are only flexible (but not soft) if the surgeon uses a certain technique to build the structure. not all of them become soft and flexible (rib cartilage will always be hard). it depends on how the surgeon builds the structure
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does it feel/look very stiff or awkward when you speak, eat, or smile? or did yours become more natural looking over time? can you do the piggy nose now lol or still a no go? i originally was planning to go with gortex but some people have suggested rib instead but i want to research it some more before i take the next step. better be safe then sorry!
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i prefer dr.wang's noses more also lulz :smile: some of the profile views from the after pics are amazinggg imo *__* but wish he would also provide a frontal b&a along with it also so i can sense out the balance

i was born in malaysia but now living in new york. i am hoping to go either by the end of this year or the beginning of next, if the world doesn't end lol but still needa do more research and "shop" around for the right clinics.

please let us know how your ps goes with dr.wang! i'm so anxious abt your NJ since dr.wang is one of my top picks atm lol
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