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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi. By the look of your screen name I assume you're a girl. I'm a guy. Planning possible later this fall or even winter. I'm in the states as well but haven't really found anyone here that could do rib rhinoplasty as well as what I've seen on the Korean websites w/ the exception of Dr. Turiomi in Chicago but he charges arm and a leg.

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Hey Kain,

Thanks for the add. You look pretty young; late teens/early twenties. Did you get your jaw angle defined; implants? It looks sharper in the after pics. Nice nose indeed.

Seeing your 7 days post op pic gives me hope of being presentable in such a short time after surgery. I plan to attend a conference a week later (no one will know me there) in hope of extending my vacation by 2 weeks before returning to work.
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Does sound like it. Why go w/ Goretex or foreign materials unless you plan to redo as you age? I plan to do it once; if it turns well and be set for life.

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This is exactly how my nose revision at VIP turned out. I have exaclty the same shape as the girl on the page 20 post by "greatnose".
Now i'm 1 month post nose revision at VIP > my Nose is awfull ! it is bulbous, large, high, long and absolutely not feminine. Like actor Lee Min Ho. but on my face, it doesn't suit at all.
I hate my nose job at VIP, I'm going to complain to the clinic.

You're right "DAN4ME" I should have checked the "MEDICAL LIABILITY COMPENSATION PROGRAM. " but I think most of korean clinic don't have it, I can't find it on the website.

male and female nose jobs are different. In my opinion VIP makes good job for male nose but not for female. I really don't recommend this clinic for girls, it is the worse nose job I ever had. (worse than Ozclinic and Bkclinic clinic where I had my previous implant)

PLease anyone help me to find a surgeon who is able to reoperate on a rib/cartilage nose graft ?
For the moment only know dr Wang Ting who had accepted to retouch my nose but after 3 months.
I'm trying to find people unsatisfied with their rib/cart graft and had fixed the problem.
I can't go outside, I can't see my friends and familly, I can't return to work.. and can't see the person I love the most in this world... I really need a solution.

TO Snowlicious, i'm sorry I couldn't answer you as I didn't post 10 messages. Please don't go to VIP. I pray that it's not too late.

To PandaBear, i'm sorry, I couldn't have met you in Seoul, I'm glad that everything went well for you. ^^
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VIP is known for creating a dramatic change to the nose if you want a high profile caucasian nose.

i will agree that their nose job is better suited to the male patient. Whereas female nose is more delicate and should be slimmer and smaller. Having a bigger nose on a male patient gives him a stronger more masculine look which is why it works better with guys.

But i wouldn't neccessarily say VIP is a bad place for some girls to get a nose job. Because their are some girls on this forum who do like that high caucasian nose job. It just depends on what kind of style nose job your looking for.

My best advice for anyone considering a rib rhinoplasty is to go back and thoroughly read back on Asian Nose Job 2 thread and you will see the pros and cons . What one person considers a good nose job might be a bad nose job for another person. So it's really subjective and biased to base our opinion on what others like. That's why i always try not to just listen to what one person on the forum has to say. i tried to keep an open eye and hear it from both side whether it be positive or negative.
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Hey vk82,

Have you had your rhinoplasty, yet. I remember reading old posts from forum 2 you were thinking but haven't seen if you've had it done. What else are you planning to have done? Male here; from the states.
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i haven't done my rhinoplasty yet for another 2 years from now. i'm still researching and keeping my options open. i like to check this forum from time to time to see what's new and what i can learned. Right now im leaning towards VIP but who knows that could change in 2 years from now cause you never what new doctors or technique might be available in the future . So i just sit back and learn from other people's trial and error.

Like i said in my earlier post don't just based your opinion on what one person has to say. Read all the post and do your research. And don't go by what i say either because even i find myself biased at times when im talking about VIP . VIP might be right for me but it might not be the right place for another person. So just take what everyone has to say with a grain of salt /

i had originally plan on doing just a nose job when i started researching nose job but afte reading through all this post im finding other procedures that i might be interested in like forehead implants and parasnals. But who know i think i will have 5 consultatin with different Korean doctors to see what they reccomend. One doctor might reccomend this and another might not , so i just have to keep an open eye and see what works best for my whole facial structures !
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Oh okay. That's quite a way away. How old are you now? I'm afraid the longer I wait, the more expensive things will get. Prices keep going up every year. Dr. comes Dr. goes. :smile:.

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Money is not an issue for me. The qualities and skills of the surgeons is far more important to me when choosing a Doctor . i can always make more money later but i can't undo the damage inflicted to my face by a terrible Plastic Surgery gone wrong.

Well i won't be revealing my age but you can guess just by looking at my Screen Name :lol:
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LOL. That's what I thought, 82. You've got a couple of years, yet. Haha... j/k, I know I know.

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i thought u need to stay at least 10 days to get the stitches removed from your rib incision?maybe I am wrong.
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I am still deciding on which doctor to go. Currently I ve read many good reviews about VIP. However I also noticed that some ppl feedback about droopy nose tip from this clinic. Droopy nose tip is definitely something I don't want. Anyone in this forum has asked for a curves nose budge with slightly upturn nose tip with VIP and turned out to be the exact nose shape that u like? Pls share with us.

Currently on my list, there are VIP, jwbeauty,o&young,101ps
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Hi, vk, may I ask I u r male or female? :smile:
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yes there are many good reviews on vip, and a couple of bashings from some crazy people..haha. i think we need to take everything into account and analysis what comments should affect our decision.

i think the droopy nose tip thing is mostly due to swelling? i hate that look as well, so will definitely make that clear to the doc. it seems like the slightly curved bridge.. n upturned effect is possible, but only suitable for girls.. so no issues there. dont think u need to worry too much..

so far i've only been to dream and vip.. prob will check out a few more but if if it's going to be ribs.. i think vip seems to be the best choice.
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